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Re: Slapcash €25 --> €21 Current bank €1048.29. It would have been a slightly better session if I'd realized that typing a bet amount of .8 (rather than 0.8) meant you bet €8 (rather than €0.80). :$ I wonder if the mole's ever been caught out by that? :tongue2

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Re: Slapcash

Do you own PokerTracker? PT3 doesn't support boss yet, so you would have to use PT2 - if you have to buy it, and intend to - I would suggest explaining that you want to use it for boss and asking if you can buy a PT3 licence, but have access to PT2 until such time as they support Boss - I cannot see why they wouldn't....
I've just been looking at the PokerTracker website. If you buy PT3 then you get PT2 for free. :ok
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Re: Slapcash It's funny - I've been think about that a bit recently too Sam, and most of the time I dont think there is a difference between tourneys and cash. What there is, is a difference between short stacked play (which will typically be tourneys) and deep stacked play (which will typically be cash) - so it's stack sizes that drive the difference rather than tourney/cash

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Re: Slapcash

Have you noticed any differences in "your Play" between tourneys and cash ?
Yes, but that's mainly because I'm playing 5-seater tables rather than because of the difference between tourney/cash. If I played a short-handed tournament, I'd probably play about the same as I've been playing cash in the early, deep-stacked, part of the tournament.
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Re: Slapcash Early thoughts: I'm not too unhappy with how it's been going, even though I've only made a tiny profit. On the big hands, I think I've been a little unlucky so far. Certainly the last two times I've been all-in I was ahead (once very narrowly) but lost. While I'm certainly not giving up yet, I do think I enjoy tournaments more. I think it's a psychological thing: when I play a game, I find it a lot easier to play my best if I have a definite goal. I've tried giving myself artificial goals, like doubling my buy-in, but it's a bit hard to convince myself, especially since I know I shouldn't be playing to achieve these artificial goals. Maybe it would be easier if I were playing for serious money, but obviously going for €25/€50 games is not really an option.

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Re: Slapcash Slapdash, what is your strategy on when you have made 100 percent profit in one session or more (i.e. double buy-in), do you tend to go protective and call it a day for that particular session (to protect your whole stack at risk) or just carry on going indefinitely??

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Re: Slapcash

Slapdash' date=' what is your strategy on when you have made 100 percent profit in one session or more (i.e. double buy-in), do you tend to go protective and call it a day for that particular session (to protect your whole stack at risk) or just carry on going indefinitely??[/quote'] I don't think it's been an issue yet. On the few occasions I've doubled my buy-in, there haven't been any other players at the table with much more than one buy-in (remember these are 5-handed tables, and if I've been doing well enough to double my buy-in, it's less likely that somebody else has also been doing that well), so I've never had much more than a single buy-in at risk at any particular time.
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Re: Slapcash

I do think I enjoy tournaments more. I think it's a psychological thing: when I play a game, I find it a lot easier to play my best if I have a definite goal. I've tried giving myself artificial goals, like doubling my buy-in, but it's a bit hard to convince myself, especially since I know I shouldn't be playing to achieve these artificial goals. Maybe it would be easier if I were playing for serious money, but obviously going for €25/€50 games is not really an option.
I feel that way too. :\ I wish I could find a way of getting over it. :(
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Re: Slapcash Cash games suit gamblers more, tournaments suit a more methodical person. My goals in cash games is to make money ofc. but this involves tonnes of intricacies that make SHNL really interesting to me where as tournaments are very standard and can be played the same way over and over whereas cash games are always changing and throwing up different situations. I see cash games as pure poker and tournaments are an ugly dull cousin ;)

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Re: Slapcash €25 --> €81.53 €25 --> €27.06 Current bank €1063.56. Felt I was finally starting to get it this evening, though to be honest I was getting good cards/flops, so it might have been an illusion. But there were quite a few hands where I thought I "knew" they would fold if I bet, and I was right, although I had nothing, which I was pleased about. I think I'm starting to get a feel for just how bad my opponents' hands are likely to be 5-handed.

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Re: Slapcash

Slap' date=' how long is each session that you are playing ? Have you set yourself a predetermined amount to win as well before you stop each session, ie : double up and then stop ?[/quote'] I've really just been playing as long as I feel like it, which occasionally means only a few minutes, but typically is around 30-40 minutes, I think. If I doubled my stack and there were other big stacks, so I'd be risking a lot more than one buy-in by continuing, I'd probably leave the table, but I don't think that's happened yet.
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Re: Slapcash

I've really just been playing as long as I feel like it, which occasionally means only a few minutes, but typically is around 30-40 minutes, I think.
What do you feel you gain from the sessions that only last a few minutes ?? Not meant as a criticism but just wonder how you feel going into these quick-fire sessions if you feel your head is not on it after a few hands. I find myself often halfway through a SnG thinking Im not on ball and (normally after crashing out) ask myself why I started the game in the first place ..... normal I don't have a positive answer :( Best of luck with the games ! :ok Still slighlty in profit so you're doing better than most already !
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Re: Slapcash Did you come to a decision around poker tracker ? I assume you now have a reasonable number of hands behind you now. 2,000 perhaps ?? A look at some stats around agression, and VP€IP would be interesting I'm playing 9 handed cash just now (and winning pretty well) and have a VP$IP of 25% which poker tracker calls semi loose agressive. Short handed I'd be looking for a figure closer to 35 - 40%

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Re: Slapcash

What do you feel you gain from the sessions that only last a few minutes ?? Not meant as a criticism but just wonder how you feel going into these quick-fire sessions if you feel your head is not on it after a few hands.
I never go into a session intending only to play a few minutes. But sometimes after a dozen hands or so I just realize that my mind's not really on it. Probably I should be able to tell that before I even start, though!
Did you come to a decision around poker tracker ?
Still something I'm intending to get around to.
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