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Hornet's Holiday Fund Challenge


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I've decided to take up a challenge but needed a physical end result in order to maintain my interest. So, with money pretty tight around here, I'm going to attempt to win enough to take my wife and daughter away next year:hope. My aim was to turn the €40-odd I had on Paradise into €500 (or more). My method is to play 30-man tournaments. I'm better at MTT's but it is too high variance for this challenge so 30 player STT's it is. I'm writing this on July 1st, but I am not going to post until I have completed 15 tournaments (just in case I go broke:$:lol)

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Re: Hornet's Holiday Fund Challenge Ok. I didn't go broke:nana. I have played a combo of 3 and 5 euro tourneys, and the results are as follows: Wins: 1 2nd: 2 3rd: 2 4th: 1 5th 1 Out of the money: 8 My fund is up to €114.55. I think I am massively overachieving, but I am not sure what sort of return I should be looking at over the long term:unsure I'll post up results as and when. :okNo hiding place now...

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Re: Hornet's Holiday Fund Challenge nice start:ok maybe you are overachieving a little as your itm half the time:nana:nana as long as you can keep that up when the cards are running for you and minimise the losses when they don't ,you should do well.just dont fret when if you go through a few with no cash.

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Re: Hornet's Holiday Fund Challenge Thanks for your kind words guys:clap. The next set of 5 games is over and the results are thus: Game 16: 17/30 -3.30 Game 17: 2/30 +18.30 Game 18: 8/30 -3.30 Game 19: 1/30 +32.70 Game 20: 16/30 -3.30 Total €155.65 Still ridiculously over-achieving but:nana long may it continue!!

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