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Home Game 3rd May


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Re: Home Game 3rd May I was talking with Gazza about this last weekend and he suggested he bring his table over and have 2 tables. We could play 2 7's, as there is 14 at the moment, and we play to 4 on each table, then play an 8. In the meantime those knocked out can have an SnG on the other table. :unsure Or there is the Wii to go on. :ok

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Re: Home Game 3rd May

I was talking with Gazza about this last weekend and he suggested he bring his table over and have 2 tables. We could play 2 7's, as there is 14 at the moment, and we play to 4 on each table, then play an 8. In the meantime those knocked out can have an SnG on the other table. :unsure Or there is the Wii to go on. :ok
sounds good mate im up for that:ok
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Re: Home Game 3rd May Right here we go. :ok Starting 7.30 - 8.00 so get here from 7 onwards. Will probably play the normal but as we will have 2 tables for a bit of a cash game if required. I'm awaiting a response to an invite from Gus Hanson, Doyle Brunson and Phil Ivey but they may be otherwise engaged. :lol If anybody needs the address & phone please let me know and I'll PM the details. :ok If any of you Dartfordonians wanna come please don't be shy and stick your name down. I'll need to know by wednesday latest as I need to know final numbers. :hope Anyone who wants to crash here for the night is more than welcome but if you can bring a sleeping bag or something similar that would be good. :ok As an added bonus we are going to have a bowling comp on the Wii with a prize to the winner. :unsure See you all on the 3rd. :hope

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Re: Home Game 3rd May

if you want i can bring mario kart and 4 wheels as well:ok should be some great drinking fun:) i will probably stay if thats ok mate and can you pm me your address as well is i've forgotten it:ok will bring 2 extra controllers as well.
watch out ben i have a wii now so I'm practicing to beat you :lol
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Re: Home Game 3rd May

Right here we go. :ok Starting 7.30 - 8.00 so get here from 7 onwards. Will probably play the normal but as we will have 2 tables for a bit of a cash game if required. I'm awaiting a response to an invite from Gus Hanson, Doyle Brunson and Phil Ivey but they may be otherwise engaged. :lol If anybody needs the address & phone please let me know and I'll PM the details. :ok If any of you Dartfordonians wanna come please don't be shy and stick your name down. I'll need to know by wednesday latest as I need to know final numbers. :hope Anyone who wants to crash here for the night is more than welcome but if you can bring a sleeping bag or something similar that would be good. :ok As an added bonus we are going to have a bowling comp on the Wii with a prize to the winner. :unsure See you all on the 3rd. :hope
Pass the address Eric, will I need prat nav to find you????:lol One of my sons may not make it as he has been in hospital over the weekend but all being well Steve and I will be there, confirm later in the week after we get Richard home.
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