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Hey, I've just joined the site with the recommendation of another user here. First time i've visited a poker forum as such to be honest. Just a few questions and i hope i can intergrate with the forum and become a part of some great discussions. How often do you guys play, and is this professionally for a living or in the evening for some extra on the side or purely for fun? And what software/sites do you use?

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Re: New to the site :welcomeidontfeardeath. pretty much every type of player plays here really:ok from those that play for fun(but still want to find quality tourneys ) there are a lot of us who probably look at it as a good source of extra income(me for one) i would expect a large proportion of the players on here do make at least a decent bit of pin money+get to a live final every now and then. and there are also some pro's as well;) one the springs to mind is the mole as he is a great example of what can be possible. 3 years ago he was playing $3 tourneys like the rest of us smucks, last year he won over $1.5million:eek as for where we play.........pretty much anywhere and everywhere really:D best place to look is the poker tourney section in the daily thread:ok each day has the regular tourneys that run daily/weekly and also people tend to post up good games on there. a lot of us also play live all over the country and indeed world:) around 10 or us played in this years world series ,a couple played the aussie millions(one came 18th:clap:clap) we only stick to tried and trusted sites, any that mess people around tend to get a bad rep very quickly. most of the tourneys are there because they are good value etc so most are worth a look. as for how often we play ,i would guess a lot of us play at least a few nights a week,some most nights:loon

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Re: New to the site Yeah i got wrapped up reading some of the threads earlier and didnt realise i was meant to have started 'working' again 20 mins ago. You say you only play on tried and trusted sites, what do you think of PKR? Mole, its cool to hear your story and i will try to give the article in the inside poker magazine a read. GLC if it would help i wouldn't mind just throwing bananas at you?

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Re: New to the site i dont play on pkr myself as the animation slows up the game a bit(or so i'm told). i know a lot of people regard it as pretty weak play wise, but i would probably get bored if it is slow. i think my most used sites at the mo are 32red,laddies, paradise,virgin,stans,full tilt,pokeroom and stars but i probably have around 30-40 ish accounts. i know some people have near enough a 100:loon it can be a bit of a pain having a lot of accounts ,but to get the best value games you have to shop around a bit:ok

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Re: New to the site PKR is OK if you want to play 1 table at a time with a load of gimps who like emotes. There's tonnes of bad players there but as much as PKR try they can't get me back there as their software is limited to playing 4tables at a time, and TBH my laptop lagged with only 2 going. FullTilt and PokerStars are the hardest sites overall but it's all beatable really. :welcome

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Re: New to the site Welcome to the forum Lou, it seems pretty decent here quite a bit of activity and as said already in the thread apparently there are a fair few decent poker players here. How long have you been playing? I have another question, majority of the talk seems to be about tournament play, many people play 'cash' games?

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Re: New to the site

FullTilt and PokerStars are the hardest sites overall but it's all beatable really.
Only because they have the most players and it takes longer to fill up your data base of knowledge.;) My two most profitable sites but only bcause I go undetected for longer. :welcome LouW, great site, The ammount of info on here even makes a losing player like me a profitable one:dude
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Re: New to the site :welcomelou actually lets ask you 2 some questions:ok i take it you play mainly on pkr then idfd:unsure,do you play cash/tourneys or a bit of both, and at what sort of levels. and lou where do you usually play , are you mainly cash or tourney? also how long have you both been playing?

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Re: New to the site I downloaded PKR about 3/4 days ago have been playing on fulltilt and bluesq nothing big though $5 tourneys not been playing long at all and even less time online. Started around xmas 2006 was a cash game, i lost about £35 in the space of about an hour was pissed up and in my drunken state persuaded to join in the game as they would teach me it to me as we went along, they took there oppertunity well lol (bearing in mind though this was at the end of a 9 hr session after i'd just won a darts final). I woke up the next morning decided i was going to make sure i got that money back and so asked my dad to start to teach me the game. Play in a few bars in and around my area now and although i wouldnt call myself good i certainly wont be made a fool of anymore. Next time i met up with these guys we were going to the dogs, and i was £80 up before we got on the coach to take us to the track. I did warn em i was going to get my money back. ;)

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Re: New to the site

I downloaded PKR about 3/4 days ago have been playing on fulltilt and bluesq nothing big though $5 tourneys not been playing long at all and even less time online. Started around xmas 2006 was a cash game, i lost about £35 in the space of about an hour was pissed up and in my drunken state persuaded to join in the game as they would teach me it to me as we went along, they took there oppertunity well lol (bearing in mind though this was at the end of a 9 hr session after i'd just won a darts final). I woke up the next morning decided i was going to make sure i got that money back and so asked my dad to start to teach me the game. Play in a few bars in and around my area now and although i wouldnt call myself good i certainly wont be made a fool of anymore. Next time i met up with these guys we were going to the dogs, and i was £80 up before we got on the coach to take us to the track. I did warn em i was going to get my money back. ;)
nice:)nothing like a bit of competition to get you focused on something. at least a lot of the games that we do play or post up should be around your usual buy in:ok. so you should find some good value tourneys coming up pretty regularly.
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