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CVG Poker Champions - Champions League


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Re: CVG Poker Champions - Champions League Out in 5th...:sad Last hand Big stack, SB makes up to full blind I'm BB and check A8 off Flop 788 he checks, I check ( slow play my trips hehe) turn J he bets 150, I raise 300. he raises to 900, I move all in for 1500, he calls he turns over a J and the other feckin 8....:wall:wall:wall

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Re: CVG Poker Champions - Champions League :puke Gone very quickly in a couple of hands; AQh vs TT - caught my Q then he hit a T on the river....short stacked I get Q9os and get pushed by the SB and I call - he turns over 69os. Hit my Q on the flop but he hits runner runner for the Ten high straight. 5th.

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Re: CVG Poker Champions - Champions League 2nd for me... Well done Fonzie. :clap But :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy to Kippe!!! discon problems? Anyway I saw he was down to 700 odd chips with 3 left but he only went and started off cracking AA and then won! :cow

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