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Sun City Millions - I need some hel

Colin UK

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I've won a $10,000 package to the Sun City Millions in South Africa. The tourney is at the beginning of September 2008 and I really need some help with the following; 1. Can anyone find this tourney anywhere on the web? The only refernece I can find is last years tourney. 2. The structure is a $3000 buy in with $600 rebuys for 4 hours (!) then a $1000 add on. I get bought in for the initial buy in and add on. Will the rebuys get you your full stack again or will it be relative to the buy in (just 20%). 3. I've never played outside the UK (where we don't pay tax on winnings), do I need to put anything in place so I don't pay tax on any winnings out there. Any help would be appreciated. Colin

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel my m8 qualified throu the first freeroll on pokertime a few months back and him and his missus will be going at the start of september(lucky cnuts), he has also never played a live tourny outside ireland ps i think you have to waittill all the freerolls are over before they send out the details, which i believe they will be doing in the first week of august its on page 22, i think of this months poker player magazine

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel

I've won a $10,000 package to the Sun City Millions in South Africa. The tourney is at the beginning of September 2008 and I really need some help with the following; 1. Can anyone find this tourney anywhere on the web? The only refernece I can find is last years tourney. 2. The structure is a $3000 buy in with $600 rebuys for 4 hours (!) then a $1000 add on. I get bought in for the initial buy in and add on. Will the rebuys get you your full stack again or will it be relative to the buy in (just 20%). 3. I've never played outside the UK (where we don't pay tax on winnings), do I need to put anything in place so I don't pay tax on any winnings out there. Any help would be appreciated. Colin
can't answer question 1 but question 2 .i would guess it will be less chips than the original buy in ,otherwise it will be crazy:loon even with that amount of chips early in a tourney you can still come back but it's not giving people too much of an excuse to turn it into a donkfest. question 3 your fine getting the money back to the uk :nana there are no restrictions/taxes in bringing winnings back unlesss you are a pro no matter the amount. however you better look into the local tax rules:ok usually if you sign up to become a member of the casino you should not have any problems ,as the membership shows you are a uk citizen and local taxes shouldn't apply(this is how it works in the US anyway) if you don't do this then you have to go through a ton of paperwork to get the taxes back from the relevent country:((trust me the irs is event worse than our tax system)
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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel Cheers Ubermonkey and Bawnmore, I'm just going to enjoy playing in a totally different setting and not really expecting to finish in the money, but you never know, there's only expected to be 400+ runners.... Thanks again for your help.

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel yeah enjoy it:ok the standard of play in these big games isn't as great as you might expect ,so with i bit of luck there's no reason why you can't cash:hope the only thing i would say is, if you haven't played live in a casino much try and fit in a few games before you go;) or try and play a live ,deepstack, high turnout game if you can(like the v fest)as its the closest thing your going to get to the tourney your playing. anyway good luck when you go:hope

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel Cheers Uber, I play in a couple of Grosvenors on an irregular basis and, as you've said, stepped it up a bit recently with two final tables out of three tourneys to get back into the live stage. One of them was a deepstack and the other a daft 3 quid rebuy. I'm just hoping that it's not a daft rebuy in SA where you get your full stack again for $600 and load of rich dudes can push every hand. Got enough for a couple of rebuys though. Anyway, I've just got to keep remembering, it's all free!!!. Looking at the thread a couple down, I think scousemaster won this months so I'll try to get his email to se what he's found out about it. Be lucky

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel Cheers Uber, I play in a couple of Grosvenors on an irregular basis and, as you've said, stepped it up a bit recently with two final tables out of three tourneys to get back into the live stage. One of them was a deepstack and the other a daft 3 quid rebuy. I'm just hoping that it's not a daft rebuy in SA where you get your full stack again for $600 and load of rich dudes can push every hand. Got enough for a couple of rebuys though. Anyway, I've just got to keep remembering, it's all free!!!. Looking at the thread a couple down, I think scousemaster won this months so I'll try to get his email to se what he's found out about it. Be lucky

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel Hi Mate Well done on winning your trip. Two pieces of advice don't push all in with k7 os before the break and don't get bored. Can imagine a few people scratching thier heads over these words of wisdom but think you know what i mean. ;) Good luck btw and might cya at the casino again sometime.

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Re: Sun City Millions - I need some hel Celador, Hahahahaha. You've got a good memory. I'll make sure I get a good sleep before this one, it's a bit more important. I'll push the K7 if it has the luck it did last time:loon. It was suited though!!!! Which one are you, send a photo. Shaven head? Got kicked out at 6 in the morning after winning a tourney?

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