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Prop Bet League


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Re: Prop Bet League Idea Prop League 1 $20 Buy in Tournaments PL PokerKings League PL PokerTrillion Monthly Buy In PL v Blonde PokerTrillion Challenge PokerTrillion Welcome Back Freeroll Maybe 1 or 2 More Tourney as well Best 5 scores Count(Must Play 3 tourney min)BPP scores Prop League 2 $30 Buy In Tournaments PokerKings Monthly League Best 10 scores Count Any Feedback on this Idea would be nice please I will do a proper sign up thread for May Before Friday..

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Re: Prop Bet League

I'm happy with PK Monthly League. A tourny at a set time everynight, you know where you are. Or is there another Monthly league you know about where there's more value?
I liked the PK Monthly League one too and I would like to see it running every month... I have included (idea at the moment) another prop bet league (Prop Bet League 1) for PL tourneys and challenge and value tourney at the pokersites who support PL forum with Tourneys.. Maybe PokerTrillion would like to do a Monthly League at there new home for all of there players...(something like pokerkings monthly league)
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Re: Prop Bet League If theres enough interest then dobb perhaps we'll leave the PK one as it is and get some sort of other prop bet set up. I'd say you me strider and GeordiGaz are already definites for next months PK league don't know how the others already playing feel.

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Re: Prop Bet League prop21dl2.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----242points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7) TQM----209points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8) Strider----156points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30) dobbin----138points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9) Gaf----79points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12) Rivrd ------59points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League prop22rh8.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----242points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7) TQM----224points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15) Strider----176points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20) dobbin----145points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7) Gaf----79points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12) Rivrd ------59points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League prop23jt2.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----242points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7) TQM----224points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15) Strider----191points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20)+(15) dobbin----145points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7) Gaf----89points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10) Rivrd ------71points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League pkzm8.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----252points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10) TQM----224points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15) Strider----191points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15) dobbin----145points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7) Gaf----98points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9) Rivrd ------71points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League Payments Of PrizePool Winnings Just to let you Know I will be paying the prizepool on Wednesday 30th April Straight after the Last League Tournament has finished.. The PrizePool $405 1st Place $202.50 2nd Place $121.50 3rd Place $81 Can SteveO,TQM,Strider pm me your fulltilt username .... Also to SteveO and strider...Do you want me to take out Mays $50 prop bet and send you the difference.... We are doing the same prop bet league in May...If you want to join Details http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66290

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Re: Prop Bet League prop24zd8.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----302points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10)+(50) TQM----224points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15) Strider----191points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15) dobbin----145points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7) Gaf----105points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9)+(7) Rivrd ------71points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League pkdl1.jpg SteveO----302points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10)+(5 0) TQM----264points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15)+(40*) dobbin----205points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7)+(60*) Strider----191points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15) Gaf----105points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9)+(7) Rivrd ------71points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+

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Re: Prop Bet League

LeaderBoard Update SteveO----302points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10)+(5 0) TQM----264points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15)+(40) dobbin----205points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7)+(60) Strider----191points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15) Gaf----105points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9)+(7) Rivrd ------71points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+ Ty strider for the screen shot.... Pokerkings kicked me out.....:wall
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Re: Prop Bet League prop26mt7.jpg LeaderBoard Update SteveO----352points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10)+(50)+(50) TQM----264points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15)+(4 0) dobbin----205points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7)+(60) Strider----192points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15)+(8) Gaf----105points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9)+(7) Rivrd ------83points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+ Strider Your 9th place tonight(8points)has being added but I had to take away your 10th place finish(7points) on the 20th April has you have 11 final table scores and only the top 10 count for the prop bet.. Well done To SteveO ($202.50) money sent to you The First Winner of the Prop Bet League Well Done To TQM ($121.50) money sent to you For 2nd Place The Race is still on for 3rd place between Dobbin and Strider Tommorow is the Last Tournament in April Strider will need a 3rd place finish without Dobbin reaching the Final Table. If Dobbin gets 10th,or 9th Place Finish,Strider will need a 3rd place finish If Dobbin gets 8th Place and Strider gets a 3rd place it will be a tie... If Dobbin gets 7th,6th,or 5th place ,Strider will need a 2nd place finish If Dobbin gets 4th place ,Strider will need to Win If Dobbin gets 3rd or better place,Strider will not be able to finish above Dobbin The Mays Prop League is now posted... All the details are here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66290 The deadline to join is 7.30pm 1st May

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Re: Prop Bet League My money's sitting in the Full Tilt account....cheers Dobbin and thanks for putting in the time and effort to run this! :clap:clap Congratulations to SteveO on a fantastic performance including 2 consecutive wins when they were needed....all the best tonight in your quest to be overall champ for the month! :hope Good luck on the 3rd place scrap tonight......I intend to bad beat everyone in the running for a prize!:lol Finally, I won't manage to play in the prop bet next month....got promoted at work 8 weeks ago and I haven't got the same time on my hands to play 4 or 5 tournies every night.:cry:cry The golf season also begins in earnest so poker will be kept to a bare minimum!:\ I'll be back for the prop bet in September if it's still going! :ok TQM

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Re: Prop Bet League prop27og9.jpg Final LeaderBoard SteveO----375points(40)+(40)+(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(7)+(10)+(50)+(50)+(30) TQM----264points(15)+(50)+(40)+(50)+(30)+(16)+(8)+(15)+(4 0) dobbin----217points(40)+(8)+(15)+(40)+(12)+(14)+(9)+(7)+(60)+(12) Strider----192points(20)+(9)+(30)+(20)+(30)+(7)+(10)+(30)+(20 )+(15)+(8) Gaf----105points (8)+(7)+(12)+(30)+(10)+(12)+(10)+(9)+(7) Rivrd ------83points(24*)+(7)+(8)+(20)+(12)+(12) Jolly67-----40points(20)+(20) Dave488----39points(30)+(9) Fonzie-----8points(8)+ Final Standings 1st Place SteveO 2nd Place TQM 3rd Place Dobbin Well Done All:clap

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