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Strategy for the SNG challenge.


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With a few weeks of play and plenty having a shot at this...there are bound to be a few stunning sets of 10 results so the final top 3 returns will no doubt be pretty high. {200%+ for top 3 places ???} Been having a think about the optimum strategy (???) for the current challenge. Noticed quite a few are playing the cooler / 5 table games to play in and I think there could be a problem with that line of attack. The maximum return from playing these games only will probably not be enough to take one of the top 3 places. Playing only coolers gives a maximum 10 set ROI of 82%. Playing 5 seaters can harvest 218%...if you win all 10 games! Having played like an @rse last night I was in a right ''let's just get this over with'' mood and finished off with 2x30 seaters. One single win (900% ROI for the individual game) suddenly boosted my full set up to what looked a pretty good final figure of 66%! Lets face it, half the players on these games are pretty dire (me included when the mood swings that way :eyes), in fact within 20 minutes we were heading for the final table. That's over half of the field out almost before settling into the game! If you're on top of your game and have a good set of ten games then my estimation / guess at what results I would hope / expect to get from 10x30 seaters would be along the lines of: 1 win, 1 2nd, 1 3rd, 1 4th, 1 5th, 5 no places. Not sure if that is too high a target but it seems pretty fair to me if you are playing TAG and not making silly mistakes. Those results would give a full set ROI of 173%....and if you're playing well and get the run of the cards it could well go sky high! That cannot be done on the coolers alone and you would have to win most of the 5 seaters to get there. So I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and start playing only 30 seaters and see where it goes, at least for my next set anyway...perhaps the results will force a re-think...or maybe that should be probably the results will force a re-think! Time will tell! Good luck to everybody. :hope :ok

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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge. Dodger....I can't believe no one replied to this post. :( This is a very fair review and an excellent post. You could easily have kept this to yourself and posted up after you made a clean sweep of all three prizes.:lol It certainly gave me food for thought and I appreciate you sharing it. :clap

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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge.

Dodger....I can't believe no one replied to this post. :( :clap
I can,it's a post to feck with your mind.Making you try different games so Dodger can waltz off with the prize.;):lol My strategy was basically on my first set i'd lay down a marker with coolers and then either move on to the winner takes all tourneys or the 30 man tables.:ok
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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge. Yep, it's an excellent post Dodger! (as most of your posts are) :ok I think most of the guys are trying to play their normal games to start with and see where that gets us.....the Cooler is brilliant for doubling your stake but is no use for winning the ROI prizes. I think as the month progresses we'll see some right desperate attempts which should be fun to observe...I'll probably try a set of 'winner takes all'. I think we'll also see someone bang in a set of 8 1st places and 2 2nds which will set a tough target to beat. :loon Great fun though and highly addictive, if not too profitable. (yet) :hope TQM

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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge. Some good thinking. I started off with coolers (mainly because they're what I've been playing recently and doing quite well at), but after a couple I thought "this is a stupid way of doing it!" I'll be going for the 10-seater Winner Takes Alls now. They should have even greater variance than the 30-seaters, which I think is what is needed. If only they had 30-seater Winner Takes All tourneys ... Only problem is that the cheapest buy-in for these is €5, and with possible very long losing streaks I might actually have to make a deposit!

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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge. I like to play two or three very early game...5.00 to 7.00...but the choices are very restricted at that time and some take hours to fill. Been playing ''guess Avon's secret password'' for the last hour...just hope I do better with the 30 seater games!

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Re: Strategy for the SNG challenge. Good post Dodge. I had already planned to continue on 30-man tourneys. From my holiday fund thread, I've made the money in just under half the tourneys. People have expressed that I was possibly over-acheiving (in my case, almost certainly!!) but I would expect you to have a decent return. Lets hope not to many follow this route as almost every game will have a PL-er in it, making it a longer wait for a game.

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