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Scottish Poker Champs 2008, MORLSPIN OUT IN 14TH!


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Re: Scottish Poker Champs 2008, MORLSPIN OUT IN 14TH! Thanks everyone! Had one of the best poker experiences of my life this weekend and never once felt out of my depth, I played well and was only once behind when i made a call, which cost me a few chips after the cock called with A6 lol Had Charalambos Xanthos http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=247 of late night poker fame on my table for 1st 3 hrs and took him out when he tried to make a play on me twice. 1st time i held 44 and on a flop of 246 i bet out, he insta pushed and i called, he had 55 and missed and he doubled me up.....3 hands later i get AKclubs and i pump it up the table raise of 4x the bb....he re-raises me and i call for an extra 4xbb...flop brings J7J and i know if i check he pushes and i cant call.....so i bet 10k into a 10k pot and he pushes for 16k total.....i have to call and he turns over Q10.......i look at him and he has the cheek to say....how did u call? lol Before the A6 incident which cost me 24k i was sitting nicely on 55k with 2 hrs of play remaining and if my QQ had held up id have been massive chip leader with everything to play for, but, i made my target of reaching day 2 comfortably and I was playing well so I have no arguments! Gaz explained the final hand which was a gutter..... Blinds 600/1200 ante 100 Me UTG+2 on 25k Him UTG+3 on 62k I raise to 4100 with KQ and he calls, table folds Flop was 382 and i check (any bet here he probably calls or re-raises and i lose half my stack was my reasoning), he also checks Turn was 10 and again i decide to check for same reasons River brought the King which i was happy with as there was now 10700 in the pot so i make it 6k to play he anounces all in and im thinking that if he had AA , AK , KK he would have re-raised me preflop to protect his hand and thus I make the call.....he has AK clubs and im gone in 14th. 5 short of the money 73 runners with 9 getting paid from 1500 up to 28500 for winner

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Re: Scottish Poker Champs 2008, MORLSPIN OUT IN 14TH!

Gaz explained the final hand which was a gutter..... Blinds 600/1200 ante 100 Me UTG+2 on 25k Him UTG+3 on 62k I raise to 4100 with KQ and he calls, table folds Flop was 382 and i check (any bet here he probably calls or re-raises and i lose half my stack was my reasoning), he also checks Turn was 10 and again i decide to check for same reasons River brought the King which i was happy with as there was now 10700 in the pot so i make it 6k to play he anounces all in and im thinking that if he had AA , AK , KK he would have re-raised me preflop to protect his hand and thus I make the call.....he has AK clubs and im gone in 14th. 5 short of the money
i know that i'd have fallen into that trap as well. well done for getting so deep,but i bet your still thinking what may have been.
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Re: Scottish Poker Champs 2008, MORLSPIN OUT IN 14TH!

i know that i'd have fallen into that trap as well. well done for getting so deep,but i bet your still thinking what may have been.
Suprisingly im ok about it I played my arse off, made some great reads, good plays and cant fault my play over the weekend to be honest, so i now hope to learn from this experience and take my game onto another level. :cheers
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Re: Scottish Poker Champs 2008, MORLSPIN OUT IN 14TH!

Gaz explained the final hand which was a gutter..... Blinds 600/1200 ante 100 Me UTG+2 on 25k Him UTG+3 on 62k I raise to 4100 with KQ and he calls, table folds Flop was 382 and i check (any bet here he probably calls or re-raises and i lose half my stack was my reasoning), he also checks Turn was 10 and again i decide to check for same reasons River brought the King which i was happy with as there was now 10700 in the pot so i make it 6k to play he anounces all in and im thinking that if he had AA , AK , KK he would have re-raised me preflop to protect his hand and thus I make the call.....he has AK clubs and im gone in 14th. 5 short of the money 73 runners with 9 getting paid from 1500 up to 28500 for winner
Oh well seeing as no one else is saying it you raised preflop he flat called and you didnt bet the flop:eek you could have bet the 3/4 of the pot and still left a playable short stack if he reraised. You would have in V-roll and you know it.
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