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Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)


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Shamelessly plagiarising Hornet's thread, I have decided to keep a running diary showing how I am performing. Am on an absolute heater at the moment due to the fact I have made €600 profit since last Wednesday night, obviously that will all change now I am starting to record it for public consumption. I play only on PokerKings, mainly on 5-man STTs, mainly on €5 and €10 ones, but the occasional €15 and €20 one. Also occasionally play an MTT, but only maybe once or twice a week. Since I won a MTT last Wed I have been aiming to make €20-25 profit a day, and have been doing it comfortably, so hoping that that keeps up. My aims are to be able to use poker to purchase the luxuries that aren't really a sensible use of work earnings when you have 2 babies - Wii, Big TV, Lay-Z-Boy chair etc etc :lol you know, the important stuff. After a withdrawal last Thursday, and the play since, my balance is currently €400 and a few cents, we'll call it a straight €400. I'll post end-of-day reviews with updated balance, and hopefully you will share in my joy at purchasing a brand new 42" LCD TV in a couple months time :)

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Right, stopping for the day now, and, thankfully, it has been a good one. I was worried that now I was 'reporting' on my progress as it were, that I would start bombing. Had my most remarkable game ever also, see 'Is This The Most Amazing Comeback' thread in Chat :loon This is what I have played today (in order of cost): €2 MTT, 19th, -€2.20 €3 MTT, 1st, +€46.70 €5 STT, 5th, -€5.50 €5 STT, 4th, -€5.50 €10 STT, 4th, -€11 €10 STT, 1st, +€24 €10 STT, 1st, +€24 €15 STT, 3rd, -€16.50 €20 STT, 1st, +€48 Starting Balance €400 Profit/Loss for day +€102.00 New Balance €502.00

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Samba....for about 2 years I used my winnings to buy little luxuries that I couldn't afford from my wages and I wish you the best of luck. :hope All I'd say to you (and anyone else considering it) is that although its nice to have something to show for your winnings, you owe it to yourself to make sure you keep a healthy portion of your 'roll for your poker development. In time to come, you could be sitting looking at a nice new TV (like I am), but wishing you had more of a roll to play the higher limits.... But really, best of luck with this. :ok

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

Samba....for about 2 years I used my winnings to buy little luxuries that I couldn't afford from my wages and I wish you the best of luck. :hope All I'd say to you (and anyone else considering it) is that although its nice to have something to show for your winnings, you owe it to yourself to make sure you keep a healthy portion of your 'roll for your poker development. In time to come, you could be sitting looking at a nice new TV (like I am), but wishing you had more of a roll to play the higher limits.... But really, best of luck with this. :ok
good point valiant i cashed out a while back to treat myself,but i just ended up wasting the money. now all my poker winnings stay in poker, unless i get that really huge life changing mtt win:hope. best of luck samba just make sure you buy something decent as soon as you have cashed out, so you've got something to show for it.
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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Thanks for the comments guys, duly noted. Well, yesterday was one hell of a day. I played about 30 tourneys all told, a few MTTs, and the rest STTs. I lost €34 on the day, but that doesn't tell the whole story. I also learned a good few lessons I hope I take heed of. It all started on the wrong foot when I accidentally entered a €50 5-man STT. Yes, accidentally :eyes!!! I was looking in lobby to see if there was a €5,10,15 tourney nearing capacity for a quick start, when my 2yr old started wreaking havoc. I turned round, told him off, returned my gaze to the screen, and there was a tourney with 4/5. Like a shot I was registered, within an extra split second I realised it was a €50 tourney - I swear it was the same position on the screen as the €15 had been with 2/5 in it before I was distracted. :lol Anyway, I was in it, so played it to win, got to final 3, 25 chips behind 2nd place, when the 'big stack bully' sitting in Small Blind made it my entire stack to see the flop. Looking at AA I more than happily accepted. He turned AhTh. The Q and J on the flop had me fearing the worst, and, sure enough, the river brought a K, and it was byebye. The red mist then descended for a short while, and self-discipline vanished. Having stuck solely to NON Turbo STTs during my recent hot spell, I embarked on a reckless mission to win back the €50 I had had ripped from my bankroll. The non turbo STTs fill up slower than the Speed and Turbo ones, and I wanted to win this money quick smart :$ 35 minutes later, and 2 x €20 Turbo STTs later, and another 2 x 3rd place bubbles, and I was €99 down on the day! How will I ever make that back - I know, I'll play the €7500 Guaranteed €10 rebuy MTT, that's a good idea... Employing my usual rebuy strategy of making an immediate rebuy, and playing the rest of the tournament as a freezeout, spending €21 in total, I made good progress. My 4k (after rebuy) was up to 4800 and I was feeling good. Then I am hiding in the BB with QQ, when a mid-pos goes a-in for approx 3.5k chips, then the button re-raises all-in making it approx 5.3k, so it will cost me all my chips to stay in. The mid-pos had been all-in twice in the tourney so far, showing TT and 72o, the Button had been a regular all-in with any 2 cards, so it wasn't a hard decision to call, knowing I would be in a very good position were I to win the hand. Mid-pos turned JJ, Button turned AKs - not quite what I had in mind, but I was still favourite [43% iirc]. The Ace on the flop saw to my tournament anyway, and the all-in donk was the one left with a nice big stack (I noticehe finished only 11 places ahead of me, so his strategy didn't work for too much longer :\). So, I was €120 down, wiping out the previous day's €102 profit, and leaving me feeling a bit sorry for myself. I left it for a while, and didn't go back til I donked out the PokerKings League game on a gambling whim with Ac5c behind 2 all-ins. With the buy-in for the League game, I was €123.30 down, I sensibly (at last) decided to go back to what I have been doing well, and that is grinding away at the €5 and €10 5-man STTs. At close of play for the day, I was back 'up' to just a €32 loss on the day, which is a bloody good outcome given what had gone before. As I said at the start, I learned a lot of lessons yesterday, and will not forget them. Starting Balance €502 Profit/Loss -€32 New Balance €470

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) eventful day then, like you say a few lessons learnt ive made that mistake of trying to regain losses to quickly. Now i just take a break if i got the hump over a badbeat, otherwise i find i start making bad decisions and things quickly go from bad to worse good job you took a break, as you did really well to make a comeback on the day afterwards looking forward to reading your next post now, but i don't think it can be as interesting as yesterdays.

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Yeah, my problem yesterday was that after I lost that €55, I was then playing higher buy-in games [€22] than I have been, and I wasn't playing my natural game. Rather I was probably playing TPG, as opposed to the TAG style that has been working. Therefore I found I was reaching the final 3, but was on like half the stack of the front 2, and so was being bullied before shoving with a marginal hand and busting out on the bubble. After I took a break, I went back to the €5 and €10 games, and played like I have been. I'm afraid today's is nowhere near as gripping as yesterday. I played the €3.30 Poker League game without cashing, and I have just played one €10 5-man STT and have won it. I am stopping there, and watching a couple new DVDs I just bought. Starting Balance €470 Profit/Loss +€20.60 New Balance €490.60

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Wow! What a day! Good come back for two thirds of your loss. :ok Means you get to keep most of the previous days profit. FWIW, I played this week's PL League game like an utter donk :$ I've been playing MTT's like a complete noob for about a week now, rarely making the first break :wall But at the same time I've been killing the cash tables :dude I was almost grateful to be out of the Pokerkings game on Wednesday, so that I could go play cash on Virgin. :loon I just don't seem to have the correct mentality for MTTs at the mo :cry

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

FWIW' date=' I played this week's PL League game like an utter donk :$ I've been playing MTT's like a complete noob for about a week now, rarely making the first break :wall But at the same time I've been killing the cash tables [/quote'] Now Tom before you read this take a deep breath and dont think that I am having a go for the sake of it. I ask for the common good. Is it possible that using poker tracker for cash games could hinder your development as a tourney player?
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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

Is it possible that using poker tracker for cash games could hinder your development as a tourney player?
LOL. No, I don't think so... you're thinking that I'm relying on PT way more than I am. :spank You're also over estimating my desire to develop as a tournie player... I'm far more keen to develop as a cash player. I've had reasonable success with MTTs over the last ten months or so (I'm showing a positive ROI over this time span). For instance last month I cashed in 2 out of every 3 tournies I played. I never made the big money, but it did mean I was in profit for the month. (This includes final tabling four consecutive PL League games :tongue2) Fo sho, I've been playing badly in MTTs the last week. I think this has far more to do with my current mind set, than any reliance on Poker Tracker. I'm primarily a cash game player... over the past week I've made about 130 Euros playing the €0.12/0.25 tables, compared to a loss of about $25 playing MTTs ($4.4 & $5.5 buy ins). Normally I would have played perhaps twice as many MTTs, but I realised a few days ago that I didn't have the correct mind set for MTTs and have been playing cash exclusively as a result. P.S. I realise I took this thread waaaaay too seriously and wrote far to much in justification :loon
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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) It all started on the wrong foot when I accidentally entered a €50 5-man STT. i did that once when paradise's lobby used to move constantly:\ thought i'd entered a $20 stt but entered a $250 hu game ,then got bad beat when i coulda won:wall

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

It all started on the wrong foot when I accidentally entered a €50 5-man STT. i did that once when paradise's lobby used to move constantly:\ thought i'd entered a $20 stt but entered a $250 hu game ,then got bad beat when i coulda won:wall
lol! now that is gutn :loon
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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) I much prefer these uneventful days :lol Played 7 x STTs today for the following record: €5 - 1st €10 - 1st, 3rd, 5th, 1st €20 - 2nd €30 - 2nd So 5 cashes out of 7, and a nice €58 profit on the day. Starting Balance €490.60 Profit/Loss +€58 New Balance €548.60

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Up and down lately since I started this thread. €33 loss for yesterday, and that was helped by a final table in a 200-man €6 MTT! The first day in over a week when I haven't won an STT. Starting Balance €548.60 Profit/Loss -€33.70 New Balance €514.90

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Cheers mate, it is going well, yet if I lose a couple in a row I suffer real crises of confidence. Is this normal? I am showing I can win at the level I am playing, yet my confidence is pretty average. Once I am playing I am fine, it is committing myself to handing over that €11-€22 to join the STT that I baulk at! Does anyone else have, or has ever had, this problem? Anyway, finished for today, and another good day. Played 3 STTs and 1 MTT: €20 STT - 1st (+€48) €10 STT - 3rd (-€11) €3 MTT - 5th (-€3.30) €15 STT - 1st (+€36) Overall profit of €69.70, which isn't shabby :) Starting Balance €566.90 Profit/Loss +€69.70 New Balance €636.60

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

Once I am playing I am fine, it is committing myself to handing over that €11-€22 to join the STT that I baulk at! Does anyone else have, or has ever had, this problem?
Dont quote me, but I think you are supposed to have a bigger bankroll to play those stakes, hence the slight feeling of insecurity when you buy in. Wouldnt worry about it your doing just fine:dude
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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) Thanks for the comments Ed, Mick, Steve. I can't explain the exact way I feel, just one of things that is hard to convey into words I guess. I'm sure I'll snap out of it. It doesn't STOP me entering after all, so it can't be that bad. As for bankroll management, I know that Badbeat let their traders buy in up to 8% of their daily roll per tourney, so that would be 12.5 buy-ins they have. I guess different people will say different things. Anyway, thanks again for the comments/advice, it all gets taken on board. 2 played so far today, 2nd in a €15 and 1st in a €10, so looking good again. May play one or two tonight, will see later.

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps) As I said I know nothing about bankroll management, but I do have a fear of losing 20 buy ins (again!) so I have a bankroll of about 150 buy ins floating about the world wide web. Helps me not feel sick when I commit to a tourney, but perhaps relaxes me too much with regards to focus.

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Re: Samba's Life Of Luxury (perhaps)

Cheers mate' date=' it is going well, yet if I lose a couple in a row I suffer real crises of confidence. Is this normal? I am showing I can win at the level I am playing, yet my confidence is pretty average.[/quote'] no point in me answering that, once i get a few loses or bad beats, i end up putn all my money in roulette lol
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