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Flopped Full House


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I acknowledge that limping from there with pocket 5s was real bad play. My only excuse is as you can tell by stack size, I had paid a SB and a BB and not seen a flop in 25 minutes, and when I saw a pair I wanted to see a cheap flop ***** Hand 1133324021 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 June 2008 18:54:41 €5000 EM2008 special (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Jatin (2020.00) Seat 2: Hexe17 (2040.00) Seat 3: muru002xx (1940.00) Seat 4: Veptun (2660.00) Seat 5: Koiku069 (2190.00) Seat 6: Schmahl (1970.00) Seat 7: FischGG (1490.00) Seat 8: plSamba (1970.00) Seat 9: 7zwerge (1750.00) Seat 10: löwe205 (1970.00) Koiku069 post SB 15.00 Schmahl post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** Jatin [N/A, N/A] Hexe17 [N/A, N/A] muru002xx [N/A, N/A] Veptun [N/A, N/A] Koiku069 [N/A, N/A] Schmahl [N/A, N/A] FischGG [N/A, N/A] plSamba [5c, 5d] 7zwerge [N/A, N/A] löwe205 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** FischGG Fold plSamba Call 30.00 - 7zwerge Raise to 135.00 löwe205 Fold Jatin Fold Hexe17 Fold muru002xx Fold Veptun Call 135.00 Koiku069 Fold Schmahl Fold plSamba Call 135.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, 10c, 10d] *** Bet Round 2 *** plSamba Check 7zwerge Check Veptun Bet 210.00 plSamba Raise to 420.00 7zwerge Fold Veptun Raise to 1500.00... WHAT NOW???

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Re: Flopped Full House

Well you could always fold and wait for AA to flop AAx because 55 flopping a FH is not good enough for you..... Get it all in!! If he has TT then that's just one of those things. If he has AT and the turn or river brings an Ace then again, one of those things.
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Re: Flopped Full House Dont see any thing at all wrong with your preflop play, exactly what I would have done. I'm sticking all my chips in. theres only 2 hands your behind and he doesnt have either of them. If you lose the hand tough but that is the correct play. My guess is he has an over pair and gets a 3rd 10 on the river/

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Re: Flopped Full House It wasn't a bad beat thread! lol, don't want it to turn into one, so I will 'fess up to how the hand played out! I did come back over the top and go all-in, and obviously was called. The lad had... the other 10 and the other 5 for a boat of his own, 10s full of 5s compared to my 5s full of 10s. I couldn't believe that anybody could call a preflop raise of 4.5 x BB with T5o? I still can't believe it! I was just asking the question as I still had enough chips to fold, and it was posible that he had pocket 10s or the hand I had put him on which was ATs and could still out draw me. glceud's thread a couple down where some people were advising there's no need to put your tournament life on the line in the early levels got me to thinking maybe I should have accepted I was behind and move on. Clearly not though, I'm glad everyone would have went all-in! Still gutted, but it wasn't a bad beat thread - I was behind when my money went it - it was more a 'why the f... would you call a 4.5xBB preflop raise with T5o' lol

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Re: Flopped Full House Having read glceud's thread, my question 'what next?' was a genuine question, as there were some contributors in that thread who advocated not putting your tournament life on the line in the early levels. Obviously everyone would have done what I done and went all in. Fine, my question has been answered. I did say it wasn't a bad beat thread as my money went in while I was behind. And also it was opinions I was after, not sarcasm :unsure

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Re: Flopped Full House Lot of grumpy old men on here but for once i wasnt one of them. The difference with my thread though was 10,000 starting chips and hour long levels at a buy in way higher than mine and most of ours normal level. This I take it is standard internet tourney when people will reraise with overpairs and not really care if they go out as they can start another tourney immediatley, indeed are probably playing another couple at the same time. Keep playing flopped full houses like that and you will do ok.:ok

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Re: Flopped Full House 'Scuse my sarcasm too was feeling very bored and tired yesterday so spent some good time trolling the forums :lol Though i have to say if you play any short handed NLHE you'll see these hands and beats (and a lot worse) are an hourly occurance at least ;)

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Re: Flopped Full House

Having read glceud's thread, my question 'what next?' was a genuine question, as there were some contributors in that thread who advocated not putting your tournament life on the line in the early levels.
If I remember correctly, in glceud's thread the situation was more of a coinflip situation than this one. Whilst people may not be prepared to risk their tournament with AA on a flush board, or KK on a 567 rainbow board, the fact is that there were only 2 possible hands that were beating you, quad ten's and 10-5. Even if the other guy flipped over TT I'd still take my chances with a full house that includes both of my hole cards.
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Re: Flopped Full House

If I remember correctly, in glceud's thread the situation was more of a coinflip situation than this one. Whilst people may not be prepared to risk their tournament with AA on a flush board, or KK on a 567 rainbow board, the fact is that there were only 2 possible hands that were beating you, quad ten's and 10-5. Even if the other guy flipped over TT I'd still take my chances with a full house that includes both of my hole cards.
Am I reading this correctly. If the guy flips over TT you cannot win:unsure.
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Re: Flopped Full House Ah takes me back to the best post flop carnage which i "think" was first hand from quite a few years ago WSOP .... Sammy Farha vs Oliver Hudson ..... First hand .......:sad...... lets hope he didn't buy in .... It could be worst Samba Sampa..... and yes A 10 isnt as bad as 10 5 .... but poop happens... The crazy thing is I put "poker WSOP" into You Tube and of all the videos it could have been ..... this one started showing ..... vvvv spooky :(

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