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Morls Vegas Thread


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Re: Morls Vegas Thread

Lost me suitcase.....fvck:@
If you need to buy stuff for the next couple of days to replace what was in the suitcase, keep receipts: the airline will pay (within reason). My luggage has gone astray a couple of times, but they've always got it to me within a day or two.
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Re: Morls Vegas Thread Sorry to hear about your bad luck losing your clothes, it must have its advantages, being naked in America mean you are arrested, issued with there classic style of " orange jump suit" and a 1yr stay free of charge!!!!!!! :cry Back to poker, and you have had all your bad luck now, so bring home the prize :hope Eyesallin, sends his regards :pokerand have a beer on me :beer

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Re: Morls Vegas Thread Hi all No suitcase yet, jeez i smell! Event 52 started at 12pm today, me and uber sat down with 2700 players who all paid $1500 to play I Was on the same table as a guy who had made two WSOP final tables this year (Larry Wright or Larry Rice??) and a guy who won a bracelet last year, William McKinnie along with a texan who was being called champ by everyone! 3rd hand in i get AA and guy behind me raises to 225, i re-raised to 650 and he folded, thats the best i had for a while then with 6 limpers i play my KJ suited and end up in a pot heads up with the champ. flop is J 6 4 rainbow and the champ bets 700 (pot) i reraise to 1400, which was too small imo.....he then had a think and moved all in.....this was 30 mins into the game and i decided to lay it down, he showed AK......balls! I get to the 1st break and double up with A8 vs 66 and have just over starting stack No cards for 80 mins and i wake up utg+1 with 10 10, i push my 2.2k all in and with blinds of 100/200 and 25 ante, the BB says, I GOTTA CALL.....he has 88.....get in i think. The flop brings an 8 and its good bye! Great experience and great players at the table but no luck at all in vegas for me this year so far Geordigaz has played 1 tourney, cashed 6th and made $285, he then went to play cash and came back to the room, pissed, smiling and shouting whoooop.....hes up to 600!! Ubers gone from the tourney too, 10 10 VS AA.....More later

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Re: Morls Vegas Thread Well i finally have my suitcase, so i have some clothes (and socks) at last! 4 days after leaving heathrow tho...... Vegas is being nasty to me again with regards to my poker. Played 2 more tournaments and lasted a total of 8 hands......... $80 Imperial Palace 8pm: 5th hand im on SB and its folded around to me, i say to the BB, if i call will ya check it down, he says yes (i have 83o), flop 887 and as he said , we checked, the turn come a 5, and he said i have to bet , so i reraise and he pushes, i call and he shows A8......im out if no 3 comes on river.....nope....gone! $120 Caesars 11pm: 3rd hand i get AA which i flat call, BB raises it up and again i make the call. The flop comes Ah 9c 2h to which the BB bets, i re-raise and he insta pushes, i make the call and flip over my AA For top set, and he says NH, i was bluffing, Turns over Ks Qh.. turn 4h, river Jh and he hits runner runner flush. Met up with DaMatrix last night and got kinda drunk again in the MGM, played beer pong all day and then went to see the LV 51's play bad baseball....they were so poor they even let me get a refund on my shirt i bought lol Bluff magazine party tonight, so should be some celebs, whores and lapdances to take my mind off poker!

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Re: Morls Vegas Thread we've been at binions all day playing in the classic:okgaz bubbled at 20th morls about 40th and me 60th (i went out on 72 off:lol:lol)150 started. me and morls really had some crap cards for the whole game:eyes it was a much better tourney than the wsop tho:loonwith a very good structure:ok

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Re: Morls Vegas Thread The voodoo curse is over...... I won the planet hollywood $80 game last night! Just had a photo with Jamie Gold, Vanessa Rousso, Chad Brown and best of all, Doyle Brunson....who signed my cowboy hat!!!! Mole is on the same table as Jamie Golds mum, and tv cameras are there watching them. Just in airport now, gutted to be coming home!

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Re: Morls Vegas Thread

The voodoo curse is over...... I won the planet hollywood $80 game last night!
Excellent! Well done! :clap
and best of all, Doyle Brunson....who signed my cowboy hat!!!!
Just as well, considering how much time you spent in Newcastle city centre looking for that cowboy hat! What did you get Vanessa Rousso to sign?
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Re: Morls Vegas Thread

hmmmm :eyes 3rd is counted as winning now is it :lol Well done anyway :clap:clap
Joint 1st mate, walked away with $798 each
tell us more and how much did morls win ? 1st or 3rd
As above
I hear they did a chop, although morls was chip leader at the time. :ok Well done. :clap
With 598k in play, i had 340k of the chips, but since it was our last night and everyone was getting hammered elsewhere, i organised the chop, to which both guys said was generous as id obviously end up winning.
It was a pretty weak event though even I cashed. As for putting the clock on one of your fellow loungers- tut tut tut.
Was only weak as PL had a bad showing.....how else can I take 5 of ya out haha..... As for the clock called on Geordigaz.....everyone will agree that it was pure genius....he ended up doubling up later and the mexican went on tilt! Me, Uber and Ollie were pissin ourselves at the TD coming over for GG's 1st hand:lol
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Re: Morls Vegas Thread

As for the clock called on Geordigaz.....everyone will agree that it was pure genius....he ended up doubling up later and the mexican went on tilt! Me, Uber and Ollie were pissin ourselves at the TD coming over for GG's 1st hand:lol
that was worth the $80:lol:lol:loloh and i'm never playing beer pong then poker again:$:lol
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