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Why call when you are behind?

Pocket Lady

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Hand from tonight's cheapskates: ***** Hand 1115571237 ***** 2000.00/4000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 09 June 2008 22:23:25 Virgin Cheapskates (Real/Tournament) Seat 2: 4Tknox (28156.00) Seat 3: diliantrim (83018.00) Seat 6: jacklad70 (67641.00) Seat 7: johnnie6 (71526.00) Seat 8: PL-Lady (88159.00) Chip leader of 5 players PL-Lady post SB 2000.00 4Tknox post BB 4000.00 ** Deal ** 4Tknox [N/A, N/A] diliantrim [N/A, N/A] jacklad70 [N/A, N/A] johnnie6 [N/A, N/A] PL-Lady [Ks, 10d] *** Bet Round 1 *** diliantrim Fold jacklad70 Fold johnnie6 Call 4000.00 PL-Lady Call 4000.00 4Tknox Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, 10s, Kh] *** Bet Round 2 *** PL-Lady Check want to trap him into all in if poss 4Tknox Bet 4000.00 think he's hit top pair he bets big when drawing johnnie6 Fold PL-Lady Call 4000.00 ok going to plan *** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, 10s, Kh, Jc] *** Bet Round 3 *** PL-Lady Bet 22000.00 he says - I know I am behind but... he runs the clock down and says - I have to ... 4Tknox All-in 20156.00 *** River(Board): *** : [5h, 10s, Kh, Jc, 3s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 62312.00 4Tknox [5d, Qs] Pair of fives Win: 0.00 diliantrim Fold Win: 0.00 jacklad70 Fold Win: 0.00 johnnie6 Fold Win: 0.00 PL-Lady [Ks, 10d] Two pair kings and tens Win: 62312.00 Why did he knock himself out he wasn't calling for info on me? he had been a solid player all night and was still in with a chance. Why risk the tourney? What have I missed ?:unsure

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Re: Why call when you are behind?

johnnie6 Call 4000.00 think he's hit top pair he bets big when drawing
This is pre flop - he hasn't hit anything. Assuming you've just put the comment in the wrong place. If that's the case, he's bet 4000 into a 10000 pot (assuming no ante's - bigger pot if there is - dont think antes show up in the HH) - which seems a pretty small bet to me - 40% of the pot. Not read the rest of the hand yet - but nice post Sam with good comments :ok
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Re: Why call when you are behind?

What have I missed ?:unsure
He has a strong draw and is getting 2-1 (ish) pot odds He may think any Ace is good, any 9, any 5 or any Queen. If all of those were real outs, then he has 13 outs, 26% - still short of what he needs :unsure All I can think of - it's a 10c tournament and he was bored and ready to gamble :unsure
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Re: Why call when you are behind? I think Gaf has hit the nail on the head, sometimes you just don't care and you risk all on the hope that they are at it. It is amazing how many times they are ;)

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Re: Why call when you are behind? If its five left in the tourney he's about to become the shortest stacks 2/1 about a 3/1 shot looks a wee bit appealing. Dont know the prize structure but a 3/1 chance of having 60,000 or trying to play with just 5 bb's left and everyone else with 3X's that this might be your last chance to get competitve. Of course I'd have gone all in with the q/5 in the bb agaist two limpers and got my stack up to 36k and saved the hastle of making a calculated desicion

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Re: Why call when you are behind? I doubt very much he calculated his pot odds, counted his outs, and came to an informed but wrong decision. I expect he just thought "Oh, I'm behind, but there are loads of ways I could win!" and shoved his chips in. That's what I do, anyway. :unsure

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Re: Why call when you are behind? I had this tonight in a MTT where I was going well and in the top 10 with 80 odd left. I had A8 and raised on the small blind, the big blind who seemed to call anything called. Flop came 8 4 2 and I checked, he bet and then I raised all in. He called and showed QJ!!!!!! No surprise a Jack came on the river. I actually blew up and told him to get to **** .... This really angers me when idiots like this put you out and they don't have a scooby what on earth they are doing! This was a $20 MTT and we were close to the payout, not as if it was a freeroll or such! :@:@

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Re: Why call when you are behind?

I had this tonight in a MTT where I was going well and in the top 10 with 80 odd left. I had A8 and raised on the small blind, the big blind who seemed to call anything called. Flop came 8 4 2 and I checked, he bet and then I raised all in. He called and showed QJ!!!!!! No surprise a Jack came on the river. I actually blew up and told him to get to **** .... This really angers me when idiots like this put you out and they don't have a scooby what on earth they are doing! This was a $20 MTT and we were close to the payout, not as if it was a freeroll or such! :@:@
Cannot really see why he is an idiot but what really angers me is people who lose their cool and swear in the chatbox for no real reason
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