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BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion


BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion  

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    • In principle I prefer contribution based pay
    • I'm happier with an equal split policy

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Hi guys we have a massive (:lol) $870 in winnings and sometime in the future this will appear (I hope). Not sure whether it goes into our team wallet, or whether e-Sport do the math and allocate it to each of us. I'm assuming we all get equal splits. Going forward into the Champions League phase then I think we ought to discuss options on how we distribute our first prize from this plase of the competition (well you got to be optimistic). I see some alternatives.... A. We stick with the equal split for all B. Split it according to the points contribution of each player .... C. Use a system such as 50% of the winnings being distributed as an appearance fee and the other 50% being used for a "basic wage" D. Save the money in the team wallet for team events that require paying to play. (not too keen on this one as I hate leaving money sitting in poker accounts). I'm quite happy with a straight split, but I do see some advantages with options B and C. One good reason for having a contribution based scheme would be that it encourages people to sign up to play and rewards those who do more than those who don't. I see some aggro on other threads where some teams have members who have never played and you cannot get rid of them. Whats your thoughts? It all, of course goes out the window if the "team wallet" is just a concept rather than reality and e-sport split it and shove it into individuals accounts. Although it is possible to envisage some swapping of money around by paying it into the "team wallet" and then redistributing I suspect that this might well over complicate things, but what do you guys think. Anybody got any opinions? Best to have this sort of discussion before the next phase starts :ok

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion I'd be a fan of option B :ok I think it rewards patience, team play and commitment :ok If we're paid individually, I think we can all be trusted to make any necessary adjustments.....

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion Taking the question further then - what should we do, for example, with someone like Paul (or me) who has expressed a preference not to play? What happens with players who ask to be the last choice and only play 1 or 2 games? If we win $25,000, do they receive a full $3000 share? If selection process is entirely merit based, there can be no arguments if your score is not good enough to get you into the team?

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion I'm easy either way with options A/B I'm probably not the best person to ask though as looking at the schedule i will only be able to make 3 out of the 6 first phase matches........ 21st May - busy watching a certain footie match and maybe :beer June 2nd - 6th - away on a boring work course :zzz (Although the hotel may have wi-fi access ??????)

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion The selection process should im my opinion remain much as it is now - with a priority process which each game - gives the three (out of eight) non playing people from the previous week the priority followed by the rest of the team in order of results from the previous week. That way we try and ensure that everyone gets a fair shot at saying yes to as large a number of games as possible. There are 6 games in the first qualifying section of the league and I would hope to see everyone play at least 2. I can see a bit of unfairness if (for example) someone plays two games and through the luck of the cards ends up with 2 points and someone else ends up playing 5 games and 100 points, which is why my preference is coming round to option C (where 50% of any winnings is split equally) and the rest split according to the number of points achieved. We haven't got any players who don't want to play, just some who have other life committments. I'm a sad retired old git who generally has nothing better to do a wednesday or a sunday :lol, but some of you are even sadder and have jobs :rollin. Anyway I'm hoping to get some sort of consensus and go for a decision before Wednesdays match. Is anyone gonna get upset and throw their toys out the pram if we decide other than A???? If anyone is, then we stick with plan A - which provided we all are reasonably available works ok for me. I possibly then will have the task of haranging (begging? :$) for players over next 6 games and trying to ensure that we have a full team whilst trying to make sure that everyone plays their part. Once we get past the next 6 games then the money starts to increase enough to ensure our attention :cheers. I must admit that as a man who has worked in teams before then I'm edging back towards A (my work assessments always said I was a good team player ;)). although if eSport make a success of this format and we go forward even further into the future then I think we'll need Plan B or C and a slightly bigger team pool (2 more players?). I'd love to see this league thing take off with players being transferred etc. With team wallets the rest of the team could make money just by selling off our top players - just like Southampton, only downside would be that you then drop a division or two. Anyone fancy having a whip round so we can afford a professional or two :lol

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion I'm happy with whatever process you go for, even if it isn't my first choice (only thing I would do is reiterate your comment that it needs to be resolved before first matchday gets under way)

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion

The selection process should in my opinion remain much as it is now - with a priority process which each game - gives the three (out of eight) non playing people from the previous week the priority followed by the rest of the team in order of results from the previous week. That way we try and ensure that everyone gets a fair shot at saying yes to as large a number of games as possible.
I'm in favour of this method. I think it's good to keep everyone involved and we all proved capable of winning or going out first ! I'm sure anyone with a crisis of confidence will ask to be left out.
There are 6 games in the first qualifying section of the league and I would hope to see everyone play at least 2. I can see a bit of unfairness if (for example) someone plays two games and through the luck of the cards ends up with 2 points and someone else ends up playing 5 games and 100 points, which is why my preference is coming round to option C (where 50% of any winnings is split equally) and the rest split according to the number of points achieved.
I have no objection to option C. Other than the small possibility that someone who might otherwise have given up his place (due to other games or commitments) chooses to play without his full concentration because points make personal prizes. Early days with this format yet so I'm happy to abide by any decision and 'suck it and see'. I'll worry about it more when we have to defend our Champions League title next year. :ok
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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion We will stick with equal pay as though I feel that there is some support for a more contibution based structure there insn't sufficient to make a change this time round and in the words of runa "we'll worry about it more when we have to defend our Champions League title next year". I think the discussion has been useful though. . Right I'm off to put the team up. One aim I have is to try and ensure that everyone plays two out of the first 6 and at least 3 out of the 9 (I think its 9 games?) in the Champions league. :cheers

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Re: BikeRadar KOP - team pay discussion im easy with what the general consensus decides but i would probably lean towards A, the equal split, this is partly because in my personal situation i played in the first 2 games but due to mostly bad beats scored 0 in both tournys thereby putting myself to the bottom of the list for around the next 4 games. due to the structure of the series and our own team selection process i would say that A is probably best, but if we were to have made this decision at the very beginning it would be more fair to choose one of the other options. GL all for tonight! ;)

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