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I've rarely played cash games except when trying to get raked hands, and it's about time I gave it a (semi-)serious go. I'd also like to get some short-handed experience, so I'll be playing short-handed cash on Boss (initially, at least, on Paradise, because of the Scottish Champs rake race that's starting shortly). I find it extremely hard to concentrate on ultra-micro-limits, so the first level I'll try seriously is 0.25/0.50 Euros. I'll start with a notional 1000 Euro bankroll (though I'm sure I'll give up long before I lose that much!) I'll buy in for the maximum (which I think is 100xBB on Boss?), but won't rebuy until I go bust, 'cos I'd like some practice playing short-stacked as well. I'll never buy in for more than 5% of my bankroll (so I'll drop down if necessary). If my bankroll gets above 2000 Euros (as though that's likely to happen :lol) then I'll consider stepping up, but it will depend how I feel things are going. Also, I'm going to start off on the 0.12/0.25 Euro tables to "get my eye in" and experiment a bit. I intend to step up to 0.25/0.50 if my bankroll gets to 1100 Euros. I'm going to try to be disciplined about quitting a session, and will quit (before the next big blind) if I feel I'm losing concentration (which happens far too much, so there could be some very short sessions!), or I'm tilting (doesn't happen so often), or I think there's any other reason to quit. I'm not good at multitabling, especially short-handed, so I won't, at least to begin with. I may experiment with it later if things are going well. I suppose I should also get to grips with this new-fangled Poker Trucker, or whatever it's called. :$ I'll try to start using it by the time I step up to 0.25/0.50 euros (i.e., probably never). First session: 25 euro buy-in at 0.12/0.25. Left with 15.08 euros. Current bank 990.08 euros. P.S. Can somebody remind me how to do a Euro symbol? :$

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Re: Slapcash Best name for a thread this year and best of luck, but..... I'm very worried about a bankroll system that involves buying in for the max but not reloading untill the buyin is lost. It sounds like a negative expectancy before you start and that you might be inclined to go on tilt once a buy starts to go astray in an attempt to recover it. And you do'nt really mind if you do lose it beacause its a predefined part of your bankroll srategy. Dont take this the wrong way but I think you might be better of buying in for 50-60 BB's.

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Re: Slapcash

Seem to remember you playing until the breakfast turned up the other week and doubling up twice through me :wall
When I said I hadn't played much cash, obviously I was excluding the ultra-soft games that my Grandma would have killed to play in. :tongue2
Good luck :ok
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Re: Slapcash Good luck :ok

I suppose I should also get to grips with this new-fangled Poker Trucker' date=' or whatever it's called. :$ I'll try to start using it by the time I step up to 0.25/0.50 euros (i.e., probably never).[/quote'] Have you not used PokerTracker before? I'm surprised (though if you haven't played cash often, that probably explains it!!) - if there's anyone who can really leverage their database info, then I reckon it's you :ok Do you own PokerTracker? PT3 doesn't support boss yet, so you would have to use PT2 - if you have to buy it, and intend to - I would suggest explaining that you want to use it for boss and asking if you can buy a PT3 licence, but have access to PT2 until such time as they support Boss - I cannot see why they wouldn't.... Make sure you get a copy of Gametime + (free) for the HUD too - it works on Boss (PA-HUD - the pay equivalent does not work on Boss)
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Re: Slapcash

I'm very worried about a bankroll system that involves buying in for the max but not reloading untill the buyin is lost. It sounds like a negative expectancy before you start and that you might be inclined to go on tilt once a buy starts to go astray in an attempt to recover it. And you do'nt really mind if you do lose it beacause its a predefined part of your bankroll srategy. Dont take this the wrong way but I think you might be better of buying in for 50-60 BB's.
I'm certainly not going to take it the wrong way: any comments will be gratefully received and considered. My reason (and I do have one, even it's not a very good one!) is that one of the things that interests me most about cash strategy is how your strategy should vary according to stack sizes. Big stack strategy seems much more interesting, but I'm doing this at least partly to get some experience, and I don't want to completely restrict myself to playing big-stacked. If nothing else, I don't want to get into bad habits that only apply to one range of stack-size ... I want to be thinking about how my stack size affects what I'm doing. On "theoretical grounds" I'm convinced that if you can beat a game with a big stack, then (so long as you understand how to adjust your game) you should usually find it easier to beat the game with a small stack (though probably not to beat it by so much). I think I'm fairly self-aware about my (many) faults, but I think I'm much less prone to tilting than most people (though I'm certainly not immune!). And when I do tilt, I think I know it's happening, and I hope I can be disciplined enough to quit if it does . But anyway, in a way, not reloading is a protection against tilt: if I lose most of my stack through a bad beat and I'm steaming, then if I don't reload I'm only risking the dregs of my stack, but if I do reload I'm risking a whole new buy-in. I certainly don't intend to deliberately lose most of my stack so that I can practice my short-stacked strategy! :lol But it will happen. In fact, it has already: in my first session I was down to about €3 and built it back to about €15. Anyway: Second session: €25 --> €24.18. Current bank €989.27.
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Re: Slapcash

Best of luck Slapcash. :hope :hope :hope :hope Are you going to share significant losses/wins or interesting hands?
Yes, I will do. But as I said, to begin with I'm really just trying to get my eye in (and especially adjust my starting requirements for a 5-handed cash game). Apart from which, there haven't been any interesting hands yet! :lol Here's a question for the experts. UTG, in a 5-handed cash game, what's the lowest kicker with which you'd open Ax? Kx? Does it make much difference if you're suited? OK, I know the answer is going to be "it depends", but roughly where would you consider the boundary between loose and tight? [Edit: That doesn't really belong here, does it? I'll start a thread in Strategy.]
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Re: Slapcash Next session €25 --> €57. Current bank €1021.27. Probably won't be playing this many sessions most days. It's the novelty!:tongue2 No particular strategy point to this hand. I'd been experimenting with (slightly controlled) ultra-aggression, but dsc_AB had been out-aggressing me. I have no idea whether my call on the river was sensible (I guess you probably had to have been there to see how he was playing), but I had a strong hunch that he was bluffing, and was quite pleased that I had the guts to call. ***** Hand 1126079475 ***** 0.12/0.25 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 17 June 2008 21:03:40 Table TH 373 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 1: dsc_AB (15.46) Seat 2: Janette90 (36.28) Seat 3: lorky (24.78) Seat 4: -KarKy- (24.63) Seat 5: slapdash (34.83) dsc_AB post SB 0.12 Janette90 post BB 0.25 ** Deal ** dsc_AB [N/A, N/A] Janette90 [N/A, N/A] lorky [N/A, N/A] -KarKy- [N/A, N/A] slapdash [10d, Kd] *** Bet Round 1 *** lorky Fold -KarKy- Fold slapdash Raise to 0.75 dsc_AB Call 0.75 Janette90 Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, 8d, 10h] *** Bet Round 2 *** dsc_AB Check slapdash Bet 1.00 dsc_AB Raise to 2.00 slapdash Call 2.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, 8d, 10h, 8s] *** Bet Round 3 *** dsc_AB Bet 2.50 slapdash Call 2.50 *** River(Board): *** : [5h, 8d, 10h, 8s, Ac] *** Bet Round 4 *** dsc_AB All-in 10.21 slapdash Call 10.21 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 1.55 Total Pot: 29.62 dsc_AB [Kh, 7s] Pair of eights Win: 0.00 Janette90 Fold Win: 0.00 lorky Fold Win: 0.00 -KarKy- Fold Win: 0.00 slapdash [10d, Kd] Two pair tens and eights Win: 29.62

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Re: Slapcash UTG for me does depend on my table image. If it's tight then i'll raise with A5+ from any position, if loose then A10+. And i rarely raise with any other K than KQ,KJ,KT in LP short handed. UTG if tight image i might raise with KJs, and KT to mix it up sometimes. Good luck with this :ok

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Re: Slapcash

Bloody hell less than 24 hours and you've turned into the mole:hope
:lol Well, the next two "obvious river bluffs" I called weren't bluffs (though they were cheaper to call than that one), so hubris obviously caught up with me. Two more sessions today: €25 --> €0 €25 --> €49.19 Current bank €995.46. Up until now I've been experimenting a bit to see what I can get away with in the way of aggression, and have made a few rather loose calls out of curiosity, so I'm not too bothered by a small loss at this stage. But from here on in, any losses are 'cos I'm crap. :ok
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Re: Slapcash Final session of today: €25 --> €36.94 Current bank €1007.40 That was my longest session, and I probably should have stopped earlier (I was above €50 and my concentration started to wander), but there was one player at the table who seemed really bad.

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Re: Slapcash Two more sessions today: €25 --> €17 (*) €25 --> €53.13 Current bank €1027.53. (*) I actually finished with a few cents more than €17, but the session ended when I was disconnected and I'd been booted off the table by the time I reconnected, and I'm not sure exactly what I had.

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