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Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability


Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability  

  1. 1.

    • Qtr final Leg 1 - Wed 2nd July - Yes
    • Qtr final Leg 1 - Wed 2nd July - No
    • Qtr final Leg 2 - Sun 6th July - Yes
    • Qtr final Leg 2 - Sun 6th July - No
    • Semi final Leg 1 - Wed 9th July - Yes
    • Semi final Leg 1 - Wed 9th July - No
    • Semi final Leg 2 - Sun 13th July - Yes
    • Semi final Leg 2 - Sun 13th July - No

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Hi guys heres a big poll with loads of options .... thought it best to get it up now before various members of our sqaud start travelling to warmer climes..... please please please try your hardest to vote Yes ... I myself (and I suspect Paul and Duncan) am going to be in Vegas and will be voting No to quarter finals/semi-finals though if push comes to shove I may try to find an internet access and play at 10:00am (think thats the time) via some sort of internet connection. get yer votes in..... I'm hoping to finalise the first quarter final game on the Monday evening as I travel on the Tuesday, Strategy I believe should be tight aggressive (i.e your normal game) at least for the first leg of each round (in these games I'd be suprised if there are any sitouts). If we are doing well after the first leg then erring on the side of caution may be possible - if we are doing badly then its attack attack attack mode in the second leg, the scoring system rewards the higher places much more than the lower ones.....

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Looks like we're going to be struggling for teams, so I'll make these 6 (hopefully) games an exception to my break. If selected someone will need to email me and let me know though....

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

Looks like we're going to be struggling for teams' date=' so I'll make these 6 (hopefully) games an exception to my break. If selected someone will need to email me and let me know though....[/quote'] :ok your team will need you For now I've voted No for the three that are on while I am away but I will monitor availability and consider other options if necessary (:hope that we need to worry about semi-final availability !)
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Just checked PokerRoom and found they have an "Instant Play" option from a browser - with a bit of luck that should mean I'm able to make a couple of the games just from any old internet cafe browser ..... and since the WSOP games don't start till mid-day West coast time then all I need is an Internet Cafe in or around the Rio ... hopefully this will help in making sure we have full teams.... :hope

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Hmmm - if they do - can I come in via UK proxy server or somesuch I wonder? Though I suspect Internet Cafe might not like people changing the browser settings ... (if thats how you do it).

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability To be honest Phil - I'm not good with Proxies - I dont know how to do it..... 6 registered for the event at www.pokeroom.com - just waiting on Phil and Paul for the full team :ok When Phil and I are both away, someone else in the team will need to sort everything out, chase, and double check :ok

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability We have 3 players out at WSOP? Surely the CL should be delayed? If it's delayed for a European Football match that noone is playing in, then surely it's a no brainer to delay it for a World Poker Tournament that a significant number of our team are entering? :tongue2 In all seriousness - Reeshah - can we apply for special dispensation to bring slapdash in (as other teams have had special dispensation) - it's looking like a very good chance we wont be able to field a team because of the clash with WSOP which 37.5% of our squad are involved in....

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Thanks Gaf, I hadn't realised we had to reregister for the quarter finals - totally illogical I had a try running pokerroom through a prozy server here in the uk and it seemed to work - so I think its technically possible ....... when I get to LV its one off the first things I try will be this. Would be good if we could get Slapdash involved. Btw - anyone know if there should be something showing somewhere for Slapdash's appication? I'd assumed there'd be some admin box to check - Slapdash pm'd me to say he'd applied - maybe it doesn't come in till CL finishes?

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Whilst I'm away - I'll certainly be logging onto PL to check team availability etc. and (assuming I can sign into Pokerrrom) then I'll happily put the teams in (and even play) ... putting team in for first game should be no problem as I can do that Monday night before I fly - 2nd quarter final will depend on access from LA and if worse comes to worse I can always PM someone and get them to use my id/pw to put team up (theres a massive $0.35 in my account - I think I can trust you all with that much :lol - although maybe the money from previous series might have appeared :hope) .

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

Would be good if we could get Slapdash involved. Btw - anyone know if there should be something showing somewhere for Slapdash's appication? I'd assumed there'd be some admin box to check - Slapdash pm'd me to say he'd applied - maybe it doesn't come in till CL finishes?
When I go to the "Team Profile", it says "You have applied for membership to this team".
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

Think its clear they will not allow this :sad:sad:sad
They've allowed it for other teams who cannot field teams..... The only other alternative is to delay the CL till after WSOP (with the precedent they've set on the Football - and delaying it for Poker makes a lot more sense than delaying it for football)
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

They've allowed it for other teams who cannot field teams..... The only other alternative is to delay the CL till after WSOP (with the precedent they've set on the Football - and delaying it for Poker makes a lot more sense than delaying it for football)
You think esport has any idea what the WSOP is?
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

The only other alternative is to delay the CL till after WSOP (with the precedent they've set on the Football - and delaying it for Poker makes a lot more sense than delaying it for football)
Or surely one of us has a birthday around now that they could delay it for?
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Right, team for Wednesday 2nd is provisionally Gaf,Reeshah,runa (as he doesn't travel till 3rd methinks), slick mick and wallg. I'm trying to avoid playiong anyone who might have IP problems from the USA and will be needing to experiment. Just play your normal game is my tentative advice (feel free to ignore me) and we'll hope that we get some good places so we can have an easy second leg. :hope:hope:hope For Sunday 6th its provisionally ...... gaf, mad duke,reeshah,slick mik and wallg ... though if experimentation has proved that we can get in from US then we might drop one or even two of you (probably whoever played in leg 1 and got the worst result) and play another (or even a combined brains trust of me and paul all sitting in front of the same screen - no Runa as I think he has something more important starting lucnchtime Sunday). More on that by Sunday 6th. Tactics will depend somewhat on the first legs results ... if we have done well in leg 1 then a bit of caution might be suggested ... if we have done really badly then it might be total aggression ... in between may be just a case of playing normally and seeing what happens. Anyone see any flaws in my thinking?

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability

Anyone see any flaws in my thinking?
My thinking is that this is like a satellite with 40 players playing for 25 seats - It's a really wierd MTT situation and we would need to adjust our normal game dramatically to the new situation - our first goal should be to survive to the last 25 - which I think means small ball low risk poker :unsure We really cannot afford to have players going out in the thirties.... (look how close we came to blowing it in the last leg of the group stage, when a team of sit outs would have qualified with ease.....)
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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability The structure of these quarter finals is very confusing ... are there 40 teams playing in one "league"? I did for a while think there were two sections of 20 teams in each??? Currently I can see 17 registered teams ... if thats 17 out of 40 and the rest have retired or forgotten to press the registration button then there's a chance that we'll have less than 25 in the whole thing..... can't believe eSport would allow that to happen :( if it is a 40 seater MTT that starts with five 4*10 seaters then our aim should be to reach the final table since (as I read it) 16th place gets 0 points exactly same as 40th place..... With the skewing of points for 1st-4th then 5*10th place would give us 30 points, which I think would definitely be enough to qualify. My reading is that if we average 15th place (5 points minimum in total) by playing totally "safe" then unless that includes a 1st/2nd spot coupled to a 40th spot then we are in trouble. What does this mean in reality? Don't be over aggressive, the prize distribution pattern doesn't warrent it ..... if you can get to the final table then thats a success .... getting to the final table with biggest stack is not needed. So if you get ahead of the pack then don't try to bully too much. Definitely play tight and positional ..... but not too much aggression. Of course theres always going to be AA v KK situations and badbeats, but be wary of getting involved in 50/50 situations until final table (of course that alll changes if you get to be short stacked before final table).... Ax is not a good hand :D - even Ax suited aint good. Because the points don't start until 15th position (right?) then if there are 40 in each game then whilst I agree with gafs "small ball low risk poker" I think we should be wary of playing too passively as that could mean going out 20th or so for nil points. If there are two sets of 20 teams then a slightly more passive game is viable as making the top half rather than the top 37.5% allows a bit more scope. Hope I'm making sense above .... feel free to point out the errors of my thinking :ok

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability right lads ive checked it out and i have tracked down the structure for the points in QF. It is indeed 1 group of 40 teams and you get player points for top 30, the points structure should be going up on the website soon.

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