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is a reraise here ever right?

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Right i flop the nuts (or as good as) and im looking to get my money in fast, but too fast? This kind of thing has happened before and is clearly a huge leak as im expecting to stack people when i flop big. The guy is a LAG (56/19) but really cant trust this as its over 16 hands. I tended to think a min-raise showed strength at low levels so im expecting to get my RR AI called so often. I also think hes calling with any over pair, maybe 5s,4s and 3s and obv any 6, possibly AK. Is a reraise here standard or given position should i just be calling and hoping he takes a second shot on the turn, his fold suggests he had absolutely nothing at all to me so is he taking another shot if i flat call ? ***** Hand History for Game 394489230 ***** $50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, August 04, 07:33:45 ET 2008 Table Neon 100 (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Seat 1: schlupi10 ( $15.00 USD ) Seat 2: TheKalimeth ( $131.45 USD ) Seat 3: evanthethin ( $75.11 USD ) Seat 4: kasino ( $18.18 USD ) Seat 5: bil31 ( $0.00 USD ) Seat 6: julie28 ( $0.00 USD ) kasino posts small blind [$0.25 USD]. schlupi10 posts big blind [$0.50 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to evanthethin [ 6c Ad ] TheKalimeth folds evanthethin raises [$1.75 USD] kasino calls [$1.50 USD] schlupi10 folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 2c, 6d ] kasino checks evanthethin bets [$2.80 USD] kasino raises [$5.60 USD] evanthethin raises [$15.20 USD] kasino folds evanthethin wins $12.40 USD evanthethin wins $14.45 USD from main pot So, as you can see, not a big issue, but 20BB is big chunk of a session normally and a huge leak if i can get it in by trapping.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? I would have done the same pretty much always vs a shortstack who's min check-raised. The reasons are because they've shown strength so would be more willing to call an all in, they're likely to have a pocket pair so you want to avoid a scary overcard coming on the turn and killing action. Also it seems like you might be bullying the shortstack and so they're liable to calling down v lightly in my experience. These types of hands are classic hands in poker strategy because they can be played a few ways and there's no clear way to play them IMO.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? i suppose a lot of turn cards could kill action from 77+, it just seems sick because i thought putting the chips in the middle was a formality (ie. i was so certain after raising he had to call the all in). I suppose this hand might help me finally figure out what people use check min-raises for.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? I think you have ruined your 'play'. You bet out with the trips therefore disguising you have them. He has it in his mind you don't, so he is either making a play or betting his two pair. You have him now. By re-reraising you are undoing the good work you have done with your original flop bet.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? yeah i gotta agree with billy here,by reraising him you pretty much give away super strength and he needs aces/kings to call really(admittedly a lot of players at this level would call with a lot less). i myself would have played it the same but called the reraise instead of pushing. then bet $3/4 on the turn:hopehe calls/raises. push the river. by playing it this way you should get a bit more money out of him unless his raise on the flop was a bluff. you might end up getting bad beat playing it this way but i think it would be +ev to call. if hes got a pair he only has 2 outs and i would think that you would make more by making it value for him to call your bets vs an opponent hitting 1 in 11 times. also hands like ak aq may just stick around in the hand because of the value. the way i look at it in this situation is, whatever happens i dont want to scare the opponent off at all as i am seriously ahead of anything apart from 22 and 26, both of which are extremely unlikely. so giving him another card to catch up a little or feel more secure about say 10s or js while i look a bit weaker than i actually am, is not a bad thing:)

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? Don't think there is any value to be had in reraising this flop. There are no draws at all bar gutshots and you fold out a lot of hands which would fire again on the turn. People do tend to spazz out a bit on paired boards, especially if you are an aggressive player. They think the board is very dry, so it probably didn't hit you and raise a lot. I think my default line with your hand would be, bet flop, call raise, check/raise turn, depending on his turn bet size.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right?

i think if im calling the raise then im checking the turn because im then giving him a chance to bet with his air again' date=' whereas if i call raise and bet the turn the bluffs in his range are folding for sure.[/quote'] Well checking the turn (after calling flop) is correct. However calling flop and betting the turn is still better than rereraising. However, up a level it changes, I had a similar hand in a live toun not long ago. It was the same as your hand but there was a flush draw, I bet out, he raised and I only called. A blank was on the turn. I come out betting big, the player thought I was playing the flush draw (as that is a fair way of palying one) and he called with two pair. With no draw on the flop though as in this case - that play cannot be done.
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Re: is a reraise here ever right? i'm not sure he would bet with air again,its a big raise that has been theroticaly called on the flop. if however he has something(big overcards or a small mid pair) its hard for him not to call a smallish turn bet. hopefully the turn might pair him or bring another blank looking card, if so again he might well raise you anyway. either way i'd be betting ,if he has air i dont think he'll push more in ,if he has something he will probably call at least the turn and maybe the river.

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? I'm in full agreement with Billy and others here... (Some excellent points :ok) To try and illustrate a bit better (and maybe give some clues away). When he raises you...I'd run the clock down a little....then I'd make what I hoped would look like a reluctant call. Then on the turn I'm checking to him, but I'm doing it in a way that whatever the card is, its not the one that I want. Sometimes its best represented by a quick check and others by a slow check. If he checks behind then I'm acting first on the river if the card allow it (ie. no runner runner ). Probably 'newbie' false tells but its hard online to give them. :ok

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Re: is a reraise here ever right? Just to frank the point, a similar situation has just this minute happened in a game I'm in. 2/5 NLHE 6 seater on betfair (nitrogen) Bloke two to my left seems very aggressive pre-flop from what I've seen in the firt ten hands. He raises 17.50 on the button (my bb) I call with KTo Flop comes TTA - I bet out pot for two reasons, hoping he has a big ace, or hoping he will make a play representing one. He calls. Turn was a blank - I check, he bets bet pot, I call. River was a blank - I check - he bets pot, I move in (a raise of about 30 I think). He has to call with AJ. Slightly different, but once you know he also has a hand you have to slow down against these types - let them do the betting for you. My checks convinced him he was winning. Risky checking twice but if it works you can double up instead of winning say 30% of your stack.

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