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Manchester GUKPT


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Re: Manchester GUKPT

Well we have a strong if not drunken team attending this' date=' Washy, Myself and the ever [b']cheerfull Wasp who has just qualified:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy is anyone else attending?
:) aye after bubbling twice online I won a seat at the casino yesterday in the £30 rebuy sat (what a fish fest). 100% record so far this year of qualifying for GUK's, just hope I can make it past the dinner break in this one. Well done Steve'O didn't realise you had a seat :clap do you know that Manchester is nearer to the Valleys than Newcastle?
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Re: Manchester GUKPT

:) aye after bubbling twice online I won a seat at the casino yesterday in the £30 rebuy sat (what a fish fest). 100% record so far this year of qualifying for GUK's, just hope I can make it past the dinner break in this one. Well done Steve'O didn't realise you had a seat :clap do you know that Manchester is nearer to the Valleys than Newcastle?
Manchester's closer than Newcastle?:loon Fcuk wish you'd told me that last week.;)
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Re: GUKPT Newcastle Brian on 10: 10 - Dean Sanders - 10000 10 - T Lukashaugen - 10000 10 - Long Hoang - 10000 10 - Jimmy Gallagher - 10000 10 - Sami Yusuf - 10000 10 - Robert Bright - 10000 10 - Brian Martin - 10000 10 - Matt Stevens - 10000 10 - J Zaib - 10000 10 - Kenny Burke - 10000 Washy on 13: 13 - John Conroy - 10000 13 - Richard Scott - 10000 13 - Tom Nightingale - 10000 13 - Andrew Teng - 10000 13 - Sean Gregory - 10000 13 - Matt Tyler - 10000 13 - Dara Okearney - 10000 13 - Jamie Gubb - 10000 13 - Giovanni Nervo - 10000 13 - Mark Yaffe - 10000 Matt Stevens (what’s he doing here and not in Sheffield?.. must’ve been knocked out at the Crucible) matt_stevens.jpg Brian with the celeb. Tournament Updates - End of Level 5 April 25th, 2008 at 7:42 pm Outers - Debbie Littlejohn, Jacob Meima, Dewi James, Luiz Andrade, Vincent Mather, Richard Scott. :( Can't see Stef on today's list.

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Re: Manchester GUKPT Still gutted played by best yet on level 7 about 90mins to go to day 2 I'm below average but not too short and was feeling comfortable, when a big raise and then bigger reraise in front of me when I wake up with Aces and shove all in. First raiser folds 2nd guy calls with jacks 3 diamonds flop (I have the ace), blank turn and he has 1 out on the river :puke That would have set me up nicely for today but it wasn't to be. My new celeb buddy Mathew Stevens offered to take me down town VIP, free beer and lap dancers but I was that gutted I declined :\ And then proceeded to lose a lot on the cash tables. I've just dropped Laurel and Hardy back at the casino Steph is the new celeb in town at the moment :lol Cracking piece here from lastnight http://www.thenutz.tv/videodetail.php?video_id=66597 I was on the next table, he was relentless and that Michelle girl is a right whinging bitch :lol. Everyone kept coming over to me to say 'is that your mate?' 'I feel so sorry for you' :lol

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Re: Manchester GUKPT

Great videos. :lol I reckon Steph is setting himself up nicely for celeb status now. :ok
I was thinking the same Avon. We're bound to see him in one of those 6 seater tournies on the box soon. The only pro who comes close to be as entertaining as the mole is Mad Marty. I mean if GreekFish can get on the box ffs, I'm sure the mole will.
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Re: Manchester GUKPT Just back from a great weekend in Manchester - met up with Brian and Steph on friday morning before heading to the casino for a few liveners :cheers Got a fairly tough table with 3 Irish guys (including a 3rd in 2007 EPT Warsaw, and winner of European Deep Stack championship), I think I was probably the only online qualifier. Never really got going - just kept getting rubbish. Only decent hand before dinner was QQ, but my pre-flop raise didn't frighten off K7, and of course a K flopped. A on the river slowed him down and saved me from too much pain though. After dinner got 88 in BB, short stack pushed for about 2.5k - I called, and his KJ hit the flop. Down to 4900 I pushed about 20 minutes later with 88 again, called by guy next to me who had exactly same chips - his AQ paired on the flop. Consoled myself with a few drinks, and watched Steph entertaining his table :loon:loon:loon Brian dropped me and Steph at the casino Saturday afternoon - hangovers soon disappeared after a few Coronas, and we both played £300 freezeout at 6pm. Steph didn't hang around too long, and went off to the cash tables. I had Andreas Hoivold (EPT winner and 3rd in Poker Million) at my table :\. About 20 minutes in I limp with 9Tclubs, guy to my left raises to 225, Hoivold and a couple of others call, so I decide to see the flop. Quite pleased to see Q8J :nana:nana:nana, although there were 2 diamonds. I bet about 350, guy to my left and Hoivold both call. Turn is blank, so I bet 1100, which both call. River is blank, and I shove immediately - first guy folds. Hoivold thinks for a couple of minutes, before deciding I've missed my flush draw - it was a nice feeling taking all his chips :rollin:rollin Eventually finished 15th after pushing with 77, and getting called by AK, who made 2 pair - paid out 9 places, but tbh was glad not to have to go back today for final table after a couple of heavy days.

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Re: Manchester GUKPT In recovery mode now (or maybe it should be the priory) after another smashing weekend. Richard and Brian were again their usual grim company, but hey ho you got to make the best of it :). Great weekend troops cheers. On to the poker couldnt believe it when the first hand was dealt i looked up only to see a lovley big pair, then i realised that they belonged to Michelle Orpe. We actually got on like a house on fire although she was a bit naive when it came to the game. I got most her life story but she was also telling me hands she was folding Ak suited twice PF, This is never a good idea! I was winning my share of hands and never went below the starting stack. One hand i was on the button with Q6 os i raised Michelle re raised ( so i know she doesnt have AK, can only be AA,KK or QQ) The flop comes with an A on it and she checks i insta move all in knowing the only way she can win is AA, she folded and showed QQ i showed the Q6 and she went in the huff. I actually felt bad and had to remind myself its just a game. Later on i won a good hand flopping a set of 99 s to a guy with jj (as cringingly seen on nutz tv) this doubled me up to about 27k and i had plenty to make day 2 but me being me decided to push the table around. I made one big mistake which i will learn from, I had 44 ( my fav hand) and was up against a guy new to the table i under estimated him, he re raised me and after a bit of banter i put him all in i was pretty sure QQ was the top hand he had and thought he would fold, turns out he had jj and called (nice call for his tourney life) and that hand really crippled me. So lesson learned. Loads more to say but i am getting bored now typing so might try again later. To sum my weekend up it was " fun with Dick and Jane " great company as per and roll on Newcastle (or the phillipines:))

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Re: Manchester GUKPT

Later on i won a good hand flopping a set of 99 s to a guy with jj (as cringingly seen on nutz tv)
It allways looks impressive when someone says "I know you have jacks" and then they turn over jacks :lol :lol :lol :lol
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