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Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)


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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Not been busy today, and away tomorrow, could be Fri night or Sat night before I post again. Played 3 STTs, winning 1 and cashing in 1 Played 2 MTTs, cashing in neither Starting Balance €636.90 Profit/Loss +€8 New Balance +€644.90

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Haven't updated since I went away, and I can't forget the exact makeup of how I have done things, but I suffered a downswing on STTs which I have recovered during today, and I also had some MTT success on Sunday, leaving my balance now standing at... Starting Balance €644.90 Profit/Loss +€30.05 New Balance €674.95 **These totals are pending reply from PokerKings regarding Sunday's League Champions Freeroll payouts

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Great day today, have won 5 STTs all told, including €20 and €25 ones. To be honest, I am finding it easier to play against the higher levels. Sick of having the goods postflop in the €5 ones and getting outdrawn on the final 2 streets to hands that shouldn't even still be in the hand. Starting Balance €644.90 Profit/Loss +€111.25 New Balance €756.15

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Another great day today, with STT success and PokerLeague MTT success, plus a cash in the FPP Freeroll Starting Balance €756.15 Profit/Loss +€103.50 New Balance €859.65** **Also awaiting €29 refund from site downtime this morning, plus the €12.50 extra for winning the 'PL League Game' - so potentially broken the €900 barrier :)

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Didn't get it updated last night, will do so tonight, still going well though. TQM pasting his sharkscope graph into one of his challenge threads made me visit the site and see what mine looked like. It looks nice :) sharkscopea.jpg

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Starting Balance €859.65 Profit/Loss +€73.40 New Balance €933.05 The profit's slowed down a bit the past couple of days, but still there and that's the main thing. I acknowledge I aint going to win €100 every day. Thanks for the encouragement guys. As for what happened around the 150-game mark... I really don't know. I'm not sure how I was ever circa €240 DOWN as is shown by the Sharkscope graph, as the most I was ever down with regards to deposits was €55. Although, thinking about it I did have a €190 win in an MTT which I had donked back down to about €80 so it may be pretty accurate. Back to the question, I don't know. I can't put my finger on exactly what clicked in my mind. A combination of things. I was getting heavily involved in pots I needn't have been. I cut that out. I manage to more or less build bigger pots with made hands, whilst only staying in small pots with drawing hands. I take more notice of other's betting patterns than I ever did before, though I don't use any tracking software. I tightened up my opening range in the early stage of the STT until I had my assessments of the others thought out. And I guess I've developed into being able to change gears - some of the people I play against start in 3rd gear, raising with any 2 paint cards, betting out of position, not being able to lay a bad turn bluff down on the river - whereas I will start uber-TAG, moving to TAG with 4 left, and then loosen up a bit with 3 left when others are concentrating more on getting into the top 2. In summary, I have started playing properly, lol. And it is genuinely all down to this forum. It's no coincidence that I have started making profits since I started participating in the poker threads, reading the startegy threads, posting my HHs for advice, and playing against you all in games.

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