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GUKPT Luton - day 2 started


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Re: GUKPT Luton - day 2 started Can't see him here. End of Level 11 Chip Counts August 9th, 2008 at 4:13 pm Table - Seat - Player - Chip Count 11 - 3 - Leo Kam - 153400 11 - 9 - David La Ronde - 151900 3 - 4 - Paul Foltyn - 146400 11 - 1 - Gary Cargill - 138200 7 - 4 - Andreas Mihail - 129600 11 - 6 - Jonathan Martin - 122000 1 - 3 - Paul Rigg - 116900 11 - 4 - Wayne Mardle - 114200 5 - 6 - Peter Arrigoni - 110200 2 - 9 - Robert Sherwood - 101700 7 - 1 - Iwan Jones - 101000 5 - 4 - Ian Frazer - 97600 6 - 9 - Andy Bradshaw - 88800 3 - 2 - Richard Gryko - 87700 6 - 8 - Dara Okearney - 82100 3 - 9 - James Dempsey - 81000 2 - 7 - Jonothon Butters - 72200 11 - 8 - Sam Trickett - 67800 2 - 3 - Phillipa Flanders - 67100 1 - 8 - Mark Wilson - 66100 3 - 5 - Javed Akhtar - 65500 7 - 6 - Huseyin Yilmaz - 64100 1 - 4 - Nikhil Persaud - 63700 1 - 9 - Ken Wong - 63200 2 - 5 - Ian Cox - 60300 4 - 2 - Sami Yusuf - 57300 7 - 8 - Dana Immanuel - 52900 5 - 3 - Nick Gibson - 50800 7 - 2 - Graham Wheldon - 44800 4 - 9 - James Mitchell - 44300 3 - 8 - Stuart Rutter - 43300 5 - 5 - Robert Garfield - 41700 1 - 1 - Jeffery Rogers - 38700 2 - 6 - Andy Warnes - 38300 3 - 3 - Mickey Wernick - 38200 5 - 9 - Adam Wilkinson - 37600 6 - 2 - Martin Jarvis - 37400 4 - 5 - David Seear - 37000 2 - 10 - Stuart Barnett - 34500 7 - 3 - Panicos Ellinas - 34300 5 - 8 - Paul Noury - 32100 4 - 8 - Martin Green - 31500 3 - 6 - Mark Suddes - 31000 6 - 3 - Gurinder Purewal - 30900 1 - 5 - Steve Jelinek - 30500 3 - 1 - Steve Tucker - 30400 1 - 2 - Anthony Chapman - 29900 5 - 7 - John Fake - 29200 6 - 1 - Liam Boland - 27700 11 - 7 - Conan Bailey - 27500 7 - 7 - Neil Bethune - 26900 1 - 6 - Martin Robinson - 26800 11 - 2 - Richard Furse - 26700 6 - 7 - K Sole - 25900 4 - 1 - Darran Judges - 24100 4 - 6 - Michael Manning - 24000 6 - 4 - Christopher Kyriacou - 23600 1 - 7 - Albert Sapiano - 23500 2 - 8 - David Gregory - 23400 11 - 5 - Tim Flanders - 22500 6 - 5 - David Sargeant - 22200 3 - 7 - Flemming Stensgaard - 20900 7 - 5 - David Clark - 20500 5 - 2 - Desmond Jonas - 19700 6 - 6 - Emma Jones - 19500 2 - 1 - Eddie Gaines - 18500 2 - 4 - Yucel Eminoglu - 17700 4 - 7 - Trevor Pearson - 17600 4 - 4 - Chris Moorman - 16800 5 - 1 - Peter Wigglesworth - 15400 4 - 3 - Graham Rogers - 14900

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Re: GUKPT Luton - day 2 started

Richard was out after 15 minutes. Went down to chip leader with 88 v AK. Flop 235 and 4 :eyes. Well done Rich anyways :ok.
The 4 came on the river at which point I clapped my hands thinking his snowmen had held up and then wondered why he was standing up with a pissed-off look on his face. :$ The least I could do was buy him and Holy-Moley a beer.
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Re: GUKPT Luton - day 2 started Got back from Luton about an hour ago, after dropping Steph off at the airport. Had another enjoyable weekend of poker and the occasional beer :cheers I was drawn in day 1a on Thursday, and had a fairly uneventful start, losing about 900 chips by the end of level 4. Didn't really get many hands, and had to throw a couple of pocket pairs away in the face of a raise and re-raise. Ten minutes into level 5, I got involved in a hand with AQ suited, which I'll post in strategy in a bit. I ended up folding the hand, but would have won it and moved on to about 23k :wall By the end of level 6 I was down to about 6k, and expecting to go out soon afterwards, but 3 shoves in a row got me back up to about 10k. Then moved tables and finally got aces - another short stack shoved and turned over 67, then flopped open-ended straight draw, but thankfully missed. Then got up to about 28k after flopping a set of 7s in a pot against the big stack on the table. Then played steady to get through to the end of day 1. Picked Steph up early Friday morning, and started the day off with a few beers in the hotel at 9.30!! After he went out, we both played a bit of cash (me at 1/2, Steph at 5/10) - was down about £170, but managed to get most of it back by then end of the night. Day 2 of the main event was over very quickly, not much to say about it really. Was pleased to make day 2, but will be aiming for better next time. Spent the afternoon in the bar with ColUFC, Steph, and his mate Olly, before hitting the cash tables about 7.30. Only played 3 hands in first 3 hours, but won big pots every time :ok. Knocked it on the head about 2am, when we all had a fry-up. Ended up leaving casino at 6am after watching Steph winding up the cash table for a couple of hours :rollin:rollin Cheers to Dave for coming to rail :clap Looking forward to the next one already :ok

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Re: GUKPT Luton - day 2 started I got home last night (shattered) after a fantastic weekend. Richard is such a bad influence making me drink so much but hey ho it would have been rude not to join in as he did make the effort to pick me up and take me back to the airport ( cheers Richard very much appreciated ). As you can see from above i was vul to go out on the hand, but the strange thing is i knew the second he turned 88 i was going to lose, dont know why but you just get that feeling. Anyway back to the bar for a few nippy sweeties and some good banter. Later on as Richard said we hit the cash tables. I played pretty loose at the start to wind the table up, which really annoyed a few players, this works perfectly for me as i can then take advantage of "everyone out to get me" busted about 5 of them and decided to call it a night. Saturday i was full of hope for Richard but he just never got going and was in the worst seat of the tourney ( right of the chip leader). I would also like to say cheers to Dave for making the effort to come along and meet up with us. We spent a nice afternoon having a chat and a few beers in the bar. Another successful cash game at night finished off another enjoyable day. Nest one for me will be the Scottish in 3 weeks, hope to see a few of you there!!

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