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Re: eSport latest news I have a free second so I thought I would just clarify a few things as I understand them so far. As many of you know I am in my 1st week working for eSport and I have tried to get all the info on what has gone wrong in the UK. The weeks where we had table freezes has caused all sorts of problems, and i only realise the difficulty it poses now. eSport cant really make any kind of judgement on these weeks because from their perspective there were technical problems that were unfortunate and basically caused tournaments to be voided, just like a floodlight failure in a football match would mean an abandoned game even if one side was winning. In week 8 the scores were taken from all the tournys that didnt freeze so the one that did freeze was voided, in week 15 it was totally scrapped not simply from the frozen game but because no results were made available to eSport (some kind of software issue but I dont know the details). In one of these weeks there was also controversy over the legitimacy of passing chips to sitouts. As far as I can see here, eSport is not concerned with this and the fact that the tables froze is the key issue, rules within the games themselves is really the responcibilty of pokerroom. Its also a shame that so many sitouts were there to allow it to happen but thats something that we hope to fix and is partly why they have brought me here ;) The payout system is very complicated, but I can absolutely assure you it is in the pipeline. payment should be made into individual accounts and NOT in one lump sum to be divided by the captains (apparently there were some problems doing this last year so this year they are being very careful). hope this helps and ill report back soon Reesh

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Re: eSport latest news Thanks Reesh. Just one point, you say that payouts will be paid directly into player's accounts; what about players that are on the team list, but who have never played a game or even been in contact with the rest of the team. The reason I ask, is that we have 2 such people on our team, and it would be unreasonable (imho) for them to receive part of the team winnings for a tourny that they have taken no part in. Thanks in advance. :ok

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Re: eSport latest news Hi Fonz Will look into that in more detail but I believe that the payouts may be contribution based so if you had guys that never played they wont be paid. (This is probably why it all take so long) Reesh

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Re: eSport latest news Thanks Reeshah - apreciate any feedback - it's far better than silence :ok

In week 8 the scores were taken from all the tournys that didnt freeze so the one that did freeze was voided' date=' [/quote'] I'm afraid that's not how it worked in practice. In week 8, the 5 eliminated players were given zero points. The 15 players still playing were given "null" points. The weekly points gave top 5 positions to the 5 eliminated players with 0 points and bottom 15 positions to the non eliminated players with "null" points in game 4 (the frozen one). Poker.co.uk had individual scores of 0 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = total of 4 individual points. This gave them a team position of 5th for 11 team points. Bikeradar had individual scores of 14 + 9 + 24 + "null" + 11 = total of 58 individual points. This gave them a team position of 6th for 10 team points. If Bikeradar had been given 0 points instead of "null" points for the frozen game they would have received far more team points, This goes for other teams as well. I appreciate that you personally were not involved with eSport at the time, so I'm not directing "flak" at you - but I really want eSport to understand what has happened and why it was so wrongly and incorrectly dealt with (by all standards of poker) - the impression I get at the moment is that there is no understanding of the errors that were made, and so no improvement in the way it is dealt with in the future will follow. Technical problems happen. They will continue to happen. That is not an issue (of itself) - but it is essential, that the response to technical issues is prompt, fair, reasonable, accurate and transparent. eSport failed on all 5 of those criteria with the problems in Week 8 and 15 and that, not the technical problems, is why they have lost so much confidence from me (and presumably others). Rant over. Lets move forward and win the Champions League :)
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Re: eSport latest news I am going to look further into this gaf. There definately seems to be something not right about week 8. Get the feeling that the whole affair has not been completely thought through and any decisions that were made are certrainly not being communicated properly.

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Re: eSport latest news

I am going to look further into this gaf. There definately seems to be something not right about week 8. Get the feeling that the whole affair has not been completely thought through and any decisions that were made are certrainly not being communicated properly.
dont forget week 15, still a bit galling i win my game that week and my team done well and get nowt for it
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Re: eSport latest news

Is there any update or likely conclusion to what will happen regarding the missing week in the heads up league?
ok here is what I have found out, the missing week will be replayed on the 17th June. you will get an email with confirmation once the games are set up and ready ;)
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Re: eSport latest news

ok here is what I have found out' date=' the missing week will be replayed on the 17th June. you will get an email with confirmation once the games are set up and ready ;)[/quote'] Thanks Reesh, but I found out they were to be replayed on the 27th May and that was crap:lol:lol:lol
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Re: eSport latest news Just noticed sumthing in the Bikeradar thread so ill clear it up here. the payouts to players will be made based on attendance rather than performance. so you should win most $ if you played every game (irrespective of your tournament positions).

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Re: eSport latest news

dont forget week 15' date=' still a bit galling i win my game that week and my team done well and get nowt for it[/quote'] As i said before, week 15 was totally abandoned. frustrating i know but this seems to have been "swept under the rug" for the time being and will probably only come up again when it comes to putting a more comprehensive contingency plan in place for next season. I am the only employee of eSport that has played in the league and one of the few that understands the complex problems in the game of poker so im finding it a little difficult to extract all the facts but rest assured i wont allow them to ignore the issue. ;)
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Re: eSport latest news

Just noticed sumthing in the Bikeradar thread so ill clear it up here. the payouts to players will be made based on attendance rather than performance. so you should win most $ if you played every game (irrespective of your tournament positions).
Not totally happy with that payout struture, being a team event every active member of our team (CVG) contributed and the money should be split evenly, I no Mr V was away for a few games due to holiday and fonzie was in hospital for a couple. i would feel bad if I was awarded more money then other members for playing more games.
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Re: eSport latest news

Not totally happy with that payout struture' date=' being a team event every active member of our team (CVG) contributed and the money should be split evenly, I no Mr V was away for a few games due to holiday and fonzie was in hospital for a couple. i would feel bad if I was awarded more money then other members for playing more games.[/quote'] my sentiments exactly,it is a team game and the payout should be equal to the team players
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Re: eSport latest news Thanks very much gents!! :$ :notworthy :notworthy (I'd obviously feel the same if roles are reversed :ok). I do understand the dilemma for them though....either they pay players pro rata - putting pressure on managers to give everyone an even shot, regardless of fielding their best team, or they pay all team members (including the absentees) the same. Its not perfect, but I can see that its tough to find an ideal middle ground. At the end of the day, we know each other well enough to come to an arrangement if everyone agrees (we could total our winnings and split it 6 ways?) but for other teams it may be tougher to trust the team manager (eg, Sam is/was in a team where she was the only PLer....can she trust her team manager?

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Re: eSport latest news

I do understand the dilemma for them though....either they pay players pro rata - putting pressure on managers to give everyone an even shot, regardless of fielding their best team, or they pay all team members (including the absentees) the same.
To be honest, which way round they do it doesn't matter that greatly, what is important is that it is well defined and understood beforehand!!! It wasn't. Again IMO it's the communication that's failed from eSport!
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Re: eSport latest news

In one of these weeks there was also controversy over the legitimacy of passing chips to sitouts. As far as I can see here, eSport is not concerned with this and the fact that the tables froze is the key issue, rules within the games themselves is really the responcibilty of pokerroom.
While I can understand eSport's point of view, this kind of team competition gives rise to situations which just don't occur in the day to day poker that the poker site oversees. I haven't played in this (yet) but I've played in other team competitions, and have always felt uneasy because it was very unclear what the rules were about team play vs individual play. This competition seems better than most, since (if I understand it correctly) members of the same team never play at the same table. That eliminates a lot of the problems, but not all. Since eSport are running a competition that raises questions that are irrelevant to Pokerroom's normal poker operations, I think they have some responsibility to make the rules clear. I realize this is a particularly awkward situation for you, though, since you were so personally involved in the controversy.
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Re: eSport latest news hi slapdash, this is indeed a tricky one, tbh after much discussion it seemed to me that the "chip dumping" or "collusion" was not clear and it seemed that opinon was split down the middle (on PL). so if eSport intervened it may have caused even more issues.

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Re: eSport latest news Another problem we had, in the first game we played before we new how to change players etc, marrsin played as a sit-out does that mean he is entitled to some of our money? Easiest way round the problem is to contact all the team captains and ask them how they want the money distributed for their respected team.

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Re: eSport latest news

hi slapdash' date=' this is indeed a tricky one, tbh after much discussion it seemed to me that the "chip dumping" or "collusion" was not clear and it seemed that opinon was split down the middle (on PL). so if eSport intervened it may have caused even more issues.[/quote'] I'm not suggesting that they should have made up rules to cover the situation and applied them retrospectively. But it would have been good if they'd said something like "A situation occurred that we hadn't foreseen, and the rules were unclear. In future, the rules regarding this situation are ..." It's not so important what the rules are, though my personal preference would be to allow what you did. What's important is that there are rules, otherwise the same situation will arise again, with the same ill-feeling that there was before.
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