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Interesting spot at 50PLO

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Right ive started a little scrap book (well e-scrap book in word) with my most troublesome/biggest losers/suckouts etc to see whether i could have done anything different. Another reason for this is to give me a better understanding of the game/odds in different spots i.e. whats my equity with top set vs an oe straight draw and flush draw... Onto the hand, villain is a reg (if there is such a thing at 50PLO on betfair), ive seen 'her' around a fair bit and 'she' is polite to fishys (understands not to scare them away) and seems to roughly understand PLO. This is exactly the person i am developing my game to crush, i.e. the taggyish regs. ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 395336380 *****

PL $0.25/$0.50 Omaha - Tuesday, August 05, 21:58:56 GMT 2008

Table Loire 05 6-max (Real Money)

Seat 2 is the button

Total number of active players : 5

Seat 1: SweetLisa ( $45.75 )

Seat 2: kaitun ( $61.56 )

Seat 3: Bokx1 ( $80.52 )

Seat 4: bojangles ( $0 )

Seat 5: The Ape ( $86.34 )

Seat 6: evanthethin ( $49.25 )

Bokx1 posts small blind [$0.25]

The Ape posts big blind [$0.50]

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to evanthethin [ 7c, 8c, 5h, 8h ]

evanthethin raises to [$1.75]

SweetLisa raises to [$3]

kaitun folds

Bokx1 calls [$2.75]

The Ape folds

evanthethin calls [$1.25]

** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, 5c, Jd ]

Bokx1 checks

evanthethin bets [$7.12]

SweetLisa raises to [$15.43]

Bokx1 folds

evanthethin goes all-in

evanthethin raises to [$46.25]

SweetLisa calls [$27.32]

SweetLisa goes all-in

Returning uncalled bet [$3.50] to evanthethin

** Showdown **

SweetLisa shows [ Qs, Qc, 9c, 9s ]

evanthethin shows [ 7c, 8c, 5h, 8h ]

** Dealing Turn ** [ 3h ]

** Dealing River ** [ Td ]

** Hand Conclusion **

SweetLisa wins $92 from main pot with a pair of Queens

************ Game 395336380 ends ************ ************************** Result is in white above, have a think about the hand pre and post the result and i will post some info/odds i have looked over a bit later. Obviously if you would have played it different post that etc. Unless she is a complete genius she had no clue where i was and that she was completely killing my equity with that hand.
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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO Well I hate the way you're building a big pot out of position preflop. You have a playable hand that wants to see a cheap flop. On the flop I'd check raise to see where I'm at. If she flat calls you get to see the turn and then you can make a decision. If she reraises on the flop, then you say she's taggyish so I'd be prepared to let it go, as you'd have to think that your club draw could be dead. Your hand does look massive on the flop, but that's the danger with playing these kind of hands. FWIW I hate the way Lisa's played the hand but perhaps she had you down as a maniac and thought she's ahead of your range and with the pot odds of more than 2/1 she has to call the allin if she thinks her club draw is better than yours. Don't you just love omaha I've lost to quads nearly every session this week when I've had Top Fullhouse.

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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO Okay my analysis is im pretty unlucky, i flop huge and im up against the worst hand equity wise, im actually 39% because of his 99, if his pairs were KKQQ i would be 46% and against top set im 45% I agree preflop, i seem to be hitting all my playable hands UTG atm and trying to force it, and coming from a holdem background i cant stand open limping... Im still confident im better than most at this level (ive just moved up) i just seem to only be getting in tricky spots right now.

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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO I couldnt actually wait to post my analysis, probly should have waited for a few more views/replies but ah well. Im starting to see the value of a wrap equity wise as well, from the scrap book - 'If the bottom card was 4h rather than 5h then I would be 51% against two overpairs and flushdraw (QKQdKd) and 57% against top set no draws'

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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO

If she reraises a flop check raise' date=' i would be more expecting to see top set than a higher flush draw[/quote'] Notice I said your flush draw could be dead. It's pretty much a cooler of a hand anyway, you haven't done too much wrong as you've hit the ideal flop for your hand. I know what you mean by open limping, but in omaha you see people build huge pots fron utg and then they can't let it go on the flop as they've invested so much money.
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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO

Notice I said your flush draw could be dead. It's pretty much a cooler of a hand anyway' date=' you haven't done too much wrong as you've hit the ideal flop for your hand. I know what you mean by open limping, but in omaha you see people build huge pots fron utg and then they can't let it go on the flop as they've invested so much money.[/quote'] yeah i always try to keep it cheap from early position and push from late. position is much more important in omaha and i dont think i'd be raising utg without a really big hand, even 6 handed. from late i'll raise it with anything with some decent draws:tongue2 didn't go to far wrong post flop ,just a bit unlucky with the villans hand as a lot of your outs go out the window,even the 9s kill 2 of your outs :eyes. i might have played it a bit slower than you did tho . the villan is showing strength and it doesn't look like their gonna fold, so raising with a draw is a lot less advantagous. as it was you kept pushing from early . if you had called a bet preflop and maybe played a little less aggressive on the flop ,you may have been able to get out on the turn without pushing the whole stack in.
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Re: Interesting spot at 50PLO

Lisa is not a genius as she would have spelt genius correctly:tongue2.
And maybe you're/your too ;) :tongue2 I dont play much Omaha, so my opinion really isnt worth much, but I'm surprised to see you raising with 8875 d/s :unsure
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