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Re: Rant... Ive found that i had changed my game to a more patient one, through live poker, and thats probably why i keep losing! I then changed back to a slightly more aggressive game and using positional play a lot more than i do live, which seems to be working Live bug got you too babes?

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Re: Rant... well excuse me........ thought i was the only who ranted on here :tongue2:tongue2:lol:lol all you can do is be patient and it will come back,you got to realise just how many players there are on-line now all thinking they are phil hellmuth after watching the television progs.

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Re: Rant...

... wtf is happening... :eyes I keep loosing or getting bad beat online... When I play live - I win (just won a tourny in that poker club I signed up in) ...what to do??? I am seriously thinking of stopping playing online :unsure
I have the same problem....I can play well enough live but I can't remember the last online tournament win I had. :$ I'm fine about the bad beats in themselves - just wonder when I'm going to hit the positive variance. :unsure
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Re: Rant... You see a lot more 'bad beats' online because there are a tonne more hands and people constantly go on about them. If you watch the live coverage of big events like WSOP ME there's tonnes of bad beats reported because there are tonnes of hands being played there. Earning money will always be harder from live games as you can only play 50hands an hr opposed to 500+ online.

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Re: Rant...

Im not one to normally comment on grammar or spelling but that comma shouldnt, be there. :D Proof of riggness please..
Well apart from the fact that we all get pkt aces far more often than we should and they win more often than they should too( go check your poker tracker) I'll let you into one more secret. No matter what your cards, you will win every 53rd hand( in the event of two players due at same time left of the dealer wins first). In case you have gone on runs of more than 53 hands without a winner you must have folded the "Golden Hand". Futher proof will be found in "Glceud on hold em Vol III"
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