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Physical aspects of poker


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I was looking at my poker record for the past six months, in overall cash terms I've run only slightly ahead of break even . But it shows two huge upswings, followed by two gradual down swings. Variance ? sure. But here's the strange bit, the up swings match exactly the two weeks I've taken off work. Do I play much better poker when I've not had to deal with the stress of a hard day at work ? I guess the point of this thread is, are there phyiscal aspects to poker that I need to consider more ? I've read about people that use yoga and meditation to improve their game, does anyone here do this ? Do i simply have more bandwidth for poker when I'm not working ? Any thoughts?

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Re: Physical aspects of poker Many people say to keep your mind fit you need to keep your body fit which makes sense. A good example which counters this theory is greg raymer - poker god but hardly an athlete ;) I think though that you've got to be in the right mental state to play the game well, how each person gets into this state is each to their own but when i was into the focus games i genuinely used to do some amateur meditation pre game as i know my game isn't the strongest so needed to get totally focussed on my strategy and it paid off a lot. I don't do it for cash games though as there's no pressure to play hands like in tournaments so you can just chill anyway.

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Re: Physical aspects of poker "i genuinely used to do some amateur meditation pre game as i know my game isn't the strongest so needed to get totally focussed on my strategy and it paid off a lot. I don't do it for cash games though as there's no pressure to play hands like in tournaments so you can just chill anyway." No offence Nade but that's the funniest thing I've read in ages:rollin

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Re: Physical aspects of poker

"i genuinely used to do some amateur meditation pre game as i know my game isn't the strongest so needed to get totally focussed on my strategy and it paid off a lot. I don't do it for cash games though as there's no pressure to play hands like in tournaments so you can just chill anyway." No offence Nade but that's the funniest thing I've read in ages:rollin
I actually understand Nades point here, tournements have added pressure that cash games don't. In a cash game, it's simple you play the pot odds. In a tournement, some times you need to disregard this, as the blinds rise and M lowers. There is also the concept of the bubble that doesn't exisit in cash games. I actuallly find bubble play phyisically tiring, esp if it's a long one. I play 6 player sngs on stars mostly, 2 places paid. Quite often we get down to three players quickly and then spend 70 hands with fast rising blinds trying to knock someone out. This is the stage where mental and phyisical fitness shows I think
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Re: Physical aspects of poker It is quite obvious you shouldn't be playing poker while drunk...your decision making will be affected, probably adversely. Similarly don't play when you are poorly...again you won't be in the best of states when making complex decisions. Don't play when you are in a bad mood...yet again you'll be making bad plays. OK...the 3 above points will be found in most books you read on the subject. Stress is something else all together. It is less ''quantifiable'' than these other things. You know when you're not well, sloshed or angry. But you will not necessarily know when you are under stress and I think AJ's post indicates that he plays better poker when away from the ''stress'' that work puts upon him. So I would guess a bit of relaxation and stress management before playing poker would be beneficial to all of us. Although if my kids found me sat cross legged on the floor singing ''I'm so pretty...''...then I think I'd be sent off to the local psycho ward!

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Re: Physical aspects of poker Like AJ, I've noticed I play better when I'm a bit more relaxed. However, I also have noticed that if my 'focus' game is the first one I play, I often play poorly. Then I'll crash out, curse and play another tourney, where I seem to do better. It's almost like I need to warm up to playing proper profitable tournament poker. I'm not playing much at the moment, which means that when I do play I don't have such high expectations.

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Re: Physical aspects of poker Perhaps I've got the structure of my evening wrong, I tend to play for an hour, straight after putting my son to bed. Bed and bath time can be quite stressful, I'll try putting my poker back by 1 hour and clear my head see if it improves my results. Maybe try some exercise in the time window before I play. I seriously think this kind of stuff can add 10% to your game, just now I'm just ahead of break even, I did better last year before I changed jobs, new one is much more demanding.

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Re: Physical aspects of poker That biggest problem Im facing now is "knowing when Im ahead"... Twice in 2 nights, Ive lost big stacks after building up over 4 times my buy in (not going to mention figures but Im currently playing 1.50/3 games) Ive had very decent stacks and then play too long and lose shockers to new players at tables. Last night I had 6 times my buy in and was going to pull the plug. I stayed in and got done with KK on a King flop... :puke. My big raise was re-raised by A,3 clubs with only 1 club but also and ace on flop. Runner, runner did me. cost me 4 buy-ins. I decided to stick at it and landed a set of 8's post flop and went all-in to force another off the flop. He hit a straigh after calling... :puke I learned a valuable lesson in 2 nights - Now if I make 3 times my buy in, Im folding and leaving the table - Full fcuking STOP!!!!!

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