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Help Needed


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Following on from the sharing thread. Did I play this wrong. I figured him to have a pair but was turned over on the river. :( ***** Hand 1110226560 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 June 2008 21:40:06 Festival Super Rebuy (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: chippie675 (7228.00) Seat 2: fliss12 (5262.00) Seat 3: GilsanAA (3552.00) Seat 4: xcougarx (7150.00) Seat 5: Vasey (1084.00) Seat 7: robbbiebox (1200.00) Seat 8: Deanman (5701.00) Seat 9: PL_Gal (3843.00) Seat 10: Delbainio (6911.00) Deanman post SB 100.00 PL_Gal post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** chippie675 [N/A, N/A] fliss12 [N/A, N/A] GilsanAA [N/A, N/A] xcougarx [N/A, N/A] Vasey [N/A, N/A] robbbiebox [N/A, N/A] Deanman [N/A, N/A] PL_Gal [Ah, Jh] Delbainio [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Delbainio Fold chippie675 Fold fliss12 Fold GilsanAA Raise to 400.00 xcougarx Fold Vasey Fold robbbiebox Fold Deanman Fold PL_Gal Call 400.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Js, 6d, 10h] *** Bet Round 2 *** PL_Gal Check GilsanAA Bet 800.00 PL_Gal Raise to 1600.00 GilsanAA Call 1600.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Js, 6d, 10h, 9h] *** Bet Round 3 *** PL_Gal Check GilsanAA All-in 1552.00 PL_Gal Call 1552.00 *** River(Board): *** : [Js, 6d, 10h, 9h, Kd] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 7429.00 chippie675 Fold Win: 0.00 fliss12 Fold Win: 0.00 GilsanAA [Qc, 10d] Straight to the king Win: 7429.00 xcougarx Fold Win: 0.00 Vasey Fold Win: 0.00 robbbiebox Fold Win: 0.00 Deanman Fold Win: 0.00 PL_Gal [Ah, Jh] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00 Delbainio Fold Win: 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------ Then to rub it in 3 hands later after doubling up. :@ ***** Hand 1110232929 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 June 2008 21:43:46 Festival Super Rebuy (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: chippie675 (7071.00) Seat 2: fliss12 (5187.00) Seat 3: GilsanAA (7354.00) Seat 4: xcougarx (7075.00) Seat 5: Vasey (1009.00) Seat 7: robbbiebox (1125.00) Seat 9: PL_Gal (598.00) Seat 10: Delbainio (12537.00) chippie675 post SB 100.00 fliss12 post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** chippie675 [N/A, N/A] fliss12 [N/A, N/A] GilsanAA [N/A, N/A] xcougarx [N/A, N/A] Vasey [N/A, N/A] robbbiebox [N/A, N/A] PL_Gal [Qs, Qd] Delbainio [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** GilsanAA Fold xcougarx Raise to 600.00 Vasey Fold robbbiebox All-in 1125.00 PL_Gal All-in 598.00 Delbainio Fold chippie675 Fold fliss12 Fold xcougarx Call 1125.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ks, Kd, 6h] *** Turn(Board): *** : [Ks, Kd, 6h, 7s] *** River(Board): *** : [Ks, Kd, 6h, 7s, 7d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3348.00 chippie675 Fold Win: 0.00 fliss12 Fold Win: 0.00 GilsanAA Fold Win: 0.00 xcougarx [10h, 10c] Two pair kings and tens Win: 0.00 Vasey Fold Win: 0.00 robbbiebox [6c, 6d] Full house Win: 3348.00 PL_Gal [Qs, Qd] Two pair kings and queens Win: 0.00 Delbainio Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Help Needed the only thing i would say is maybe your raise on the flop is a little weak. 800 more for a 3200 pot means he's going to call with a piece of the flop.on a less scary board i would be wanting to squeeze as much out of him as possible ,however with the straight draw out there i would have raised it up a bit more (2400 at least)or simply gone all in. if he did have the overpair you still cant really let it go once you min raise, so you may as well use a bet that might push him out;) other than that the rest is what you had to do really.

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Re: Help Needed Thanks Benn. I did think as soon as I hit the button I should have shoved. It seems to be all about confidence at the moment as I seemed to be doing all the right things but losing constantly. After talking to morlspin I now know where I'm going wrong by not betting enough at the right time. :ok Wish I had remembered that piece of advice last night. :(

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Re: Help Needed AJ is one hand I have great difficulty in playing. The trouble with just calling with it you could be HU with a guy where you both hit the flop and you have no idea where you are. I just chuck it now in EP but on the BB faced with a min bet I probably would have raised to about 900 and try and win it there and then. If he sees the flop you should be pot sized betting with top pair top kicker.

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Re: Help Needed In tourney play i also throw it in EP but the fact it was suited you can be forgiven to having a look.But the disadvantage to that is what happened in this hand you get trapped with top pair,top kicker and nut flush draw so it makes this hand a good example of why you should chuck it

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Re: Help Needed First hand - You trapped and succeeded in your aim of getting the opponent in with the worst hand. The problem with trapping without a very strong made hand is you're vulnerable to being outdrawn. So when i get outdrawn like that i think yeah was unlucky but in a way caused my own downfall so don't get too worked up about it. On the flop i'm not sure what check min re-raising achieves. Your opponent is fairly certain they're behind but unless they have total air then often people will call a small bet with 2nd or 3rd pair hoping to catch a number of cards which could help them on the turn. So it's just building a pot without putting your opponent to the test and you still don't know where you are really. If you bet out 3/4 pot bet on flop then you're putting the opponent to the test and very likely to be forcing them into a mistake in calling. A bet out could also be interpreted as a bluff and sometimes people will go AI hoping to push you out thinking their 2nd pair is good whereas the check raise your opponent totally knows where they are. I think if the hand had got to the turn in any scenario all the chips were going in so it's in the hands of the lords then and you got UL.

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