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Level 4 Steps SnG on Stars 4th Player has just been knocked out by uber aggressive jacob_BU (LAG in my view) moving all in with 27o vs 99 :lol airderien i have marked as TAG Not sure on my table image, I think I played TAG in first 4 levels, loosening up as blinds got bigger as table was very tight, routinely folding to any 2 x BB raise. Weakest hand I've shown down all game is AJs/AQo. Top 2 places pay a ticket to level 5, 3rd place pays another ticket to level 4. PokerStars Game #17747725100: Tournament #89993121, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (150/300) - 2008/05/28 - 08:26:54 (ET) Table '89993121 1' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 3: Myrie16 (2230 in chips) Seat 6: airderien (3055 in chips) Seat 7: jacob_BU (8215 in chips) Blinds are 150/300, antes 25 My questions - 1) How should I be playing right now ? 2) If I were the big stack (jacob_BU) how shouldIbe playing ?

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Re: FINAL STAGES OF A STEPS SnG I think strategy already worked, so keep up with the same game. Dont get heavily involved in battle of the blinds. Air will probably will fold often SB, but let him play the leader. Obviously play ultra aggressive against Air. When I got to this situation, I played more aggressive than normal. Repeating a level its not the end of the world. And good luck :ok.

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Re: FINAL STAGES OF A STEPS SnG Thanks for input Hen. :ok So that was start of hand 105. As it happened, the uber aggressive Jacob went to pushing all in every single hand. I decided to wait for any to cards bigger than 10 (airderien also folding every hand). But at 1300 chips and in BB, pushed with K2. Hand 113 - Jacob had 66, but I hit a K on the flop. Hand 115 - airderien also pushed (K10o) and doubled up (called by Jacob with 2-6o) so we were both about the same again. Hand 116 - my 99 held agains airdrien 55 Hand 118 - Jacob all in with J7o and lost to Airderien A7o Hand 119 - Jacob all in with A7o and lost to Airderien K9o Hand 120 - Jacob all in with 95s and lost to my AJs Hand 121 - Jacob all in with A9o and lost to my AKs It was all over and Jacob went from having 11k in hand 113 to finishing 3rd, 8 hands later. With that stack, is it wiser to sit and let the other 2 fight (considering we were both tight payers) or was it a stronger (but unlucky) strategy to try and run over the other 2 until 1 goes out ?

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Re: FINAL STAGES OF A STEPS SnG Jacob was certainly unlucky. If he'd won just one of hands 113, 115, 118, 119 or 120 then he'd have qualified for level 5. With those hole cards, I make it that he only had about a 4% chance of losing them all. And even after he did lose them all, he wasn't out of it. It's hard to comment on his individual decisions without knowing the chip position at the time. Calling an all-in with 62o looks rather extreme, but even that could be correct if he was BB and airderien was very short-stacked. I'm pretty sure his overall aggressive strategy with the big stack is correct, though.

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I agree with Slapdash. Its individual approach. I would have taken more consideration of calling all in.
Oh yeah, right, there are 2 qualifiers to the next level and not just the one, so he'd qualify just by knocking one out.. OK ignore my last comment :$:$ Fred
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Jacob was certainly unlucky. If he'd won just one of hands 113, 115, 118, 119 or 120 then he'd have qualified for level 5. With those hole cards, I make it that he only had about a 4% chance of losing them all. And even after he did lose them all, he wasn't out of it.
All of a sudden I can see the logic in what he was doing. At hand 113 I had 980 in the BB (not 1300 as I wrote earlier), other guy 1505 and Jacob 11015. So winning any one of those hands would have ended the game and he still lived after each one. All of a sudden I feel a bit bad for him .... not too bad though ;)
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