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PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May


PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May  

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May Well played Warbirds, it went to the wire :clap I am away from home at the moment i managed to get internnet access at the hotel im not sure how the scoring works but Please dont tell me i paid £10 for the pleasure of playing when if i had not ,The points for 4th with only 23 in wouldnt have given warbirds the win. if you see what i mean

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May

Well played Warbirds, it went to the wire :clap I am away from home at the moment i managed to get internnet access at the hotel im not sure how the scoring works but Please dont tell me i paid £10 for the pleasure of playing when if i had not ,The points for 4th with only 23 in wouldnt have given warbirds the win. if you see what i mean
Phew. 151 points if 23 in, so Warbirds would still have the win by 2 points. :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May Well played all last night :clap:clap Congrats to Warbirds who takes down the tournament in the final strides :clap:clap Self congrats to me...it's great to get into the mix against PLers :eyes Must offer my condolences to McG who was in there batting but unfortunately had a very aggressive monkey on his back (yes...that would be Teaulc, giving it some stick from the rails!) all through the final table...unlucky. Massive thanks to :clap :clapAvongirl :clap:clap who, besides taking the reins and collating the tables for the new Champions leagues, found the time to pass on all the info about who needed what during the final table. Greatly appreciated and had the final table buzzing away all the way through...superb work Avon and well appreciated by all. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May i would just like to second what dodger said with regards to Helen,it is very much appreciated by us all. as for the monkey ;):lol i was in an exceptional good mood last night and was just adding some alleviating banter,i hope McG wasnt too upset with me in supporting dodger and gemlin :tongue2 also a quick note to fenners,i wasnt being serious about i said :tongue2:tongue2 even if you do like a drink or 2,i class you as an exceptional player mate and always like playing on the same table as you :ok well done all who cashed this month and bring on the next one :dude

Well played all last night :clap:clap Congrats to Warbirds who takes down the tournament in the final strides :clap:clap Self congrats to me...it's great to get into the mix against PLers :eyes Must offer my condolences to McG who was in there batting but unfortunately had a very aggressive monkey on his back (yes...that would be Teaulc, giving it some stick from the rails!) all through the final table...unlucky. Massive thanks to :clap :clapAvongirl :clap:clap who, besides taking the reins and collating the tables for the new Champions leagues, found the time to pass on all the info about who needed what during the final table. Greatly appreciated and had the final table buzzing away all the way through...superb work Avon and well appreciated by all. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May

also a quick note to fenners' date='i wasnt being serious about i said :tongue2:tongue2 even if you do like a drink or 2,i class you as an exceptional player mate and [b']always like playing on the same table as you
I hate playing on the same table as fenners (seriously!!) - I cannot work him out :sad - he seems relentless in his attacks on me (from ANY position) but when I fight back I'm always behind :sad
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May

I hate playing on the same table as fenners (seriously!!) - I cannot work him out :sad - he seems relentless in his attacks on me (from ANY position) but when I fight back I'm always behind :sad
I have the opposite problem. He bullies me mercilessly, and when I take a stand I'm always ahead but he draws out on me! :tongue2 Not a bad beat complaint: it probably just means I don't fight back enough.
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May 3 comments - yes, fenners is a sod to play against. I fall in to slapdash's trap of folding when I should fight back, and finding the wrong time to be bold. As for teaulc - no problem with the banter at all. It makes for a lively table, although it was a bit rich to ask me to fold AA in the BB when you shoved from the SB with A9. And finally, another note of thanks to Helen, who provided the running commentary - shame I forgot I had to finish in the top 2 to qualify for extra cash.

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May

Now I know you're telling porkies McG - Al would NEVER play a rag ace :tongue2
and now you know why,cos when i play ace/rag i get beat,everyone else like morls who likes ace/2 always win:tongue2
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