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15 left out of 162 runners....


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I played in the £20+2 freezeout at Aspers last night and had a stack of around 36k with blinds 1500/3000.... my stack was about 6k above average. There was 15 runners left out of 162 and top 10 cashed. I had been on the same table all night but had just recently got moved to the other table so therefore had very limited info of the players on this table.... I'm in the cut off with AsKc and it folds round to me..... My first question is what would people do in this situation? Flat call, raise or even fold? I elected to raise to 12k and it folded round to the BB who re-raised all in for around 37k (he had me just covered) so basically it was for my tournament life. I know this player as I've played with him before and I know that he is no donk and is very solid... So my second question is what would people do now? Call or Fold? :unsure

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... I would have shoved from the cut off with AK without any hesitation(or at made at least 20,000 to show I'm committing myself to the hand). You elected to raise and you can't afford to leave 12k behind so call. But I'm an AK donk.

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners....

I would have shoved from the cut off with AK without any hesitation(or at made at least 20' date='000 to show I'm committing myself to the hand). You elected to raise and you can't afford to leave 12k behind so call. But I'm an AK donk.[/quote'] I had 36k mate... so that left me with 24k! :ok
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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... The guy probably thought you were making a move. folding is an option not one I would take, it would leave you with below average stack but only 6 times the big blind, so are prity much all in soon anyway. I would call, unless you run into a monster you are ahead and give you a good chance of making the money and a good stack to win.

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... you have pretty much left yourself no choice but to call the all-in, i would have gone all-in preflop as no matter what if you raised preflop you`re committed,and if they had all folded you have gained nearly 10% of your stack....no point limping to the final table if you fold,this is the point of no return if you want to win the tourney and hope the cards go your way

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... i agree with everyone else ,bigger raise preflop and call the allin:ok once your in the pot with ak its always gonna be hard to put down . i'd rather steal the blinds with it than play a pot, so the push seems the best option. if this guys a decent player he could be pushing with anything semi reasonable, because he could have you on a steal.so i think you gotta call really and hope he has aq aj and not aces or kings:hope

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... Instant call for me. Short handed table means the blinds are coming fast and you will be left with just 8 big blinds if you fold. If I was the BB I would be shoving with hands a lot worse than AK thinking that you're on a steal. You're getting 2 to 1 so shove them in and :hope

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... Depends what you want to do, are you trying to win or limp into cash ? You can fold and try and limp, but I wouldn't. I'd push, expect to see mid range pocket pairs and take a coin flip

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... If you fold here it's definitely a losing strategy in the longterm. Ok perhaps at best it's a coinflip in which case you''ll be roughly a 45% underdog but you're getting over 2/1. Also as you're raising from very late position he could put you on a very marginal hand and have a hand such as AQ or AJ even A10 in which case you're a big favourite. You can't be worried about AA or KK if he does have it tough shit.

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... I would call. If you lose you're down on 24k, 8 BBs, and then you'd be looking for the chance to shove, and I am sure you would do so with AK, so may as well do it here when you can get up over 75k, rather than hoping to get to 50k. Unless you hoped to limp into the cash before shoving, but I would go now

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... OK well didn't get as much response as I was expecting but nevermind! :( I asked the dealer for a count of his chips but as she was ha;fway through counting I looked down at my chips and thought it was quite obvious what I was gona do so I made the call! I was nearly sure that he wasn't making a play and was not surprised when he flipped over QQ! He was, however, surprised when I announced it was a race and he did say 'nice hand'... The flop was very nice for me.... A K 4... turn... 7.... river Q.... was gutted! Anyways thanks for the responses and I am now happy that I think I made the right call!! Thanks guys!

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners....

I elected to raise to 12k
Why? Because it was AK? :unsure Did you have a plan of action in mind? Had you decided that you were stealing, or that you were 'locked in' to it? If you can make these decisions before you act, it will make decisions easier for you. I'll try and give some examples. "I know what the SB and BB play, and if they re-raise me then I'm probably behind" - solution? Make a stealing raise of 2.5 the BB, having already decided you only want the blinds and will fold to any action. As above, but "and if they re-raise me, I know they're defending their blind and I'll shove on any flop" solution? Make an over raise pre flop. "Out of the remaining players (in the hand) I am short stack and I know thy will put me to the test by re-raising" solution? 'Lock yourself to your hand by raising ha;f of your stack - this should tell people that the other half is going in on the flop no matter what. I'm not saying any of the above are right, but these are the kind of thought processes that any player can have when they are playing live, as opposed to playing online. If you have any knowledge of poker, you have time to formulate a strategy for the hand before it pans out.
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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... tbh i think whatever way this hand played out the money would have been going in the middle:ok just one of those things really:eyes the only thing that might have changed my decision is the payout structure . i know the money is good because of only paying the ft, so maybe that might sway me more towards limping in the money :unsure. if so i would have to fold it pre flop(tis only ace high after all:tongue2). even with the slightly weird structure i think i'd be playing it 99% of the time.

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners....

Why? Because it was AK? :unsure
I raised to 12k as it is a pretty standard 4xBB raise..... I hadn't played a hand on that table so was expecting to get respect (which I think I woulda got if he hadn't of woke up with a monster)... I was fairly sure that 12k would get thru unless sum1 picked up a monster which they did! :ok
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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... Sorry Gaz that seems pretty harsh reading it back. :$ I meant that its easy to just go into autopilot when you see good cards, especially if you've had a quiet spell. My main point was that thinking ahead of the next step (the raise) is the one that will help you define how you act in the hand.

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Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... Totally agree, one of the things that has helped my game is setting any objective for the hand. I ask what's my aim here ? I've already decided what to do in the event of a re-raise before I bet

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