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Home Game 3rd May


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Re: Home Game 3rd May

Pass the address Eric, will I need prat nav to find you????:lol One of my sons may not make it as he has been in hospital over the weekend but all being well Steve and I will be there, confirm later in the week after we get Richard home.
Nothing to serious I hope. :hope "Prat Nav" :eek Not nice to call Steve that. He knows where we live. :rollin
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Re: Home Game 3rd May many thanks to Eric & Jackie for last night,again another great evening and good to see Paul,Pene and BA again.. good food and poker. got donked in both games but got my money back with the cash game at the end of the evening :). finally got home about 5am and wifey very frosty so far :unsure

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Re: Home Game 3rd May Cracking night indeed! A miilion thanks to Jackie and Eric for a great night, nothing was too much trouble for them and we were well fed and watered all night.:notworthy It's always a pleasure to meet the usual suspects and it was great meet some new faces too. A great night for me was made even better by cashing in the first game and winning the second:loon

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Re: Home Game 3rd May Nice to see everybody is keeping well. Great to see you all and even better will see you again in few weeks time. Hats off to Paul, Pene and Andy for making such a long journey :clap. Huge thanks to Jackie and Eric for having us and looking after us so well :notworthy. Jackie was on fire all night kicking us left and right :clap. I bubbled in both STGs, but no complains. Eric, enjoy your few months off of your retirement, before you go back to work :unsure:ok.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Home Game 3rd May Another top night :ok:clap:clap:clap:clap Thanks to Jackie and Eric for having us and putting on a cracking spread :clap:clap I think there was 12 of us this time ? so we were thinking of making it an MTT with 2 tables but decided in the end to all squeeze round the one table. I steadily leaked chips away and was short for ages then started getting some decent hands and managing to bluff a few pots. Then somehow found myself heads up with Jackie and managed to gain the upper hand, Jackie got fairly short stacked and I raised with Q3 sooooted and spiked a Q on the river I think to win the tournament and get a nice little trophy from Eric :ok 2nd game cant remember much about, was rather pi$$ed by this stage but managed to cash again with a 3rd. Cash game made a small profit as well so overall cashwise a very decent evening. Was good to see everyone again and we were all saying just how much live stuff is coming up over the next year so plenty of :beer:beer to be done yet. Blagged a lift home off Al (cheers :ok) at about half four. Another cracking night, cheers folks and roll on next one :ok:ok:ok which I think is going to be at mine in June some time :hope:ok Cheers Eric and Jackie :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: Home Game 3rd May Cracking night peeps sorry had to leave but had work this moring :cry played the virgin festival weekly tonight and both me and the pops got our seat to nottingham See u all there Thanks again to eric and Jack for a great evening :ok

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Re: Home Game 3rd May Boy that boy is quick, he's one step ahead of me. I know I've already said this when I woke you up this morning to say thanks, but thanks again for such a wonderful evening. :clap:clap:clap No such luck on the money front but pleased to see Jackie taking your money again, she deserves it, for putting up with you :loon:loon Thanks again Eric and Jackie and hope to see you both again soon. Good luck with your retirement, it comes to us..........................:zzz

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Re: Home Game 3rd May cheers eric and jackie:clap:clap:clapgreat night. picked up the wrong wiimote on the way out tho:$will have to pop it back round,will bell you tommorrow:ok no wonder you cant remember much of game 2 gaz:)we couldnt even remember what cards we had at the time:rollin:rollin:rollin. i managed to get lucky in game 2 and finish 2nd after busting penes aces to triple up in a 3 way pot,also picked up the 72 prize in game 1:)

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Re: Home Game 3rd May Sorry this has taken me a week to sort out. :$ Anyway, I hope you all had a good night (by the posts I think so). :hope What I can remember :loon The evening got off to a good start with Steve, (AA_Hall) picking up the case of chips the wrong way and spilling them all over the floor. :rollin:rollin We decided to try and fit all 12 around a 10 seater table which didn't work out too bad. As usual I went out quite early on to Gary (eyesallin) when my 44 got beaten by his A rag with an A on the flop. I meant to take a note of the order of players but forgot. :$ I was too pi$$ed by the end of the 1st game to remember anyway. :lol So pi$$ed I can't remember playing the second game. :$ Which I'm told Andy (BA) won. Well done mucker :clap Jackie was, as usual knocking people out with her normal style of play :\ and ended up HU with Gazza but Gazza came out the winner. Well done mate. :clap In the meantime the curry seemed to go down well and a few beers were drunk. The dustman will need a double run after all the bottles we put out in the morning. :loon Next one could be in the summer with a BBQ for starters. Might even try playing poker in the garden if the weathers nice. :ok A few pics... Chips everywhere. :lol spill.jpg Is poker that boring?? :zzz building.jpg Tournement Director in the making. :ok pene.jpg Get it down yer neck son. :loon ba.jpg The Winner. :clap winner.jpg

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