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Theoretical H/U match!


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Imagine you have won your way through to a $1,000,000 H/U match and you have to pick who you play from the following list: Phil Ivey Gus Hansen Daniel Negranu Chris Ferguson Roland DeWolf Phil Helmuth Who would you chose and why.

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Re: Theoretical H/U match! Either Ivey, Hansen or De-wolf. I think they would be more likely to call my all-in bet pre-flop with only average hands and hopefully give me a coin flip situation:ok. Would,nt want to play to many small pots with them so all-in or fold pre-flop.

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Re: Theoretical H/U match! Hellmuth. I think he's by far the most likely to get wound up and go on tilt against somebody playing the way I'd be playing. I'm pretty sure Ferguson and Hansen in particular would take it in their stride and calmly figure out how they should play against me.

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Re: Theoretical H/U match! Definitely De Wolfe. Seems a very cool down to earth person and english as well. Would totally destroy me but he'd be a much better laugh then the others would be IMO and would definitely be up for a night out! Ferguson last on the list, he like all the others would crush me but he'd sit there stoney faced pretty much the whole time :(.

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Re: Theoretical H/U match!

Definitely De Wolfe. Seems a very cool down to earth person and english as well. Would totally destroy me but he'd be a much better laugh then the others would be IMO and would definitely be up for a night out! Ferguson last on the list, he like all the others would crush me but he'd sit there stoney faced pretty much the whole time :(.
You realize you're playing for $1,000,000? Heads up against anybody I have around $200,000 equity by going all-in blind every hand. I don't think I'm particularly mercenary, but for that kind of money I couldn't care less how gregarious my opponent is!
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Re: Theoretical H/U match!

You realize you're playing for $1' date='000,000? Heads up against [b']anybody I have around $200,000 equity by going all-in blind every hand. I don't think I'm particularly mercenary, but for that kind of money I couldn't care less how gregarious my opponent is!
Ok, if i thought i;d have any sort of chance it'd be Hansen as the rest are too good. Hansen because he does tilt. Was thinking Hellmuth but can't remember too many times he's come second :unsure. BTW swap Hansen for Antonius in the list and it's one scary thought :loon
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Re: Theoretical H/U match! I noticed I made a typo in the spelling of "gregarious" in my post, so I edited it to correct the spelling. In the meantime Nade replied, quoting my post with the misspelling. So I edited that too. :unsure I need help, don't I? :sad

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Re: Theoretical H/U match! doesn't matter, they can all out play me. All I do is push or fold every hand, i'm pushing with any pair, any ace, any king, Q with a kicker above 7, and any connectors, suited or otherwise.

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Re: Theoretical H/U match!

I need help, don't I? :sad
With over 11,000 posts on here...think your beyond helping now, sorry! Regarding the original question...these players would surely prefer to play each other...they must have, or believe they have, a handle on how to beat each other. To face a total unknown in that situation would be daunting even for them. No preference who I'd play...but I would try to be aggressive without going over the top...and just hope that the cards run in my favour. Having said that I would love to send Helmuth away in tears...''That Fing donkey just raised with 89 suited...how Fing stupid is that then!'' :cry:cry:cry
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