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Final Table Deals


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I was recently at a final table where the chat soon turned towards whether a deal could be made between the remaining players. The cut was a point of debate, but the biggest argument between 2 of the so-called "experienced" players was how such a deal would be validated ..... Deal was never agreed on in the end but I would like to know for future if there is a standard ettiquette for agreeing a deal online.

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Re: Final Table Deals I know that on PokerStars, in the bigger tournaments, a poker manager will pause the play at the final stages and will basically be a moderator for any deals done. One site, can't remember which, has a button to press if you wish to make a deal...although never seen it in action. I know a deal was done at the final table of the recent charity game here...but that was between fellow forumites. Some sites state in their rules that deals cannot be made. So... it varies widely from site to site and guess the safest option is that if you are unsure as to the legitimacy of the offers then just refuse to join in. :unsure:unsure:unsure

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Re: Final Table Deals I wouldnt do a deal on a final table (with unknown people) where the site were not involved (unless they let me take the win and trusted me to distribute the winnings). You are within your rights to refuse any deal, whatever pressure the other players put on you, a deal cannot be done unless all players agree - so dont allow other players to bully you into a deal that doesn't benefit you.

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Re: Final Table Deals Pokerstars stipulate that xx amount must be paid out to first place (I think I've seen that on tourney lobby screens) which helps the process.

One site, can't remember which, has a button to press if you wish to make a deal...although never seen it in action.
I thought this was Full Tilt... I seem to remember railing Jaded though and seeing this 'vote' button, which may point to Poker stars again, although I'm not so sure.
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Re: Final Table Deals On 32red once you reach a certain amount of players left (can't remember how many) you have the option to offer a deal to the other players. A pop-up comes up then and offers it with "accept" or "deny" options. I think it's quite a good system Fred

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