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when your bad,your bad


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i didnt in anyway put him on an ace let alone A/A:sad Texas Hold'em $0.30-$0.60 NL (real money), hand #P4-69529983-1349 Table Hartford, 9 Jun 2008 8:43 PM ET Seat 2: justiHBS ($31.43 in chips) Seat 3: augmentin1 ($9.23 in chips) Seat 5: Tarti-flette ($19.70 in chips) Seat 7: teaulcPL [ KH,KD ] ($23.69 in chips) Seat 9: KrAAAsh ($32.81 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Tarti-flette posts blind ($0.15), teaulcPL posts blind ($0.30). PRE-FLOP KrAAAsh bets $0.60, justiHBS bets $1, augmentin1 calls $1, Tarti-flette folds, teaulcPL bets $5, KrAAAsh folds, justiHBS calls $4.30, augmentin1 folds. FLOP [board cards AH,JH,10H ] teaulcPL bets $12.30, justiHBS calls $12.30. TURN [board cards AH,JH,10H,AD ] teaulcPL checks, justiHBS bets $7, teaulcPL calls $6.09, and is all-in. RIVER [board cards AH,JH,10H,AD,6H ] SHOWDOWN justiHBS shows [ AS,AC ] teaulcPL shows [ KH,KD ] SUMMARY Dealer: augmentin1 Pot: $48.54, (including rake: $1.50) justiHBS bets $24.60, collects $48.54, net $23.94 augmentin1 loses $1 Tarti-flette loses $0.15 teaulcPL loses $23.69 KrAAAsh loses $0.60

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Re: when your bad,your bad How can you not put him on an ace with a raise and big call pre flop?. Even so not a bad flop for KKh. Checking the flop might not have been a bad option for the flop, see if they put in a half bet, you can call hoping to hit a H or Q.

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Re: when your bad,your bad

Dont see anyway you were gonna get away from that hand Al tbh. Just one of those hands where you were "meant" to lose your chips. :sad
Sorry but I fundamentally disagree, I think he played this hand poorly. I know he ended up with the nut flush, but that was on the river long after the betting was over. I disregard everything that happened after the betting, that's just variance, should he have thought himself ahead at this stage ? AH,JH,10H is an appalinging danergous flop for KK, the guy has called a big raise preflop, there is a vast range of hands you can put him on that you're behind to. Any Ace, KQ, JJ, 10 10. Tealuc has almost a complete out for the nut flush, any reasonable reading of the hand at this stage, would have made him somewhere around a 43% / 57 % dog in my book. The pot sized bet on the flop is just wrong wrong wrong, far too agressive. If he's behind he folds, if he's ahead he calls. I struggle to envision a scenario where he's behind and still calls. This bet is massively minus EV in my book. A cont bet of around $3 would have been plenty here. Fold to a reraise. When the second Ace hits on the turn, he checks, why ? what is the though behind this ? To encourage the bet ? Looking for a free card ? I just don't get it. He has an underpair on a paired board; with a flush and straight on the board. He's behind to a vast range of hands. He must put himself behind here however he's pot committed and must call the bet hoping for his flush draw to come in. What happens afterwards isn't relevant, this hand was lost in my view due to the poor play on the flop. I know this sounds very harsh, but I see no point in telling someone they were unlucky when they could have easily got away from it by thinking more. If you hit serious resistance with KK on a flop with an Ace, you've gotta let it go. Esp in a cash game, sometimes in a tourney when "M" is low, you'll be delighted with a close to coin flip to look for a double up, but in a cash game why would you risk your stack on a bet that is minus EV ?? All up, it looks like a good tournement player, struggling with the differing requirement of a cash ring game.
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Re: when your bad,your bad I didn't say that Al had played it well, I was merely saying that it was a very difficult hand to get away from I'm not sure why he didn't put the guy on an Ace...seems strange after the PFR and call of the reraise. I'm also not keen on the pot sized bet on the flop, but I'm not convinced that a smaller continuation bet would have been raised on that board. Trip Aces are good , but that is still a scary board. I think the guy may well have just called and taken another card, thus keeping the pot small enough for Al not to be pot commited when the Ace drops on the turn.

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Re: when your bad,your bad everything AJ is so right,i was soooo bad with this hand,and posted this to embarass myself everytime i think about it. but i honestly thought i was ahead even with the Ace on the flop,no excuses being made though and i accept every criticism this brings. cant believe Brian hasnt been berating me :loon

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