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Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)


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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Yeah there were only 13 registered I think last night Gaf. I think I played the least amount of hands ever as I was concentrating more on my h/u with hornet but somehow seemed to blunder the win. The prop bets league seems finely poised at the moment.

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) Already well off the pace and struggling to play 10 games .... let only post 10 good results :cry good to see so many good PL results recently :clap:clap .... Hopefully be there tonight and tomorrow so watch out ..... I'm coming for you all .... :@:@

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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)

.... Hopefully be there tonight and tomorrow so watch out ..... I'm coming for you all .... :@:@
Late but got there eventually !
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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May)

well done fred! tis tight at the top with you nd GaF!
Cheers - but I believe at least you and Dobbin are still in with a very good chance.. Missing the Monday game :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall That should be a decider Fred
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Re: Prop Bet League at PokerKings (May) The tourney runs every month :ok The prop bet we are unsure whether we will do it again next month or not (the tourney is every day for a whole month - so it's quite a large commitment to give it a serious go). The thread for this months tourney is here - May Pokerkings League The discussion on next months prop bets is here - Prop Bet League at Pokerkings (June)

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