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Flush ??


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Comments on play please, should his push on the river be taken seriously as indication he's made his flush, or a desperate bluff with a busted draw ? When he checked the turn, i bet exactly 2/3 of the pot to aviod giving him odds to call btw POKERSTARS GAME #18950773708: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($0.05/$0.10) - 2008/07/19 - 23:07:22 (ET) Table 'Neptune II' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: tms151 ($4.85 in chips) Seat 2: pmendesv ($9.15 in chips) Seat 3: WowSick ($10.40 in chips) Seat 4: Skull222 ($4.95 in chips) Seat 5: asjohnstone ($15.70 in chips) Seat 6: sporky18 ($5.75 in chips) Seat 7: gsymf69 ($10.30 in chips) Seat 9: DCFCTheRams ($21.80 in chips) DCFCTheRams: posts small blind $0.05 tms151: posts big blind $0.10 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Qh Ad] pmendesv: folds WowSick: folds Skull222: folds asjohnstone: calls $0.10 sporky18: calls $0.10 gsymf69: folds DCFCTheRams: folds Dooley2005 joins the table at seat #8 tms151: checks *** FLOP *** [Ac 7c Jd] tms151: bets $0.10 asjohnstone: raises $0.40 to $0.50 sporky18: folds tms151: calls $0.40 *** TURN *** [Ac 7c Jd] [Qs] tms151: checks asjohnstone: bets $0.90 tms151: calls $0.90 *** RIVER *** [Ac 7c Jd Qs] [2c] tms151: bets $3.35 and is all-in

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Re: Flush ?? Having played extensively at these limits, I know that people will push with and without the goods in a fairly random fashion making it hard to read. I would probably call. He could have just as easily been playing A2 and hit two pair. Equally at these levels hit could have had 22 and hit trips on the river.:sad

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Re: Flush ??

When he checked the turn, i bet exactly 2/3 of the pot to avoid giving him odds to call btw
I think that implied odds should be considered, but I can't communicate that very well so in simplistic terms your betting would suggest that IF he hits his possible flush draw then you will pay him off for the rest of his stack. If this is the case then does this make it a +EV call for him (I can't help thinking it does). I think that the correct decision would be to fold, but I think that I would probably have called. :$ Even though I'm execting the flush, I think that a badly played 2 pair could be just as likely (J7?). The fact that he checked the BB means he could have hit with any two in any way shape or form.
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Re: Flush ?? I think you played this very weak, by letting the short stack in too cheaply. Now you have a difficult decision to make, for most of the profit you've made from this session. FWIW I'd probably still make the call, but if he shows the flush, you only have yourself to blame.:sad (sorry, if that sounds harsh :)) However, it would have made your decision much easier if you'd been more aggressive and raised to 4xBB pre-flop. You most likely would have ended up with one of a few possible scenarios: 1) Take down the blinds there and then. RESULT: you win :ok 2) sporky18 folds and you're heads up with tms151. Pot is now $0.85. Make a pot size, or close to pot size bet. tms151 calls, pot is now $1.70. The turn is obv very favourable for you, and its important to again make it expensive if tms151 wants to call for his draw. Bet just over 2/3 of the pot, about $1.20 to $1.40. tms151 folds. RESULT: you win :ok 3) If tms151 calls the $1.20 turn bet, the pot is now $3.10. tms151 only has $2.40 left behind. So even if he goes all-in on the river its less than a pot sized bet, making it much easier to call. If he rivered the flush, unlucky he played very badly. Make a note on the player and continue to charge him for flush draws in the future. If he hit a set on the flop or turn, he still played very badly by not reraising to defend against the flush draw. If he rivered a set, he's a complete donk! RESULT: Even if you lose, you pick up a lot more information against one of your opponents. :ok

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Re: Flush ??

As played I would call. Out of interest why did you limp in with AQ? This is where is went wrong!
I called, he had A 9 and I stacked him. I limped with AQ because it's a dangerous hand that I don't like playing against heavy opposition. I guess it's a wider point, AQ off suit mid position, folded round to you, what's the correct course of action ? Bet 4 or 5 x BB or Limp ? I'm finding that I'm taking down a lot of pots preflop which is fine, but I'd actually like to get deep into a few and win some more big ones. I guess it's about risk management and pot building.
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Re: Flush ??

I limped with AQ because it's a dangerous hand that I don't like playing against heavy opposition.
I disagree quite strongly with this. AQo is a great starting hand and a really good reason for some aggression... with no raise in front of you, you're not facing any heavy opposition. If there'd been a raise and a reraise in front of you I could understand your timidity (is that a word??? :tongue2)
I guess it's a wider point, AQ off suit mid position, folded round to you, what's the correct course of action ? Bet 4 or 5 x BB or Limp ?
When its folded around to you, you have to raise. Bet 4xBB. If you're not prepared to raise with AQ, what are you waiting for? If there's a mega-raise behind you, you can easily fold.
I'm finding that I'm taking down a lot of pots preflop which is fine, but I'd actually like to get deep into a few and win some more big ones. I guess it's about risk management and pot building.
You WILL get deep into pots. Its enevitable. In the meantime, if all you're doing is stealing the limps and blinds then thats a GREAT result :ok However, you're not BUILDING a pot by limping preflop. All you're doing is allowing people in cheaply. That you stacked the guy in this instance is pretty much irrelevant, especially as you ended up having to make a "hero call" to do so. Good luck and be more aggressive :hope :)
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Re: Flush ??

I called, he had A 9 and I stacked him. I limped with AQ because it's a dangerous hand that I don't like playing against heavy opposition. I guess it's a wider point, AQ off suit mid position, folded round to you, what's the correct course of action ? Bet 4 or 5 x BB or Limp ? I'm finding that I'm taking down a lot of pots preflop which is fine, but I'd actually like to get deep into a few and win some more big ones. I guess it's about risk management and pot building.
AQ is dangerous against heavy opposition (as Tom described) but you were first in the pot so a raise of 4xbb is what I would have done. Limping with the idea that you want to get in a few big pots is a very flawed way of thinking. NEVER let people into a pot cheaply.
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