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What's my play in this situation?

Tom Hedonist

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This is the final hand I'm due to play for this session. What's my play here: ***** Hand 1026050823 ***** 0.12/0.25 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 04 April 2008 21:07:45 TH Mini 55 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: TURBO-OMAR (25.46) Seat 2: CM888 (19.16) Seat 3: Csorsz3 (40.76) Seat 4: Hedonists (40.56) Seat 5: ekmo (24.75) Seat 6: pecca69 (12.00) Seat 7: babacarlos (20.33) Seat 8: esekilly (27.72) Seat 9: KovacsGY (51.83) Seat 10: Snotblocked (32.93) CM888 post SB 0.12 Csorsz3 post BB 0.25 ** Deal ** TURBO-OMAR [N/A, N/A] CM888 [N/A, N/A] Csorsz3 [N/A, N/A] Hedonists [Qc, Ac] ekmo [N/A, N/A] babacarlos [N/A, N/A] esekilly [N/A, N/A] KovacsGY [N/A, N/A] Snotblocked [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Hedonists Raise to 1.00 ekmo Call 1.00 babacarlos Fold esekilly Fold KovacsGY Fold Snotblocked Fold TURBO-OMAR Fold CM888 Fold Csorsz3 Call 1.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, Jd, Js]

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Re: What's my play in this situation?

For me, its a $4-5 bet Any raise and Im out. I want to TOTALLY understand what my bet is....J,2 has me fcuked €2-3 might not be good enough to take it down
Agree, it's also possible they are drawing to a straight
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Re: What's my play in this situation? There's only $3.12 in the pot, why would you ever bet $4-5? FWIW if I bet, I bet like $2.4. Although sometimes I might check and make a delayed c-bet on the turn - in some people's minds this looks like a J. Read dependent as are most things... depends on the aggression of the other players. Whether I check or bet here I would have good reason though, either can be good.

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Re: What's my play in this situation? Aarggh! Not what you wanted to see:wall. His call tells you little other than he has something (Q,J,draw) and the turn card is dangerous. I'd check here, and fold to a bet. If he also has a Q or is still on the draw, he will probably take the free card. If the river was a blank, I'd put out a blocker bet of about a third of the pot (and again fold to a raise).

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Re: What's my play in this situation? I much prefer a bet/fold to a check fold here. The hands you are behind are Jx, K10 and 810. His range for calling the flop can be very wide Qx, any pocket pair, 109, A high, complete air looking to float. By check folding you will be giving up the best a hand a large amount of the time. As played I would bet about $5.50 and be folding to a raise. Checking seems far too weak to me especially as a lot of players float/bluff paired flops regularly, a check is under representing your hand imo and check raise isn't really much of an option. He may still call with a worse hand - 1010 will call a lot here, Q10 will call, KQ will call and maybe a few others, obviously if he raises you beat nothing but a bluff really or a made hand like one of the above turned into a bluff. If called river is obviously a check/fold unless he bets tiny or you spike a Q.

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