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Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)


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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)

Hey dobb, i know I havent been scoring very much this month :wall but I think you'll find I finished 8th last night hence should have 9 points added to my score! :ok Cheers m8!
So you did...Redone it now:$
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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Not sure I dare post on this thread anymore ..... poor attendance and even worse performances :cry:cry Nice to see a heavy PL presence on the full league though ..... still time for a PL winner ?? :dude

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) It looks like Gaf has wrapped up the prop league this month.....:clap The battle is on for second place Warbirds and Strider .... GeordieGaz has a great chance on being second if he plays until the end of month... Well Done Gaf:clap

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Yep think GaF's got it now! Well done m8! I'm at pool 2nte and away on Saturday which means I could only play wednesday to Friday so is very unrealistic that I've got a chance. Is an interesting battle between Dobbin, Strider and Warbirds!

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) :clap:clapCONGRATULATIONS GAF:clap:clap Are you close enough to win the PK league too ? Good luck to the rest battling for 2nd ..... heat is on Fred :@

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) tighter than a gnats ass at the top ! Cant promise any others but will definitely play friday night (missus in stockholm :ok) I'll be like Dog ... the bounty hunter ... looking for a portugese scalp !! :dude

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Thanks appreciate the sentiment - But I really dont want any favours - people should play their own games - as I would do against you (just ask Steve'O and strider ;) ). Besides, you go after someone with weaker than normal cards and all you'll do is double them up for me :tongue2

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)

Thanks appreciate the sentiment - But I really dont want any favours - people should play their own games - as I would do against you (just ask Steve'O and strider ;) ). Besides, you go after someone with weaker than normal cards and all you'll do is double them up for me :tongue2
I understand that, don't worry :ok Was said in jest :lol Just realised the football is on tonight so I might still make it .... see you there :cheers
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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Updated30:ok We have a winner:drums:drums 1st Place Gaf ($200) 2nd Place Warbirds ($150) Well Done to the both of you.. I will send the winnings in a few minutes to you at Full Tilt :notworthy:notworthy:clap:clap Edit...Winnings has been sent...

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)

We have a winner:drums:drums 1st Place Gaf ($200) 2nd Place Warbirds ($150)
GAF & Fred, wonderful games this month, real consistent performances :clap CONGRATULATIONS !!!
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