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Frivolous strategy tips


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Three players to the flop. I'm second to act. I don't want to bet but I'd like to see a free card. If the first player checks quickly I'll check slowly, but if the first player checks slowly I'll check quickly, on the grounds that whether the last player is more likely to be put off betting by a slow or a quick check, then he has one of them! I have no idea whether this works. :$ Any other frivolous strategy tips (or "don't be so silly" comments :lol)?

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Re: Frivolous strategy tips I read something on time tells a couple of months ago and I cannot remember where :$ (will try and find it) It sort of opened my eyes on how the top online players look at the amount of time you take to act to gain information on your hand and it was something I never took into consideration before. To combat this in higher level games (especially in cash games) I now take exactly the same amount of time before acting. On sites like Betfair this is easy as you have the seconds counter, on other sites I pick a point on the timer bar. As for your point slap :lol

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Re: Frivolous strategy tips Yeh i'm always fully aware of how taking a certain amount of time to act will be interpreted by others. Even so far as in cash games when my computer is lagging for whatever reason and so my timer is running down and i'm on the button in a stealing position if it's been longer then 5secs then i won't steal the blinds as it looks to everyone else as if i'm in a tough decision about stealing and so others nearly always pick up on my timer running down and will re-raise. More in tournaments but if there's a multi-way pot and i want to see a free card then i'll sometimes check slowly. Timing tells are a big thing i look for in general.

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Re: Frivolous strategy tips

in cash games when my computer is lagging for whatever reason and so my timer is running down and i'm on the button in a stealing position if it's been longer then 5secs then i won't steal
Lol...I do exactly the same. I'm not sure if these at at all reliable though what with most people multi-tabling.
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Re: Frivolous strategy tips yeah i watch for timings and do use the slow check as well. it does seem to work and i do seem to get less action if i do slow check. most of the time i keep my timing very similar which hopefully makes the slow check look more suspect. there was a bit in pp about this i think in the last month or two so maybe thats where you read it brian:ok

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Re: Frivolous strategy tips

I get more worried when my opponents state in the chat box that they "check in the dark" this really fcuks me up.
Now there's an idea - a fourth button, check / call / bet / check dark How about a straddle button or even a blind button where you can elect not to see your cards? I am sure some clever software developer can write this in to the program, possibly changing the colour of the card backs to indicate the opponent is blind. This would of course mean another button to see the cards....... How about a needle button where the computer throws out a random jibe at the donkey who just stole your chips (for those of us already chatbanned) And best of all, how about a button that allows you to see everyone's hole cards.........oh I forgot Absolute have already patented that idea :tongue2
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Re: Frivolous strategy tips

I get more worried when my opponents state in the chat box that they "check in the dark" this really fcuks me up.
check in the dark is easy;) saturday in the stt bounty at the pl do i had a paul ross all in ,in the dark in front of me and gazza announced an all in before i acted,in the dark behind me:loon i had aq suited ,so i thought sod it i'm calling.they had rags and i hit my ace:lolit was right at the start so it gave me a monster stack:D as i called paul said have you looked?i said yes, and he said bollocks:lol:lol
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Re: Frivolous strategy tips I went through a period of accasionally typing "hmmm" in the chat box when I had a monster but wanted the opponent to think that I simply had an OK hand, and I was putting him on a steal. It worked a couple of times, and I also typed it when I didn't have a hand, and got caught with my fingers in the cookie jar, so I stopped doing it :$. Might try it again soon :ok

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