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Nice Prize

Burnley Joe

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Congratulations Joe! You are one of three winners in our weekly sweepstakes for “Question of the Dayâ€! The prize is your choice of a $100 credit at PokerShopping.co.uk or a $100 credit for Titan Poker. Please email us back to confirm your email address, country and your choice of prize. We will then provide you with the information you will need. Your reply is required within 21 days of this email. * Please note: The credit at Titan Poker is for new accounts only. If you already have an account there you must choose the other option. Regards, Steve T Customer Support Manager

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Re: Nice Prize Question Background: You have been playing in a fairly loose-aggressive game at your local casino. In this hand player 1 limps under the gun and it’s folded to the button, who makes it $40. You in the small blind three-bet to $140. The big blind as well as the UTG limper fold. The button calls and the flop comes Td.gif-5d.gifQh.gif. You have AK diamonds Check or Bet $200

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