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eSport various complaints


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Dear eSport, this is an open letter asking where you are, there are a number of issues cropping up and you seem to missing whenever a problem arises,why is this? this league has great potential but is looking like it may go down the pan if something is not done soon. i look forward to your reply Al

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Re: eSport WHERE ARE YOU??????? No, we are not missing the problems guys. We are here. We have some plans right now going on to adress the issue of last gameday especially. Sorry for the confusions, but we have to get to most of the players in the teams, to get them into play again. And I will also talk more directly to getafancy, so he can get to you with newest info and updates faster and better. Sorry ones more. If you have any special ideas, improvement suggestions etc., I'm just opening a thread here for all that. Cheers, Joe

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  • 3 weeks later...

E-Sport Support is bloody useless about 4 hours ago i asked support (not for the 1st time) to come onto punters and respond to all the questions and problems,,,they said wait half hour and they will........ so what happens??? nothing as per usual :spank:spank i for one wouldnt be so narked if they would just come and explain what the hell is going on good or bad, we are being treated very shabbily by e-sport imo and not too sure if it is worth the time and effort supporting them when they cant be arsed to support us

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Re: E-Sport Support is bloody useless Agreed. Every time you ask them something they say it'll happen tomorrow or wait till after the weekend. Not sure if it's a translation thing but why don't they just say they can't be arsed or the computer won't let them do it?:unsure

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support? Hi guys, I will be taking over the responcibility for eSport Poker League in the UK. Any problems feel free to ask and ill do my best to track down the answers ;) Most people seem to agree that the league concept has plenty of potential and I am going to make it my mission to make it a success in the future. Keep any suggestions and criticisms coming...

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support?

Nice one Reesh, :clap For starters, when are we going to get the money for the UK league?
also what has happened with the league,is it done and dusted and weeks 8 and 15 by the by? or is this issue still ongoing and that is why no money has been paid out?
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Re: has anyone been in touch with support? Nice one Reeshah - good to have a man on the inside :ok Hopefully with your help they can get things sorted out and the UK leagues can start to run "competently". (though I'm afraid I have my doubts now about what you may be able to do - seeing the same level of complaints in the German leagues I think the problems are structural within the company :unsure) However maybe we can at least get some degree of proper communication now better than "yes it will be resolved" (and then not being). Are you able to offer any insight into what happened with the first league and how they can have failed quite so magnificently to produce a final league table that had an semblance of common sense?

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support? Now the Champions league has started with only 54 teams, how is this going to impact on the qualification to the next round. The original plan was to have 50 out of 100 going through; are we now looking at 50 out of 54 ??? Also, the fact that the number of teams in each group seems to be randon (anywhere from 7 teams to 10 teams) does not make for an equal playing field, with 6 groups and 54 teams, surely it would of been simple to put 9 teams into every group. Or are the French and Spanish going to be introduced at a later date? (Don't think there will be time :unsure). Some answers before the end of the league would be nice. :)

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Show Me The Money.... Esport/Pokerroom ... because I haven't seen it yet :loon E-sports/pokerroom - where is the cash we've won for the Esports League?? Got the email where you told me we have won $ 500 something - but no sign of it... Explanation please???

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Re: Show Me The Money.... Esport/Pokerroom Hi Penelopeys, I have done some investigating at esport and it seems that the prize money is allocated by pokerroom so there isnt much we can do at eSport. I cant give a time frame so ill ask for everyone to be patient but I will continue to dig and see if I can get a more specific explanation.

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support? Firstly, i cant say when the prize money is awarded because it is done by Pokerroom and eSport organises the league but doesnt make the payouts but ill continue to look into it. As far as i know the first league IS done and dusted so the result wont be overturned. Im hoping that when I get more involved I will learn exactly what happened and what decisions were made and when and by who and by what reasoning, so that I can offer all UK players a comprehensive explanation. to answer gafs question, YES, im hoping to significantly improve the flow of info because i know that its frustrating to always be left in the dark. And finally, to answer Fonzie, The French teams WILL be introduced at a later point of the Champions League. Again, i would like to find out the precise structure before passing on any info to you all, I dont know about the Spanish teams yet but ill check it out, i assume its the same tho.

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support?

As far as i know the first league IS done and dusted so the result wont be overturned. Im hoping that when I get more involved I will learn exactly what happened and what decisions were made and when and by who and by what reasoning' date=' so that I can offer all UK players a comprehensive explanation. [/quote'] Just want to make sure you are aware of the issues. I'm sure you are fully aware of Week 15 - you caused it :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :tongue2 How dare you knock out active players. Week 8 was caused by me - I knocked out the active players. Bikeradar won both weeks 8 and 15, so we have been heavily penalised for "being too good" in those weeks. Bottom line though, I dont believe it impacted our finishing position. I do believe that the way it has been dealt with may have had a significant impact on who finished champions - basically I dont know - for me it really is 50/50 who the real champions were. I dont consider that acceptable. The same thing happened in week 8 and week 15 - so first question would be, how can you treat them differently (week 15 was scrubbed, week 8 was effectively random scores awarded)? In querying how week 8 was dealt with, it really go no further than asking for the justification for the 5th and 6th place awards. It cannot be justified by any sane methodology, and therefore the published final league table cannot in any form be correct!! This is the official week 8 result from the eSport website.
Position Team name1 2 3 4 5 PointsTeampoints
1 Royal Flush Poker Team 0 30 11 0 30 71 30
2 Red Aces 3 24 18 0 24 69 24
3 PuntersLounge 24 0 30 0 4 58 18
4 CVG Poker Champions 11 11 3 0 1 26 14
5 >Poker.co.uk Poker Team 0 0 4 0 0 4 11
6 Bikeradar Kings of Poker 14 9 24 11 58 10
7 Techradar Calling United 18 3 0 14 35 9
8 Pot Chasers 30 0 3 1 34 8
9 Gamesradar All in 0 14 14 0 28 7
10 Pokerfaces Poker Team 5 18 1 2 26 6
11 >Poker.net Poker Team 3 2 0 18 23 5
12 Gambling.co.uk Poker Team 4 1 9 9 23 4
13 Bluff Poker Team 9 0 2 3 14 3
14 4Kings Poker Team 1 5 1 7 14 2
15 TEAM AWOP 7 1 5 0 13 1
16 T3 No Limits 1 0 7 2 10 0
17 Pokerforum.co.uk Poker Te 0 3 2 5 10 0
18 Casinos.co.uk Poker Team 2 4 0 3 9 0
19 SK-Gaming Poker Team 0 7 0 0 7 0
20 Team Suited Bluffers 2 2 0 0 4 0
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Re: has anyone been in touch with support?

And finally, to answer Fonzie, The French teams WILL be introduced at a later point of the Champions League. Again, i would like to find out the precise structure before passing on any info to you all, I dont know about the Spanish teams yet but ill check it out, i assume its the same tho.
So does that mean there getting a bye into a later round?
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Re: Show Me The Money.... Esport/Pokerroom Maybe we should enquire direct to Pokerroom about the money- since they have benefitted from getting players to join up with them. And Pookerroom will be the ones whose reputation will suffer if we get shafted. SHOW ME THE MONEY

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Re: Show Me The Money.... Esport/Pokerroom I'm actually reasonably confident for the money now - I cannot see why they would be employing people to work on the UK league if they were going to pull the plug. If they're not pulling the plug, then I do not see how they could hope to continue if the prizes were unpaid. I'm confident it'll be paid now :ok

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Re: eSport various complaints I've just spoken to Alexander who is the marketing part of ESport. He assures me there is absolutely no chance of not being paid out, but unfortunately the system of payout is poor. This of course needs to be improved. He explained the procedure to me and my head nearly blew off, way overcomplicated. It took 4-6 weeks for the German League to be paid out in full as it takes time to manually deal with hundreds of payouts to individual accounts. As far as I'm told, Reeshah is either close to or has agreed to go work in Germany as the UK Manager, this will of course help a lot, but we mustn't hassle Reeshah, he's very new to all this. I'm 110% confident everyone will be paid, but you will have to wait for it. I will have more information on Monday when Alexander calls me again.

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Re: has anyone been in touch with support?

Also' date=' the fact that the number of teams in each group seems to be randon (anywhere from 7 teams to 10 teams) does not make for an equal playing field, with 6 groups and 54 teams, surely it would of been simple to put 9 teams into every group.[/quote'] Just guessing - but I'd imagine the groups were set before the team registration deadline.
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