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chop the pot ?


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Anyone ever been asked to / agreed to split the winnings whilst heads up online ?? I've did this a few times in live tourneys with major differences between first and second place, but never online. Was heads up on stars tonight, even stacks, been that way for about half an hour, blinds getting bigger. The guy offered to split, winner does a transfer to loser of the difference between payments, and we both push next hand. etc etc.. I know you can transfer between players on stars, but is it allowed ??

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Re: chop the pot ? yeah u can send an email to support with table number on, and they will come immediately to the table as spectator chat, and do the split for you there and then. however, if you agree to a split in the way you describe it above, you have to be trusting of the guy your playing against, as lets face it, theres no legally binding way he has to give you the money...

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Re: chop the pot ? did a split once before for prize value of £3000.trust has to come into it but luckily it was a fellow pl player so that took the worry away. your pretty safe on stars doing one as it gets sorted for you,any other site im not sure about.

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