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Re: Reeshah What the fook is going on now? After sending out emails advising players where their team finished You`ve changed the league 6 weeks after it finished? So if that is the case, the results you sent to pokeroom will now have to be changes and no doubt we will have to wait another month What a loads of old bollox

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Re: Reeshah

yeah the tables aint gonna be changed' date=' its all final[/quote'] sorry guys i dont know why the tables have been changed, i was not informed about this and it was not something that I was involved in. Ive drawn it to the attention of the guys in charge and hopefully they will let me know whats happening. So suffice it to say that i cant garuntee either result at this stage.
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Re: Reeshah well then to be honest all your bosses can do now is to pay both teams the top prize,and learn from the mistakes made,even it comes out of their own pocket,it is the only way to come out of this with any credibilty. also it has come to my notice that a couple of UK teams in the 1/4 finals have been allowed to add new players,that cant be right surely????

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Re: Reeshah yeah i think poker co uk and SK-gaming added players, however this was because they were stuck with teams with majority of players totally inactive. These teams had been requesting that these players be removed since before the CL but we cant do that til the season is over, (dont ask me why) and so they were granted permission to add new players to ensure they had 5 players available, also i am aware of this problem slick mick, i am in your team remember ;) i requested to have slapdash to be made available for quarterfinals but was rejected :( and to be honest i think its fair enough, its abit hard to expect eSport-Poker to change the rules because our guys are in Vegas ;)

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Re: Reeshah sorry teaulc, i am in UK so havnt spoken to the powers that be, I cant chase people up looking for the answer repeatedly, when they decide on a result they will let me know and i will pass it on as soon as i get it ;)

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Re: Reeshah Can you ask one of the Managers to answer the questions directly on this forum? Does seem strange that none of them now response, yet when all this started they were here more than GAF! Agree with Al that i would like to know how they are going to pay this after informing one team that they won and 6 weeks changing the league and potentailly relegating them to 2nd Cheers rees, its not directed at you personally but its just so frustrating

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Re: Reeshah The only fair option is to award 1st prize to both teams, can,t see anyway round it. red aces received a e-mail saying they have won the league and win 1st prize. And after several weeks, on e-sport website it now says CVG are champions. Can,t see any other way round this, e-sport have cocked up big time and should do the honorable thing.:ok

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Re: Reeshah When we asked for more team members for champs league due to oddsox looking after her sick mother and Mike saban working away, we were refused point blank Now we find other teams were granted subs??? Time to sort the mess out E-Sport cos your a damn disgrace!

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