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Rosco's Hand from APAT team championship


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We have a few good strategy columns here like Moles cash games and number from peoples online plays, with me playing more live than online I thought I would try posting a regular strategy from live MTT poker. Idea is to get peoples thoughts, opinions and what they would do. I will try and give you as much information as I can or think is necessary and will let you know what I did and the outcome. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

35 minutes from the end of day one with 28 players remaining. Blinds are at 3,6k.

Sat comfortably with 80k just over average stack and enough to take through to day 2.

Under the gun pushes all in, this player had been playing tight aggressive and built up his stack from nothing when I joined the table to a considerable amount before losing a few large pots.

everyone folds to me where I am sat one off the button. The button is very loose, sb is LAG and bb is a rock.

I look down at Ace Jack off, I ask for a chip count, it works out at 18,600.

What would you? :ok

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Re: Rosco's Hand from APAT team championship I would say that you cannot call as you'll price everyone else in, so it is raise or fold. Your raise probably needs to be to 40/50K to discourage any further callers (and then you are pot committed anyway) and AJ isn't that strong a hand. After all this rambling I've convinced myself to fold:eek

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Re: Rosco's Hand from APAT team championship I personally would fold. It is likely the UTG guy is pushing with any 2 cards and you are ahead of his range but with 3 people left behind to act I would air on the side of caution and fold. As there are still people behind me left to act I would want at least JJ -Ak to isolate here.

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Re: Rosco's Hand from APAT team championship Ok some differing opinions here but here what I did and my logic;

I thought about this for a minute, Yes a am comfortable with 80k and I wanted to make day2. Ajo isn’t a great hand, I could be behind, become below average stack and not have enough to defend my blind.

But he only has 3 times the bb and is probably pushing with any 2 cards here, The rock would probably fold unless he has a big hand so this was the best option for him. I am probably ahead and I can afford to lose 19k, picking up 28k would be nice. I don’t want to give value to the other players to call and end up losing all my stack. I push all in. The button thinks for a moment then folds, everyone else folds.

He turns over 8,j of hearts and I win with ace high.

Thinking behind was he really could have any two cards, at these stages you have to gamble and gambling with a short stack makes more sense than gambling your tournament life I had to push all in to isolate the pot. . I could increase my stack to over 100k and be one of the chip leaders on my table.

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