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KK with K on flop


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Hey again, I hope you don't get sick of me asking your thoughts, as I think this section could be a big help to me. I consider myself nowhere near the level a lot of you people are at, but I am keen to learn. Just wondering what the best way to play this hand from here is... Cheers all ***** Hand 1109486495 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 June 2008 13:29:21 TH Mini 28 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Syyrus (2.34) Seat 2: d4nutz85 (12.78) Seat 3: xxxoioxxx1 (18.77) Seat 4: lestat87 (12.51) Seat 5: plSamba (7.00) xxxoioxxx1 post SB 0.05 lestat87 post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** Syyrus [N/A, N/A] d4nutz85 [N/A, N/A] xxxoioxxx1 [N/A, N/A] lestat87 [N/A, N/A] plSamba [Kc, Kh] *** Bet Round 1 *** plSamba Call 0.10 Syyrus Raise to 0.45 d4nutz85 Call 0.45 xxxoioxxx1 Fold lestat87 Fold plSamba Raise to 1.45 Syyrus Call 1.45 d4nutz85 Call 1.45 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ks, Jc, 7c] *** Bet Round 2 *** plSamba Check Syyrus All-in 0.89 d4nutz85 Call 0.89 plSamba.....

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Re: KK with K on flop I would raise it up to about $3, although this leaves you with about $2.50 so if d4nutz85 calls this bet he's gonna call your next bet so you may as well go all in here. You're definitely ahead here, the only worry is someone outdraws you but if they do then so be it. I'd be hoping they have AA, AK or JJ.

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Re: KK with K on flop Almost certain that one of the two callers has a Club draw so if its the smaller stack, Id be interested in winning a bit from the other should a club turn without helping you. If its the big stack and a club falls then so be it - thats poker but unlike Hodgey , Id be raising all in - they both called your re-raise so Id definately say one strong pair and one AK. After flop you have K clubs so you'ld just be very unlucky for an unhelpful club in the next 2 cards. Im thinking that you are most likely up against JJ and AK here though :ok

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Re: KK with K on flop Being honest here all options are ok call,raise or all in, you are going to put all your cash in anyway, so it depends what type of player danutz85 is how you make him put his in. If you get outdrawn it doesnt matter as you are never folding this hand. I think danutz has AQ

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Re: KK with K on flop Thanks all for your opinions. I reraised all-in and d4nutz85 thought about it then folded, and I won the pot against the shorter all-in. I was torn between trying to keep him in the pot and trying to get rid of him if he was drawing to a flush/straight. In the end as I was definitely ahead here and didn't want to be left with a decision to make if another club came on the turn, I shoved. Afterwards, neither the turn nor river were clubs btw, I regretted the all-in there and thought I should have just raised and hoped he stayed in the pot, but that was with the hindsight of seeing the last 2 cards, so I wanted to ask you guys. The consensus seems to be to raise to about £2.50 here, but knowing that all the money would go in anyway. I think next time I would play it that way, try to get another couple £ in the pot then shove on the turn come what may. Cheers guys

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Re: KK with K on flop

Push now when you're ahead. If a club hits on the turn you'd have a decision to make
Surely we are looking to extract a little bit of value with top set, this is hardly a horrible flop for us. I agree with the mole in the sense that we are not folding this hand either way (especially if we pump it to 3ish and villain calls). Once we make this raise we are commited. At .5/.1 im pretty sure villain is calling any straight draw here when we pump it to 3ish, (mole said AQ, and that is definately the most likely combo).
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