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WPT Fallsview Satelite

Posh Punter

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I've just got through to the next round of the WPT Fallsview Satellite on Party Poker. :nana:nana:nana A $2 entry in one of their rebuys and I came 4th, (top 7 gained entry), and I didn't rebuy once. I know it's not a great deal to many of you, but as i've only been playing about 6 months, there's no way I'd pay the $75 entry fee. 21 others in there at the moment. Got to play the qualifer at 3 in the morning. I'd only gone back to Party Poker cos they offered me $10 to do so. :lol :lol

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Re: WPT Fallsview Satelite nice one posh:ok a $2 buy in for a $75 seat is good work. just dont worry about the buy in etc when you do play(you did only pay a few dollars after all);) play your usual game and dont expect the play to be that much better as it probably wont be(well apart from the rebuy part,doubt itll be that loose). a lot of the players will probably have qualied from the same steps as you. those buying in for $75 would probably be a little better but you get donks buying in at all levels:tongue2 :hopefor a bit of luck and who knows

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Re: WPT Fallsview Satelite Thanks for the good luck wishes. I'll try and play it as a normal game as ubermonkey says. The qualifer was really loose to start with and with a good had was relatively easy to double up, not expecting that this time. Will keep you updated.

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Re: WPT Fallsview Satelite Finished 34th out of 78. Got very little dealt to me and eventually made a move with KQ suited when short stacked. Got called by somene holding J 5 offsuit, he hit a flush with his 5 card on the river. The game just isn't fair sometimes. Never mind put this one down to experience.

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