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Boss €20+2

Tom Hedonist

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Tonight I went out on the bubble in the midnight €20+2 on Boss :cryIts the first time I've played a tournie of that value, but following a good week at the cash tables I thought I'd splash out and treat myself. I think the most I've paid previously is $10+1. What amazed me is that we started with 196 runners, but by the first break we were down to 76! During the first hour people were playing like it was a freeroll or a rebuy :tongue2 I play the $4+.40 deepstack tournies on Laddies a couple of times each week, plus a fair few of the €3 to €5 tournies on Boss, and I've generally found the standard of ply better thanI witnessed tonight (for the first hour at least). For those who have experience of this level of buy in, is this style of play normal in the first hour? Or was it just drunken Saturday night idiots chancing their arm? :lol

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Re: Boss €20+2

For those who have experience of this level of buy in' date=' is this style of play normal in the first hour? Or was it just drunken Saturday night idiots chancing their arm?[/quote'] Does noone have anything to add? There must be several PLers who play tournies of this kind of level, or have done in the past. I'm surprised it didn't get any response whatsoever. :sad I'm thinking of having another crack at one of these soon. If the standard of play is as bad as it was last time, I'm thinking there's massive value there. Any thoughts? :ok
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Re: Boss €20+2

For those who have experience of this level of buy in' date=' is this style of play normal in the first hour? Or was it just drunken Saturday night idiots chancing their arm? :lol[/quote'] I was probably one of the drunken idiots!:cheers Only joking TH...a Midnight start is too late for me I'm afraid but I'd imagine if you're sober then you should have an edge! Try not to worry about the cost of the buy in and play your normal game....may variance be on your side! :hope TQM
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Re: Boss €20+2 Hi Tom I have played a couple of these and yes the "Hansen" approach does seem common the last one i played tag first hour and cashed but not by far,it doesn't alter much on boss i.m.o on the 50e buy in either.

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Re: Boss €20+2 I don't think this says anything good about me, but my top three MTT cashes have been late on a Saturday night.:$ Tom, you are right. The MTT's (on Boss particularly) do seem to attract some loose (read: drunk) players at the weekend. As TQM says, play your normal game and you'll do fine. Boss MTT's at all lower levels, at all times are relatively loose, IMO.

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Re: Boss €20+2 Cheers TQM. :ok My current plan is to make the buy-in (and more :hope) by playing hyper-aggressive on the low stakes cash tables, so effectively I'm freerolling :nana With the the 1st prize at over €1100 I only need to come in first place 2% of the time to break even. With over half the field gone by the first break, I feel like I'm in with a decent chance of cashing and hopefully I can do better than just cashing more often than 2% of the time.

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Re: Boss €20+2 yeah you do get some real donks on boss sometimes no matter what the level:ok was playing 50 euro stts last night and saw probably the worst player i have ever seen:loon he lasted 10 hands in which he flat called every hand preflop ,only folded post flop twice,never raised . he went out with a call on the river with ace high on a very dangerous board with straight and flush possabilitys. he did win one hand against me .this was the third hand and i was lucky he was a muppet or i would have been out:loonmind you i cant see anyone else would have played it like he did:\ he flat calls ,i'm on the button and i have ak so raise to 5x bb(150),again he flat calls. board comes a 4 5 rainbow he checks and i bet the pot,again he flat calls. turn comes a 2 same as before he checks and i bet the pot he flat calls.im now worried he has ace rag:eek river comes down a 3 so i'm playing the board now with the straight.he checks again and i do the same, i see no reason to push as it looks like he will call whatever anyway. bit of luck i didnt as he had j6os:lol:lol so he called down 3 big bets with a gutshot draw then didnt even bet when he hit it :spank.and with about 50%of my stack in it would be hard to fold.

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