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Part of my recent move to cash. Am I in trouble here ? Should I be looking at check / fold. No danger of straight or flush, he doesn't seem remotely concerned with my consistant raising which is a worry, what do you put him on POKERSTARS GAME #18782797456: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($0.05/$0.10) - 2008/07/13 - 04:19:20 (ET) Table 'Garuda' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: mili_bma ($9.85 in chips) Seat 2: eixPERO ($9 in chips) Seat 4: Gibybo ($25.05 in chips) Seat 5: Kronprinz79 ($1.70 in chips) Seat 6: asjohnstone ($12.15 in chips) Seat 7: Miclan ($5 in chips) Seat 8: x__Ronald__x ($10 in chips) Seat 9: acromaniac ($11.10 in chips) asjohnstone: posts small blind $0.05 Miclan: posts big blind $0.10 finnjo: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Ah Ac] x__Ronald__x: folds acromaniac: folds mili_bma: folds eixPERO: raises $0.10 to $0.20 Gibybo: folds Kronprinz79: folds asjohnstone: raises $0.30 to $0.50 Miclan: folds eixPERO: calls $0.30 *** FLOP *** [7c Qd 8c] asjohnstone: bets $0.60 eixPERO: raises $0.60 to $1.20 asjohnstone: raises $2.20 to $3.40 eixPERO: calls $2.20 *** TURN *** [7c Qd 8c] [2h] asjohnstone: ???

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Re: Aces think you have to keep betting here you could use a semi blocker of about $2-3 but you may as well push i think, as another bet pretty much pot commits you anyway. i would guess at either aq or kq but there is always a chance of a set or loads of draws out there, so it is a tricky one:unsure thats the worst thing about micro games ,the other player could have pretty much anything. have you much info on the player? think the only thing i'd be worried about is a lag player ,but usually they would be re re raising the flop if they had the goods.

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Re: Aces With no info... ...I can't see anything to worry about here except trips (more likely he's drawing). If he has that then lucky him...reload. Personally I would be raising more more pre flop, like to 0.70 - 0.80. Then I would pot it on the flop. If he min reraises then push all in.

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Re: Aces I would agree it does look like AQ or KQ but he could have hit trips or more likely be drawing to the clubs with something like JTc. Think you have to shove a pot bet in on the turn to make him pay for his draw. If he had trips I would have expected him to make re-re-raise on the flop but he could be playing it tricky. I don't play much cash but I would have raised more pre-flop to $0.70 as at these levels only large raises (6xBB) get any respect and not always even then. Did you win???

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Re: Aces Yeah, I won. I decided to push, he called. turned out he was holding Q9 :unsure I posted this thread, because my play and in particular my push at the end worried me. I'm trying to advance fairly quickly up the cash ladder, and am beating this level with ease, once I get 5000 hands in I'll move to next level. My aim for the next year is $1/$2. I got thinking was the push here +EV ? I'm racked with doubt with this one, at this level perhaps, people will go all the way with TPTK, seen it far to many times. It's the hand I beat most often on bigger pots at this level. But at a higher level ? Say 50c / $1 would it be very much -EV ??\ At a higher level, wouldn't it induce a fold from everything I'm beating and a call only from hands that have me beat ? Does the relativly small stack sizes here versus pot force the all or nothing approach, with much bigger stack sizes would you still call a push from him ? Am I trying to over think things ? tons of questions I know, thanks for bearing with me :ok *** TURN *** [7c Qd 8c] [2h] asjohnstone: bets $5.10 eixPERO: calls $5.10 and is all-in *** RIVER *** [7c Qd 8c 2h] [7h] *** SHOW DOWN *** asjohnstone: shows [Ah Ac] (two pair, Aces and Sevens) eixPERO: mucks hand asjohnstone collected $17.25 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $18.10 | Rake $0.85 Board [7c Qd 8c 2h 7h] Seat 1: mili_bma folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: eixPERO mucked [Qs 9s] Seat 4: Gibybo folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Kronprinz79 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: asjohnstone (small blind) showed [Ah Ac] and won ($17.25) with two pair, Aces and Sevens Seat 7: Miclan (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: x__Ronald__x folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: acromaniac folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Aces

At a higher level, wouldn't it induce a fold from everything I'm beating and a call only from hands that have me beat?
A saying often quoted..however I guess Mole would argue to the contrary. Although you're being technically correct in your approach, I think that the stakes and stacks are too small to read too much into winning with an overpair vs top top. I'd suggest that those kinds of hands are the bread and butter of cash game play (would a cash player agree or disagree?).
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Re: Aces

A saying often quoted..however I guess Mole would argue to the contrary. Although you're being technically correct in your approach, I think that the stakes and stacks are too small to read too much into winning with an overpair vs top top. I'd suggest that those kinds of hands are the bread and butter of cash game play (would a cash player agree or disagree?).
I agree Val you can't read too much into it. When giving a view on a hand at 0.05/0.10c you have to realise that without any info on a player they are likely to have "any 2 cards" and I mean that quite literally. I've only ever played that low when I needed the raked hands at the time to play in the V roll satelites which were focus games a lot of the time and I didn't intend on depositing any money as I didn't like the software.The standard is as bad as it gets and you cannot treat it as a game of serious poker.
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Re: Aces sure, but at the same time if I want to beat the level a move up, I surely need to consider all the options. I do have a concern that being overly respectful of others will lead me to leave money on the table, but at the same time I don't want to get into bad habits that will bite me in the arse at higher levels

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Re: Aces Of course AJ you are taking the right approach. Obviously you have to adjust to each level but don't spend too much time at this level you will learn very little. You would be better off not playing at all and saving 20 buyins to play at 25c/50c honestly. You know the basic fundamentals of poker and the players at 25c/50c are just a beatable as the ones at 5c/10c.

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Re: Aces

Of course AJ you are taking the right approach. Obviously you have to adjust to each level but don't spend too much time at this level you will learn very little. You would be better off not playing at all and saving 20 buyins to play at 25c/50c honestly. You know the basic fundamentals of poker and the players at 25c/50c are just a beatable as the ones at 5c/10c.
I would agree entirely with SteveO here. I tried to do the 'right' think concerning bankrolls and starting from scratch etc. etc. but it was such a grind at 5c/10c to get a decent run due to all the mitigating factors that go with this level (calling stations and maniacs and the like) that I deciding to just go for broke (relatively speaking) and started at 25c/50c just a couple of weeks ago and although it only been a very short time it has been very profitable. Good luck. :ok:ok
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Re: Aces

sure, but at the same time if I want to beat the level a move up, I surely need to consider all the options. I do have a concern that being overly respectful of others will lead me to leave money on the table, but at the same time I don't want to get into bad habits that will bite me in the arse at higher levels
That old chestnut again :lol All I can say is what I tried to impart onto Tina Page, if you have the roll and the skill forget micro limits as it will regress your game more than bring you on.
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Re: Aces

Of course AJ you are taking the right approach. Obviously you have to adjust to each level but don't spend too much time at this level you will learn very little. You would be better off not playing at all and saving 20 buyins to play at 25c/50c honestly. You know the basic fundamentals of poker and the players at 25c/50c are just a beatable as the ones at 5c/10c.
I might give this a bash, it's not a cash thing at all, I could easily afford to play 25c/50c, starting with a $500 bank. giving me ten full buyins. Probably better for my game as well
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