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Is this such a 'Sick Call'


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Hand #60 - Kenny Tran Eliminates Jonathan Jaffe; Advances to Finals! Jonathan Jaffe has the button and makes it 60,000 to go. Kenny Tran then re-raises to 210,000 and Jaffe announces "All in," a bet totaling 1,180,000 million. "It would be another 970,000 should Kenny wish to call. He does have Jonathan covered.... barely," said tournament director and emcee Robbie Thompson. While in the tank, Kenny talks to himself out loud and goes through the motions before surprising practically everyone in the room with a call! Jonathan: kh.gif8c.gif Kenny: js.gifjd.gif As the dealer spread the flop, Kenny stepped away from the table, not watching to watch: Flop: 4s.gif10h.gif4h.gif Turn: da.gif River: 8d.gif A safe board for Kenny Tran sends him sailing into the finals. "Let's hear it for 'Sick-call Kenny!' said Thompson as Tran threw his arms up into the air.
-- Is that really such a sick call ..... Heads Up holding JJ ?? I admit its a good call after the re-raise, would anybody on here NOT have made that call ? (Obviously the pressure of the situation and it being the WSOP we can't account for)
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Re: Is this such a 'Sick Call' The difference between idiocy and genius as they say is a fine line. If he'd won the hand it'd be a helluva move though wouldn't it!? :lol :rollin I've been following this match over at Poker News as well and all I can think is that yeah, as much as it is automatic (if Jaffe had queens, kings or aces well that's generally unfortunate for Tran and a helluva cooler) Kenny did have to think was it worth it for his tournament life to go with it. This time, it was. A sick call? No, not really. If we're talking pocket pairs, fours or lower would be a sick call.

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Re: Is this such a 'Sick Call' For whatever reason since the $50k HORSE event last year the nickname of 'Sick Call' has seemingly stuck with Kenny. OT: Kenny Tran WINS!! :loon He borders idiocy and genius as well. This is a guy who supposedly bet $200,000 that he could last two minutes without being knocked out in a boxing ring with a boxer whilst not defending himself (I think the boxer was supposed to be Manny Pacquiao! :eek). He lost the bet but lasted 58 seconds! :eek :lol It's on the 2+2 forums somewhere...I may be misremembering it but I'm sure it's on there somewhere. http://www.pokernews.com/live-reporting/2008-world-series-of-poker/event-25-heads-up-holdem-wc/

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Re: Is this such a 'Sick Call' If the guy raised from early position It would be more of a sick call. The guy raises with K8 to take the blinds when Tran reraises he obviously puts him on a steal so his allin is pretty standard against an opponent as aggressive as Tran.

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