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World Series of Poker 39 - 2008


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The top 20 in Event 1 include Patrik Antonius, Andy Bloch, Eli Elezra, Alexander Kostritsyn and Kathy Liebert. Other names of note still in are Chris Bell, John Kabbaj, Phil Laak, Nenad Medic, Mike Sexton and Rolf Slotboom (who was eliminated in 20th place).

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Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008 The final ten for Event 1: Seat 1: Mike Sowers Seat 2: John Kabbaj Seat 3: Chris Bell Seat 4: Amit Makhija Seat 5: Patrik Antonius Seat 6: Andy Bloch Seat 7: Mike Sexton Seat 8: Phil Laak Seat 9: Nenad Medic Seat 10: Kathy Liebert Andy Bloch seemingly has a good chip-lead over Mike Sexton as Andy's amassed 1.8 million (that's around a seventh of the chips in play). OOOH!! Someone's going to be on the TV bubble! It doesn't look good for the last Brit left John Kabbaj as he's the short stack! :eek 11-20th: Ryan Young, Nikolay Evdakov, David Benefield, Chris Gildone, Justin Newton, Andreas Krause, Alexander Kostritsyn, Michael Pesek, Eli Elezra and Rolf Slotboom.

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Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008 OOOH!! Some late night drama as described by Poker News: Classless? Chris Bell raised from early position to 70,000. Phil Laak reraised from the cutoff to 116,000 and Bell called. On a flop of Qs 6h 5d, Bell checked to Laak and Laak bet 100,000. Bell thought for a while. He checked his chips, his hole cards, the tournament clock, his hole cards again, studied Phil, even checked his hole cards again. Laak sat still, only moving his right hand to shuffle chips. After a few minutes, Bell folded. As the pot was getting pushed to Laak, Nenad Medic asked to see his hand. Laak said he'd shown for $50. Bell jumped up and reached into his pocket and said, "I'll pay it." Laak then turned over pocket nines. Bell jumped out of his chair and kicked the chair behind him in disgust. John Kabbaj saw Bell's hole cards and said he held pocket tens. Bell then pulled out two twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill and tossed it across the table to Laak. Kabbaj yelled over to Laak, "Now be nice and give him his money back. Show some class." Laak stayed collecting his chips and Kabbaj said again, "Come on man, have some class, you don't need $50." Laak responded, "$50 is a lot of money." before he tossed a ten dollar bill back over to Bell for a discount. ========== The pressure to get to the final table gotten to some of 'em.

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Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008 From Poker News: John Kabbaj Eliminated in 10th Place ($49,632) Nenad Medic raised from the cutoff to 85,000. John Kabbaj moved all in from the big blind for 173,000 total and Medic made the call. Kabbaj showed 7-7 and Medic showed Q-J. The flop came K-T-2. Kabbaj would need to dodge some more outs not to stay alive. The turn was another scary card for Kabbaj as it gave Medic even more outs with another ten hitting the board. And then the river fell a nine and Medic made a king-high straight to win the hand and send us all to bed. Kabbaj will receive $49,632 for his efforts.

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Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008 Nenad Medic won it. Andy Bloch second, Kathy Liebert third, Mike Sexton fourth and Amit Makhija fifth. Great to have followed it throughout the night amongst other things I was following (like the baseball on Five). It should be a good watch when it airs on ESPN. Poker News - Event 1 Final Table - Day 3 Reporting

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008 Now there have been some stacked final tables so far this WSOP but there's gonna be a final table out of this lot... Seat 1: John Juanda 740,000 Seat 2: Phil Hellmuth 150,000 Seat 3: David Benyamine 1,020,000 Seat 4: Kirill Gerasimov 620,000 Seat 5: Phil Galfond 660,000 Seat 6: Daniel Negreanu 1,080,000 Seat 7: Brian Rast 910,000 Seat 8: Adam Hourani 390,000 Seat 9: Chris Ferguson 300,000 Seat 10: Johnny Chan 530,000 http://www.pokernews.com/live-reporting/2008-world-series-of-poker/event-28-5000-pot-limit-omaha-w-rebuys/ Not that my dear is gonna be an absolutely fooking stacked final table even I've never heard of Adam Hourani or Brian Rast! :loon

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  • 1 year later...

Re: World Series of Poker 39 - 2008

OOOH!! Some late night drama as described by Poker News: Classless? Chris Bell raised from early position to 70,000. Phil Laak reraised from the cutoff to 116,000 and Bell called. On a flop of Qs 6h 5d, Bell checked to Laak and Laak bet 100,000. Bell thought for a while. He checked his chips, his hole cards, the tournament clock, his hole cards again, studied Phil, even checked his hole cards again. Laak sat still, only moving his right hand to shuffle chips. After a few minutes, Bell folded. As the pot was getting pushed to Laak, Nenad Medic asked to see his hand. Laak said he'd shown for $50. Bell jumped up and reached into his pocket and said, "I'll pay it." Laak then turned over pocket nines. Bell jumped out of his chair and kicked the chair behind him in disgust. John Kabbaj saw Bell's hole cards and said he held pocket tens. Bell then pulled out two twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill and tossed it across the table to Laak. Kabbaj yelled over to Laak, "Now be nice and give him his money back. Show some class." Laak stayed collecting his chips and Kabbaj said again, "Come on man, have some class, you don't need $50." Laak responded, "$50 is a lot of money." before he tossed a ten dollar bill back over to Bell for a discount. ========== The pressure to get to the final table gotten to some of 'em.
I hate Phil Laak and his dopey bird/wife. This is the reason why, I remember reading this when it happened and over time I forgot the actual story I read. Just did a Google for it and it led me back to PL! Totally classless. The $10 "refund" makes this worse. Is Phil Laak really hard up for $40? Pr*ck.
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