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Was i slowrolled?

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I got 1 outered and then slowrolled for my stack, i had a bit of a whine afterwards but no one took the bait so i just shut up. Seriously though i have no HUD for omaha so generally at low stakes is this generally a slowroll or someone who just doesnt have a clue whether they could be beaten?? ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 392512845 ***** PL $0.10/$0.20 Omaha - Wednesday, July 30, 22:18:19 GMT 2008 Table Copper Canyon 03 6-max (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of active players : 6 Seat 1: halfbad ( $28.43 ) Seat 2: vancho ( $20.66 ) Seat 3: SweetLisa ( $28.82 ) Seat 4: tekt ( $34.54 ) Seat 5: rounder86na ( $29.03 ) Seat 6: evanthethin ( $19.40 ) halfbad posts small blind [$0.10] vancho posts big blind [$0.20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to evanthethin [ 5d, 8d, 8h, 6s ] SweetLisa folds tekt calls [$0.20] rounder86na calls [$0.20] evanthethin calls [$0.20] halfbad calls [$0.10] vancho checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 8s, 9h ] halfbad checks vancho checks tekt checks rounder86na bets [$0.50] evanthethin raises to [$2] halfbad folds vancho folds tekt folds rounder86na calls [$1.50] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 4h ] rounder86na checks evanthethin bets [$3] rounder86na calls [$3] ** Dealing River ** [ 9d ] rounder86na bets [$7] evanthethin goes all-in evanthethin raises to [$14.20] nearly times out!!! rounder86na calls [$7.20] ** Showdown ** rounder86na shows [ Kd, 9c, 8c, 3h ] full house, Nines full of Eights evanthethin shows [ 5d, 8d, 8h, 6s ] full house, Eights full of Nines ** Hand Conclusion ** rounder86na wins $37.43 from main pot with full house, Nines full of Eights ************ Game 392512845 ends ************ So i suppose my answer is, should i get a bit peeved when this happens or just put up with it because he didnt mean it (and i dont want to make it too clear that it is obvious that he doesnt know what hes got)? :welcome to omaha guys, im not sure ive seen an omaha thread on here yet....

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Re: Was i slowrolled? The problem here is that until the river BOTH players were behind to anybody holding a random 6,7..... I can see why both played it but for the bets going in from both sides, it was a little crazy to say the least as both were in effect drawing with trips Id be more pissed off If I had 6,7 and was involved there

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Re: Was i slowrolled? I think the answer to your question is ... there's no way to tell. He might have been being a cnut, doing it deliberately. But he might have had connection problems, or been distracted, multitabling or just a bit slow on the uptake. Since there's no way of telling whether he was being deliberately rude, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he wasn't ... life's more pleasant that way.

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Re: Was i slowrolled?

Since there's no way of telling whether he was being deliberately rude, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he wasn't ... life's more pleasant that way.
Hippy:lol:lol:lol:lol I don't think you've been slow rolled, at this sort of limit I wouldn't guarantee the players know the rules so it could be any of the things the other guys have mentioned.
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Re: Was i slowrolled?

Id be more pissed off If I had 6' date='7 and was involved there[/quote'] you would call down two streets on that board with 67? :eek I think we were both pretty tentative until that river. Im pretty sure naked 67 with no flush draw is raising either the flop or turn, or should be. HOwever i wouldnt have been surprised to see that turned over on betfair...There arent that many times im even considering folding second nuts at my level.
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Re: Was i slowrolled?

you would call down two streets on that board with 67? :eek I think we were both pretty tentative until that river. Im pretty sure naked 67 with no flush draw is raising either the flop or turn, or should be. HOwever i wouldnt have been surprised to see that turned over on betfair...There arent that many times im even considering folding second nuts at my level.
i'd get used to this sort of thing playing omaha as it happens a lot more often than in holdem;) been playing it pretty solidly for nearly 2 years and i must have had top fh beaten by quads more times than i'd like to remember:tongue2 think it was a bit of rough call by him on the flop and turn but sometimes you gotta remember top 2 pair looks great to a holdem player:ok this is where i make most money in omaha(especially at low limits), picking off the players playing exactly as they would in holdem. its amazing the amount of players overplaying top top or 2 pair on a drawy or possible made flop etc etc. this board was ultra dodgy with so many possible big draws/made hands that i'd be a little worried even with a set:loon once the river drops tho there's pretty much no way out,just one of those traps that are pretty impossible to get out of:( cant see he slorolled you ,probably just coincidence:)
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Re: Was i slowrolled?

you would call down two streets on that board with 67? :eek
This aint HOLDEM ... Bloody right I would unless the board paired or a third flush card unless of course I had 2 as well. On that flop and those stakes Id have re-risen very hard on the flop.... Only a spade, assuming I didnt have Ace or King and a spade kicker, would have scared me. If there is none and no pair on the board then Im all in after the turn. Important thing is you MUST PLAY TWO of your cards so after the flop - I ACTUALLY HAVE THE NUTS with 6,7 :ok
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Re: Was i slowrolled?

This aint HOLDEM ... Bloody right I would unless the board paired or a third flush card unless of course I had 2 as well. On that flop and those stakes Id have re-risen very hard on the flop.... Only a spade' date=' assuming I didnt have Ace or King and a spade kicker, would have scared me. If there is none and no pair on the board then Im all in after the turn. Important thing is you MUST PLAY TWO of your cards so after the flop - I ACTUALLY HAVE THE NUTS with 6,7 :ok[/quote'] you misunderstand me, or i dont communicate well on a message board. What i mean is, you are saying we both played it a bit iffy but in my defence - imo (and in yours by the sounds of it) he never has 67xx when he calls my flop and turn bets, so im never against 67xx and in his defense, most people are betting pot with 67xx on the flop and turn, so hes never against 67xx OBV exceptions are 67Ax spade draw to ace and possibly 67Ax heart draw if he wanted to get tricky by callin the raise on the flop. I raised for information on the flop, a lot of the time i get repotted by any 67 (including the ones with nut flush draws - people suck) and then i know whereabouts i am. PS. im no pro but i have 100k hands logged playing .5/.10 to .25/.50 PLO, so a little less of the :ok:ok and the 'talking to me like im 5' might be in order :loon
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