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New FLUSH magazine out now !


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Including: Roland de Wolfe, Liv Boeree, Omaha basics, Best Online Poker Tools & Forums, Prague write-up (including a lovely diary from Morl :)), UK POKER GUIDE, lots of good stuff. WH SMITHS DO stock it, i know a few people have been asking, but you may have to dig around in the big stores. Otherwise most cardrooms/casinos have it. Enjoy! Jon

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Re: New FLUSH magazine out now ! Hi everyone Even though "Flush" is a great poker mag, it's VERY difficult to find. For example, the only place I've found you can get it in Oxford is the WH Smith's in the city centre. There's another newsagent that gets it in on the outskirts but they only get one copy to sell and it's usually gone first day. Might be an idea to get a subscription and save a load of cash. Another very worrying development at Flush Central is their decision to let another new columnist loose on their pages...me! If you've read the blog you know the kind of thing you can expect (Diary of a Crap Poker Player) . I haven't seen it yet but I believe there's an article as well as my column in there this month. You should ALL buy this magazine as it's the most brilliant publication in the known universe and edited by a leviathan among editors - a superb chap who's generosity and talent knows no bounds. Snowman PS. Jon...do I get a bonus for that last plug?

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